Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation by John HayesISBN: 9780687055319
Publication Date: 1999-04-01
The Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation is a comprehensive reference work that explores the history of human reflection and research on the meaning of the Old and New Testaments. This major new reference work on the theory and practice of biblical interpretation explores the history of reflection, research, and commentary on Scripture by: * reviewing the lives and ideas of men and women who have made significant contributions to biblical interpretation * exploring the history of interpretation of the various biblical writings, including apocryphal and deuterocanonical works * examining numerous methods and movements that have informed the reading of Scripture, from the first century to the present day. * Nearly 400 scholars from around the world have contributed over 1,000 signed articles, making this the most comprehensive resource of its kind* Ecumenical (Jewish, Protestant, Orthodox, Roman Catholic), international (African, Australian, European, Middle Eastern, and North American), and eclectic, examining a broad array of perspectives on and procedures for biblical interpretation.