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Catholic Encyclopedia and Web Resources
Catholic Encyclopedia
The Catholic Encyclopedia, as its name implies, proposes to give its readers full and authoritative information on the entire cycle of Catholic interests, action and doctrine
Catholic Research Resources Portal
The Catholic Research Resources Portal, or "Catholic Portal," provides access to and discovery of rare, unique and uncommon Catholic scholarly resources via robust search and display tools. By electronically bringing together resources in many formats from many collections, the Portal enables easy, effective and global discovery of Catholic research resources. It is searchable on every page of our website.
Christian Classics Ethereal
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is an online source for classic Christian writings. The Early Church Fathers section of the CCEL site provides English translations of the Church Fathers from the Ante-Nicene and Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers series, a set of late nineteenth century translations now available in the public domain. The Ante-Nicene Fathers covers writers from the Apostolic Fathers to 325. The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers consists of Series I (Augustine and John Chrysostom) and Series II (other Greek and Latin Fathers from Eusebius to Gregory the Great). Each volume contains a table of contents (which unfortunately is not collapsible and can be difficult to navigate) and indexes of scripture references, phrases in the relevant ancient and modern languages, and pages in the print edition. The library is searchable from the main CCEL page. While more modern translations of the Fathers are usually available in print form, those at the CCEL are free and easily accessible. The user should be aware of the devotional nature of the site. The same material is available in a somewhat different format at Early Church Fathers v2.0, which also contains additional material linked from CCEL, and New Advent, a Catholic devotional site. The latter has the advantage of listing authors alphabetically by name rather than by NPNF volume, in which it can be difficult to find authors if the volume in which they appear is unknown.
Annotation provided by Juliet Crawford Schwab.
CRRA - The Catholic Intellectual Tradition
This guide provides links to the works of some of Catholicism's greatest minds, as well as biographical information and related scholarship.
CRRA - Vatican II
This guide connects users to resources on Vatican II in the Catholic Portal and at CRRA institutions as well as to news resources in the Catholic News Archive. It also acts as a bibliography to important primary source and reference materials on the Second Vatican Council.
Early Christian Writings
Early Christian Writings is the most complete collection of Christian texts before the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The site provides translations and commentary for these sources, including the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers, and some non-Christian references
The Holy Father
Benedict XVI
John Paul II
John Paul I
Paul VI
Pius XII
Pius XI
Benedict XV
Pius X
The Holy See
Visit the Vatican home page to find information on all aspects of the central government of the Church. The site provides Vatican contact information, access to the Vatican Library collection, news and current events in the church, information on liturgical celebrations, the Roman Curia, and more.
New Advent
This website offers articles on the church fathers and their work and writings.
Polonsky Foundation Digitization Foundation
Joint effort of the Vatican Library and the University of Oxford. This digitization project will focus on three main groups of texts: Hebrew manuscripts, Greek manuscripts, and incunabula, or 15th-century printed books.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
This site details the USCCB's efforts to address ethical and social issues in America through collaboration with local bishops and international Catholic organizations. The site includes resources on a large spectrum of specific issues.
Writings of the Early Church Fathers
The Writing of the Early Church Fathers is a 38-volume collection of writings from the first 800 years of the Church. This collection is divided into three series, Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene.