SpringerLinkThis link opens in a new windowSpringerLink is the premier electronic data source from Springer for researchers in biomedicine, life science, clinical medicine, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, humanities, social sciences and economics.
EBSCOhostThis link opens in a new windowEBSCOhost databases and discovery technologies are the most-used, premium online information resources for tens of thousands of institutions worldwide, representing millions of end-users.
ProQuestThis link opens in a new windowProQuest’s collections span six centuries, all disciplines and the diverse content types needed by researchers, providing the world’s largest collection of dissertations and theses; three centuries of newspapers; more than 450,000 academic ebooks; collections of important scholarly journals and other content researchers need such as data; and unique digital vaults of primary source materials . ProQuest’s renowned abstracting and indexing enables researchers to find sources in their area of study.
LexisNexis ButterworthsThis link opens in a new windowLexisNexis pioneered the electronic accessibility of legal and journalistic documents. As of 2006, the company has the world's largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information.
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