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Cardiology: Researcher Profiles

Welcome to the Cardiology Subject Guide

Increase Research Visibility and Impact

Ways to increase visibility, impact, and citations of your published research 

New ways of communicating scientific discoveries through open science platforms also known as academic profile platforms have emerged for storing, publishing, and disseminating research findings.  Researchers as well as research institutions embrace open access and make research as accessible and as open as possible to increase visibility and impact. 

What do these research(er) profiling tools do?

In the submission of annual progress reports, data on journal impact factors, citation scores, accumulative citations, article-level metrics, author-level metrics including altmetrics that quantify social media attention received by scientific work is extracted from Scopus, Web of Science,Dimensions, and other profiling tools (Baheti & Bhargava, 2017). 

Visibility of who?

  • Researcher
  • Research
  • Supervised work
    • Masters (thesis/dissertations, datasets, articles…)
    • Doctoral (thesis/dissertations, datasets, articles...)
    • Step 4 in the Thesis / Dissertation guidelines provide steps on how to improve thesis/dissertation visibility and impact  
  • Co-authors and their co-authors…
  • See how other researchers have profiled their scholarly work
  • Go through the Research(er) Visibility Check and spend some time updating your profile


Strategies to Increase Research Visibility and Impact

There are a number of ways one can increase research visibility and impact:

How to create a researcher profile account?

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