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Import citations
Covidence works seamlessly with reference managers like EndNote, Zotero, Refworks, Mendeley or any tool that support RIS or PubMed formats.
Use machine learning
Integrated with the Cochrane Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) classifier, which allows you to quickly and accurately filter out the studies that are not RCTs.
Screen titles & abstracts
Breeze through screening with keyword highlighting & a lightning-quick interface. Covidence keeps full records of who voted and also supports single or dual screeners.
Covidence also automatically uploads open-access studies in the full-text review.
Upload references
Transfer PDFs stored in your reference manager to Covidence in a few clicks.
Screen full text
Decide quickly on studies in full text by highlighting keywords or phrases.C apture reasons for exclusion and any notes so you can resolve any disagreements quickly, with a click of a button.
Do data extraction
Save time and reduce reworks with the flexibility to create custom templates to suit your needs, extract your data however you need it, and keep everyone on the same page during the process.
Risk of bias
Automatically populate your risk of bias tables by highlighting and commenting on text directly in your PDF. No more cut and paste.
Export a single, machine-readable file that easily integrates into all the common statistics packages, so you can continue your review in your preferred software.