The importance of referencing:
All new knowledge is built on previous knowledge. In academic writing, such as assignments, theses, research articles, and reports, it is standard practice to give an overview of the current knowledge about a topic and provide evidence to support your points. These ideas will form the foundation for your arguments and will be integrated into your work by:
– quoting (using the exact words of another),
– paraphrasing (using the ideas of another in your own words),
– summarising (using the main points of another),
– translate the original text and summarise or paraphrase it.
The ability to relate one's work to existing knowledge is a skill that needs to be mastered by every student. This is done by acknowledging all the sources of information in the text of your assignments and providing a list of these sources in the form of a bibliography or reference list in the specific style that your Faculty prescribes.
If this is not done correctly, it may give the impression that you are trying to pass off the work of another as your own, and you may be accused of committing plagiarism, which is a serious offense.
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