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New Books at Special Collections: 2022 Archive

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The Lie of 1652: A Decolonised History of Land by Patric Tariq Mellet – Africana Collection.

Published by Tafelberg, an imprint of NB Publishers, 2020.

BLURB: “In this radical critique of established pre-colonial and colonial history, heritage activist Patric Tariq Mellet retells the story of dispossession, the destruction of livelihoods and the brutality of slavery in South Africa. Drawing on scholarly work and his own experience of searching for identity, Mellet provides a bold new perspective on the loss of land and belonging.

Characters such as Autshumao, Krotoa and Doman come to life in the story of the founding of a port at Cape Town - over 50 years before Jan van Riebeeck arrived. The Lie of 1652 debunks the 'empty-land' myth and claims of a 'Bantu invasion', while outlining 220 years of war and resistance. It recounts the history of migration to the Cape by Africans, Indians, Southeast Asians and Europeans, providing a provocative perspective on the de-Africanisation of local people of colour.

The Lie of 1652 explores what Africans lost through the expropriation of land and, by extension, home, belonging and social cohesion. It is also a plea for restoration, and for recognition of the ties that bind us as Africans of diverse ethnicities and cultures.”

Patric Tariq Mellet was born and raised in the Salt River, Woodstock and District Six districts of Cape Town. He is a former liberation movement cadre, who returned from exile in 1990. His MSc dissertation from Buckinghamshire New University is titled: Heritage Tourism - Cape Slavery and Indigenous People. In 2009 his work on the intangible heritage of the Cape received a Western Cape Provincial Honours award. In 2019 the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture appointed him to the Governance Council of the South African Heritage Resources Agency. He has a long history of and passion for engaging in film, publishing and museology projects.

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Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists by Ina Fourie– Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Routledge, 2021.

BLURB: “Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists illustrates that autoethnog- raphy is a rich qualitative research method that can enhance understanding of one's own work experiences, whilst also facilitating the design of tailored experiences for a variety of audiences.

Starting with the position that librarians and information scientists require deep insight into people's experiences, needs and information behaviour in order to design appropriate services and information interventions, this book shows that using only conventional methods, such as questionnaires and focus groups, is insufficient. Arguing that autoethnography can provide unique insights into users' cultural experiences and needs, contributors to this volume introduce the reader to different types of autoethnography. Highlighting common challenges and clarifying how autoethnography can be combined with other research methods, this book will empower librarians and information scientists to conceptualise topics for autoethnographic research, whilst also ensuring that they adhere to strict ethical guidelines. Chapters within the volume also demonstrate how to produce autoethnographic writing and stress the need to analyse autoethnographies produced by others.

Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists is essential reading for any librarian, information scientist or student looking to deepen their under- standing of their own experiences. It will be particularly useful to those engaged in the study of service provision, user studies and information behaviour.”

Ina Fourie is a full professor and Head of Department of Information Sci-ence, University of Pretoria. Professor Fourie is currently Vice Chair of the ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) Steering Committee and part of the ASIS&T (Association of Information Science and Technology) Executive Board as Treasurer. She has published more than 130 articles, books and conference papers and has presented in more than 16 countries.

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Logic and African Philosophy: Seminal Essays on African Systems of Thought, edited by Jonathan O. Chimakonam – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Vernon Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Logic and African Philosophy: Seminal Essays on African Systems of Thought aims to put African intellectual history in perspective, with focus on the subjects of racism, logic, language, and psychology. The volume seeks to fill in the gaps left by the exclusion of African thinkers that are frequent in the curricula of African schools concerning history, sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies. The book is divided into four parts that are preceded by an introduction to link up the essays and emphasize their sociological implications. Part one is comprised of essays that opened the controversy of whether logic can be found in traditional African cultures as well as other matters like the nature of the mind and behaviour of African peoples. The essays in part two are centred on the following question: are the laws of thought present in African languages and cultures? Part three brings together essays that sparkle the debate on whether there can be such a thing as African logic, which stems from the discussions in part two. Part four is concerned on the theme of system-building in logic; contributions are written by members of the budding African philosophy movement called the 'Conversational School of Philosophy' based at the University of Calabar, and the main objective of their papers is to formulate systems of African logic.”

Jonathan O. Chimakonam Ph.D, teaches at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests cover the areas of African Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Environmental Ethics and decoloniality/conversation al thinking. He aims to break new grounds in African philosophy by formulating a system that unveils new concepts and opens new vistas for thought (Conversational philosophy); a method that represents a new approach to philosophising in African and intercultural philosophies (Conversational thinking); and a system of logic that grounds both (Ezumezu). His articles have appeared in refereed and accredited international journals. He is an author, co-author, editor and co-editor of several books, and is the convener of the professional African philosophy society, The Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP) and the founding editor of "Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions." He has won the Jens Jacobsen Research Award for Outstanding Research in Philosophy by the International Society for Universal Dialogue. He is also the African philosophy Area Editor in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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Magema Fuze: The Making of a Kholwa Intellectual by Hlonipha Mokoena – Africana Collection.

