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Prescribed Readings
Chikozho, C. & Nhemachena, C. 2017. Policy and institutional dimensions of Africa's political economy in an age of globalization. Harare: African Capacity Building Foundation.
Colebatch, H. 2018. The idea of policy design: Intention, process, outcome, meaning, and validity. Public Policy and Administration, 33(4):365-383.
Davidovitz, M. & Cohen, N. 2021. Politicians’ involvement in street-level policy implementation: Implications for social equity, Public Policy and Administration. June 2021.
Desmond, C., Timol, F., Groenewald, C. & Sausi, K. 2017. Towards the development of a contextualised homelessness policy: a Durban case study. (HSRC Policy Brief, November).
Desmond, C., Viviers, A., Edwards, T., Rich, K., Martin, P. & Richter, L. 2019. Priority-setting in the rollout of South Africa’s National Integrated ECD Policy. Early Years, 39(3):276-294.
Donaldson, L.P. & Shields, J. 2009. Development of the Policy Advocacy Behavior Scale: Initial Reliability and Validity. Research on Social Work Practice. 19(1):83-92.
Durnová, A.P. & Hejzlarová, E.M. 2018. Framing policy designs through contradictory emotions: The case of Czech single mothers. Public Policy and Administration, 33(4):409-427.
Fitzpatrick, T. 2004. Social Policy and Time. Time & Society. 13(2/3):197-219.
Godsäter, A. & Söderbaum, F. 2017. Civil society participation in regional social policy: The case of HIV/AIDS in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Global Social Policy. 17(2):119-136.
Hongoro, C, Rutebemberwa, E., Twalo, T., Mwendera, C., Douglas, M., Mukuru, M., Kasasa, S. & Ssengooba, F. 2018. Analysis of selected policies towards universal health coverage in Uganda: the policy implementation barometer protocol. Archives of Public Health. 76(12): 1-12.
Hoppe R. 2018. Heuristics for practitioners of policy design: Rules-of-thumb for structuring unstructured problems. Public Policy and Administration, 33(4):384-408.
Horsell, C. 2017. A politics of compassion: Informing a new social policy for homelessness? International Social Work. 60(4):966- 975.
Howlett, M., Ramesh, M. & Wu, X. 2015. Understanding the persistence of policy failures: The role of politics, governance and uncertainty. Public Policy and Administration, 30(3-4): 209-220.
Hung, N.T., Trang, V.T., Ly, D.K.K., Hanh, L.H., Long, N.X., Nam, P.T. 2021. Policy response for disadvantaged groups during the COVID-19 pandemic: Vietnam experiences. International Social Work, 64(5):750-755.
Iatridis, D. 2009. Critical Social Policy. In Midgley, J & Livermore, M (Eds). The Handbook of Social Policy. 2nd Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Immergut, E.M. 2011. Democratic Theory and Policy Analysis: Four Models of “Policy, Politics and Choice”. Recht und Management. 2011(1):69-86.
Jones, J., Clark, J. & Tripidaki, G. 2012. Social risk assessment and social capital: A significant parameter for the formation of climate change policies. The Social Science Journal, 49:33–41.
Kaasch, A. & Schulze Waltrup, R. 2021. Introduction: Global eco-social policy: Contestation within an emerging policy era? Global Social Policy, 21(2):319-322.
Kamaljit K. Sangha, K.S., Russell-Smith, J. & Costanza, R. 2019. Mainstreaming indigenous and local communities’ connections with nature for policy decision-making. Global Ecology and Conservation, 19:e00668.
Kanyane, M.H., Mle, T. & Maclean, S. 2015. Policy decisions and their implications on service delivery in South Africa. In Allen-Ile, C.O.K., Kanyane, M.H. & Ile, I.U. (Eds). Governance and resource management in southern Africa: challenges and opportunities for advancement. Durban: Reach Publishers. 2-15. copyright
Lee, S. & Aos, S. 2011. Using Cost–Benefit Analysis to Understand the Value of Social Interventions. Research on Social Work Practice. 21(6):682-688.
