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Political Sciences: Search Strategies

Welcome to the Political Sciences subject guide. This guide will introduce you to valuable information sources that are tailor-made for the subject, as well as services and facilities offered by the UP DLS

Database Search Tips & Wildcards

"Alternatively referred to as a wild character or wildcard character, a wildcard is a symbol used to replace or represent one or more characters. Wildcards are typically either an asterisk (*), which represents one or more characters or question mark (?), which represents a single character."







Add to end of word to retrieve variant endings.

connect* : connectconnectionconnectivity, etc.

Question mark


Replace 0 to 9 unknown characters in a search term.

res?4tion : respirationrestora-tionreservation, etc.

Number sign


Replace one character in a search.

globali#ation: globalization and globalization

Quotation marks

“    “

Create a phrase

“South Africa” : only words next to each other

Proximity search

(not all databases)

N number

Finds both terms, in any order, with no more than the specified number of words between

International n2 relations

International political relations

International cultural relations


Physical reference works in the Reference Section on Level 6

There are yearbooks in this section that contain country profiles, e.g. Europa World Yearbook. Shelf number N 320. Please note: you may take photos of the reference material, but the books do not circulate (you cannot borrow them).


Useful sites and subscription databases for a start:

ABI/Inform Collection (Subscription Database)

Use Advanced Search. Scroll down to the Location field. Type the country's name in the Location field, click Find, choose it and click on Add to Search, and then also choose Country Report as your chosen Document Type. Now click on Search.

Atlapedia Online

Basic information and maps.

BBC News Country Profiles

Full profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions.

They also include audio and video clips from BBC archives. Select a country, territory or international organisation from the menus.

Business Source Complete (Subscription Database)

Use Advanced Search, and before you search, scroll down and choose Country Report from Publication Type.

CIA World Factbook

The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 265 world entities.

European Union Member Country profiles

Basic information and statistical profiles, activity within the EU.

ILOSTAT Country Profiles

Downloadable labor statistics, 2009-to present


NationMaster is a statistics database which offers a large directory of variables for comparison purposes.

A wide range of economic and demographic indicators are available, across 300 industry verticals (agriculture, consumer goods, ICT, pharma…)

With NationMaster you can track thousands of statistics as and when they are released. The database is composed of data from trustworthy sources such as national statistic agencies, governments, international organizations... (UNDP, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UNCTAD, WTO, World Bank, World Health Organization, OECD and many others)

OECD i-Library 

OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers, podcasts and statistics and is the knowledge base of OECD's analysis and data.

One World Countries and Regions

Basic background information and statistics as well as links to official government sites for each country, maps and news. Includes links to art and culture, business & economy, tourism, history, etc. Many of these originate within the country.

Oxford Analytica Country Profiles (Subscription. Journal)

Journal by Oxford Analytica with country profile information.

UN World Statistics Pocketbook

The World Statistics Pocketbook is an annual compilation of key economic, social and environmental indicators, presented in one-page profiles and selected from the wealth of international statistical information compiled regularly by the Statistics Division and the Population Division of the United Nations, the statistical services of the United Nations specialized agencies and other international organizations and institutions

World Bank: Open Knowledge Repository

A collection of studies and documents from the World Bank. Click Collections to browse by resource type. Look for Country Strategy Documents and Economic and Sector Work Studies. Click Topics to browse or search for your topic.

World Values Survey

The World Values Survey (WVS) is an international research program devoted to the scientific and academic study of social, political, economic, religious and cultural values of people in the world. The project’s goal is to assess which impact values stability or change over time has on the social, political and economic development of countries and societies. The project grew out of the European Values Study and was started in 1981 by its Founder and first President (1981-2013) Professor Ronald Inglehart from the University of Michigan (USA) and his team, and since then has been operating in more than 120 world societies.

Searching With Keywords

Sharing with thanks to the Lehman College Library.

Formulate a search strategy

1.Do background reading, familiarize yourself with your topic.
2.Define concepts.

Analyse your topic to identify concepts: 

nouns and verbs
reformulate your topic
who - what - where - when – why
3.Define search terms, Boolean operators, wildcards, truncation.
Define search terms:
Include synonyms, use a reference book (dictionary and thesaurus) to find synonyms, 
British vs American English spelling,
Subject Headings for books in the library system and thesauri of the databases [controlled vocabulary],
Hierachies - broader terms eg national symbols when searching for flags, narrower terms eg flags and anthems when searching  for national symbols,
Jargon in the field and plain English other related terms that may have evolved,
Add your subject to narrow down results, if necessary.
Define Boolean operators:
Combine your search terms with AND, OR or NOT.
OR broadens the search, NOT narrows the search.
The Advanced Search option in databases has rows with search options, linked by AND, OR and NOT.
The default  setting is AND.

Define wildcards and truncation:

A wildcard is a symbol used to replace or represent one or more characters.
Asterisk * add to end of word to retrieve variant endings
Number sign Hash # replace letter in a word
Quotation marks  "   "  create a phrase
Question mark ? replaces letters in a word
Reali#ation: realisation, realization
Globali#ation: globalization, globalisation
arch?4logy: archaeology, archeology
south* Africa*”: southern Africa, southern African, south Africans etc.