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English: Databases

This guide will provide students, researchers and staff with access to subject and information resources.

E-Resources overview

The UP Library provides access to:

434 databases

191 224 e-journals

610 616 e-books and

516 395 print books,

covering ALL subject areas.

You have access to the databases from anywhere in the world, provided that you are a registered student or lecturer of the library and University of Pretoria.

The subscription databases are very important for academic research, as they index many of the important journals, conference proceedings (and books), on a specific subject, and when properly used, enable you to find and focus on the most relevant references. Remember that no search engine will cover all of the academic and scientific references you need. If you need to, please contact your Information Specialist.

To access databases, you need your UP Login (Student/Personnel number + Password).

Direct your queries to your Information Specialist or the Library Help Desk Tel.: +27 12 420 2802. 

"Discovery Tools"

Use Google Scholar to find scholarly and peer-reviewed materials.

(Using the Google Scholar search box on the library homepage enables you to find scholarly materials to which we have access in full-text. Please take some time beforehand to check recommendations for your Google Scholar settings on the Access & Discovery subject guide).

Google Scholar Search