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Prescribed and recommended textbooks: Home

Welcome to the subject guide for prescribed and recommended textbooks. This guide will introduce you to valuable information on the prescribed and recommended books, as well as the lists itself. 

Prescribed books

Prescribed books refer to the specific textbooks or reading materials that are required by lecturers for specific courses. They serve as the primary source of information and learning material, covering key concepts and theories relevant to the subject. They serve as the primary source of information and learning material, covering key concepts and theories relevant to the subject.


Library's Guidelines on prescribed and recommended material

Recommended books

Recommended books are additional reading materials suggested by lecturers to enhance students' understanding and knowledge of a particular subject or topic. Unlike prescribed books, recommended books are not mandatory, but they are highly encouraged for students who want to deepen their understanding, explore alternative perspectives, or delve into more advanced concepts related to the course. 

University's Guidelines on prescribed material

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Ernest Sefolo
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