Lindström, J., Viklund, P., Tideman, F., Hällgren, B. & Elvelin, J. 2019. Oh no – not another policy! Oh Yes – an OT policy! Procedia CIRP, 81 (2019): 582-587.
Lombard, A. & Viviers, A. 2020. The micro-macro nexus: Rethinking the relationship between social work, social policy and wider policy in a changing world. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(2) 8:2261–2278.
Mavrot, C. & Hadorn, S. 2021. When politicians do not care for the policy: Street-level compliance in cross-agency contexts. Public Policy and Administration, February 2021, 38(3):267-286.
McConnell, A. 2015. What is policy failure? A primer to help navigate the maze. Public Policy and Administration, 30(3-4):221-242.
McCulloch1, T. & Webb, S. 2020. What the Public Think about Social Services: A Report from Scotland. British Journal of Social Work, 50:1146–1166.
Morison, T., Lynch, I. & Macleod, C. 2016. Focus on 'the family'?: how South African family policy could fail us. (HSRC Policy Brief, March).
Murooka, T. & Schwarz, M.A. 2018. The timing of choice-enhancing policies. Journal of Public Economics, 157:27-40.
Naicker, P. 2016. The developmental paradox: examples from the child support grant in South Africa. Global Social Policy, 16(2):212-214.
Nkondo, G.M. 2007. Ubuntu as public policy in South Africa: a conceptual framework. International Journal of African Renaissance Studies, 2(1):88-100.
Noyoo, N. 2018. Social policy after two decades of democracy in South Africa: A call for social re-engineering? The Thinker, 77(2018):22-27.
Nyenti, M. 2016. Role of constitutional principles and values in the development of social protection in South Africa. Global Social Policy, 16(2):201-217.
Plagerson, S., Patel, L., Hochfeld, T. & Ulriksen. M.S. 2019. Social policy in South Africa: Navigating the route to social development. World Development, 113(2019):1-9.
Richter, L. & Samuels, M-L. 2018. The South African universal preschool year: a policy development and implementation case study. Child: care, health and development, 44(1):12-18.
Rovny, A.E. 2014. The capacity of social policies to combat poverty among new social risk groups. Journal of European Social Policy, 24(5):405-423.
Samanta, A. & Hand, L. 2021. Examining the “in-between” of public encounters: Evidence from two seemingly disparate policy contexts. Public Policy and Administration, July 2021.
Silva, P.G. 2018. Social workers in the Revolution: Social work’s political agency and intervention in the Portuguese democratic transition (1974–1976). International Social Work, 61(3):425–436.
Spies-Butcher, B. & Stebbing, A. 2016. Climate change and the welfare state? Exploring Australian attitudes to climate and social policy. Journal of Sociology, 52(4):741–758.
Todes, A. & Turok, I. 2017. Spatial inequalities and policies in South Africa: place-based or people-centred? Progress in Planning,
Turnbull, N. 2018. Policy design: Its enduring appeal in a complex world and how to think it differently. Public Policy and Administration, 33(4):357-364.
Twalo, T. 2018. Challenges of knowledge production and knowledge use among researchers and policy-makers. Educational Action Research.
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. 2017. From the Millennium Development Goals to the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2063: Lessons for Africa. (ECA Policy Brief, ECA/17/001).
Uwe Dombrowski, u. & Wagner, T. 2014. Mental strain as field of action in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Procedia CIRP, 17:100-105.
Vargas-Hernandez, J., Noruzi, M.R. & Ali, I.F.N.H. 2011. What is Policy, Social Policy, and Social Policy Changing? International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(10):287-291. copyright
Waylen, K.A., Blackstock, et. al.. 2019. Policy-driven monitoring and evaluation: Does it support adaptive management of socio-ecological systems? Science of the Total Environment, 662:373-384.
Yang, L. 2020. Developing collaboration between research-oriented and practice-oriented experts in public administration: How does expert participation make a difference in public policy making and governance practice? Public Policy and Administration, September 2020. (2023, 38(1), 58-82.
Yu, K. & Magaya, I. 2018. Informing policy-making with systemic reviews and evidence gap maps. (HSRC Policy Brief, March)
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