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Accounting: Databases & Journals


Accredited Journals

Financial Times Top 50 Journals

1. Academy of Management Journal 

2. Academy of Management Review 

3. Accounting, Organizations and Society 
4. Administrative Science Quarterly 
5. American Economic Review 
6. Contemporary Accounting Research
7. Econometrica
8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 
9. Harvard Business Review 
10. Human Relations* 
11. Human Resource Management
12. Information Systems Research

13. Journal of Accounting and Economics 

14. Journal of Accounting Research 
15. Journal of Applied Psychology 
16. Journal of Business Ethics 
17. Journal of Business Venturing 
18. Journal of Consumer Psychology 
19. Journal of Consumer Research 
20. Journal of Finance 
21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
22. Journal of Financial Economics 
23. Journal of International Business Studies
24. Journal of Management* 
25. Journal of Management Information Systems*
26. Journal of Management Studies 
27. Journal of Marketing 
28. Journal of Marketing Research 
29. Journal of Operations Management 
30. Journal of Political Economy 
31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science* 
32. Management Science 
33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management* 
34. Marketing Science 
35. MIS Quarterly 
36. Operations Research 
37. Organization Science 
38. Organization Studies 
39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 
40. Production and Operations Management 
41. Quarterly Journal of Economics 
42. Research Policy* 
43. Review of Accounting Studies
44. Review of Economic Studies* 
45. Review of Finance* 
46. Review of Financial Studies 
47. Sloan Management Review 
48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal* 
49. Strategic Management Journal 
50. The Accounting Review
Source: Financial Times (Ormans, L, September 2016)

What are Predatory Journals?

Predatory open-access publishing is an exploitative open-access academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without providing the editorial and publishing services associated with legitimate journals (open access or not).

(, accessed on 08/05/2018)

National Research Foundation (South Africa) - Statement on Predatory Publishers

How do I Identify a Predatory Journal?


check the pointers below on how to identify a predatory journal:

  • Invitation to publish via overly flattering e-mails
  • Deception/hijacking – they use the same title as a well-known existing journal
  • Broad journal title – includes subject fields not normally grouped together
  • Charge exuberant author fees – more than $5,000.
  • High acceptance rate – more than 50%
  • Rapid publication – little or no peer-review
  • Authors are not required to rework material – publish without changes
  • No ISSN or DOI (digital object identifier)
  • Editorial board members
    - no affiliation, experience or contact detail
    - Gmail or yahoo e-mail addresses (not academic)
    - do these people know they are on the Board?
  • Fake websites
    - do not exist
    - poorly maintained
    - spelling mistakes
    - dead links
  • Proof of peer review
  • Indexed by typical databases in the field
  • Journal claims to have an impact factor – but no way of confirming this
  • Trust your professional judgment

            If something feels wrong, it probably is!

Lists that Identify Predatory Journals


Beall’s list of predatory journals (Archived on internet archive as at 31.12.2016) 


The Extent of South African Authored Articles in Predatory Journals

A Research article by Johann Mouton and Astrid Valentine, 2017.

Tips to Avoid Predatory Jouranls and Conferences

This article is a summary of a full-length guide, complete with a full list of references, by Sarah Eaton, 2018.

Avoiding Predatory Journals and Questionable Conferences

A Resource Guide by Sarah Eaton, 2018.