Published by University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2011.

BLURB: “As the author of Abantu Abamnyama Lapa Bavela Ngakona (1922), Magema Fuze is a classic example of how first-generation converts made the transition from oral to literate cultures, the homestead to the mission and from being 'native informants' to being kholwa intellectuals. The kholwa had no secure cultural or political identity, caught as they were in the 'Natal-Zululand divide, between the promise of full and equal incorporation into colonial society and the ties that bound them to traditional society and culture.

In this book, Hlonipha Mokoena suggests that kholwa identity was fashioned through the practice of bricolage - the cobbling together, in indeterminate and sometimes contradictory ways, of elements from both colonial and indigenous cultures. The amakholwa used the instruments of cultural imperialism, namely petitions, letters, books and newspapers, to create a signature resistance to subjugation and conquest.

Writing as an aspirant historian, Magema Fuze's literary life represents a black intellectual tradition whose potential was not realised. Beyond his work as a printer and scribe it is worth adding another role, namely that Fuze was a popular historian, who attempted to write histories whose intimate resonances would not only appeal to his readers but also rouse their nationalistic sentiments.

Hlonipha Mokoena is currently an Associate Professor at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research. Before June 2015 she worked in the Anthropology Department at Columbia University.  She has a strong research interest in South African intellectual history. Her new research is on the figure of the Zulu policeman, which she explores across the visual historical archive. Hlonipha is a multitalented public intellectual, well known for her work in many different parts of the world, and very strongly placed to both write and speak about the  complex entanglements as well as the striking differences between South African and US cultures.

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Poor Me: The Diary of a Motor Car on a Journey from Durban to the Cape by Vera Friedländer – Africana Collection.

Published by Argus Printing and Publishing Company, 1911.

Our copy of this rare book was kindly donated to UP Special Collections by Professor Alex Duffey, previously Professor of Art History and Director of UP Arts.

PREFATORY NOTE: “For the time being I have transplanted my spirit into the body of a Motor Car, and have related in simple colloquial language my impressions during a journey from Durban to the Cape, made during the latter part of the winter 1910. Leaving aside all literary pretensions, I offer this diary to my friends as a little chat without any aspirations to artistic merit. Parts of South Africa are very beautiful, but few realise this fact, and even fewer take the trouble to find it out. The accompanying photographs give small glimpses of the attractive scenery. They are Kodak snapshots which I took on the road, and I am indebted to Mr. Lancelot Usher's great kindness for the artistic treatment, which has enhanced the beauty of many of them. Seven of the pictures are the property of the Trappist Monastery at Pinetown, and I am reproducing them with the kind permission of the Father Superior.

For the historical and geographical part of the book I have drawn largely on the numerous histories and guide books of South Africa. Mistakes are sure to have crept in, but they will easily be pardoned by all who know the difficulties of sifting and condensing information, which is often unreliable and sometimes even contradictory. Some readers might think the historical parts tedious, but to my mind a country, like a person, gains in understanding and interest as soon as one acquires an insight into the aspirations and struggles of the past, and the hopes for the future.”

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Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems, edited by Adam Novotny, Einar Rasmussen, Tommy H. Clausen, Johan Wiklund – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.

BLURB: “This insightful and comprehensive Research Handbook explores the concept of start-up incubation ecosystems and investigates the various factors that interact to provide a nurturing environment suitable for the creation and R successful development of start-ups.

Chapters employ a range of approaches for the study of incubation ecosystems, including literature reviews, theoretical studies and empirical research featuring both quantitative and qualitative methods. An international team of authors analyzes data from a diverse range of countries to cover topics including: multi-level approaches to incubation ecosystems; start-up support mechanisms such as incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces; and the role of organizations involved in incubation ecosystems such as universities, government agencies and multinational companies. The Research Handbook thus illustrates the critical part played by the early development of start-ups within entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Scholars and doctoral students working in entrepreneurship and innovation will find this Research Handbook invaluable to their understanding of start-up incubation ecosystems and in illuminating future research agendas. It will also prove useful to practitioners and policymakers working with start-ups and organizations that support them.”

Adam Novotny is Researcher, Einar Rasmussen is Professor and Tommy H. Clausen is Professor at Nord University Business School, Bode, Norway and Johan Wiklund is The Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA.

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San Elders Speak: Ancestral Knowledge of the Kalahari San, by Lucinda Backwell and Francesco D'Errico – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2021.

BLURB: “The richness of San material culture has rarely been documented in detail, and never through the eyes of the San people themselves. In this book, the world's largest assemblage of their artefacts serves as the point of departure for a discussion between four San elders and two academics. Rediscovering objects last seen in their childhoods, the elders tell stories inspired by their handling of the objects and explain their manufacture, function and meaning. San Elders Speak presents not only a novel perspective that enriches scholarly knowledge on past and present San ways of life, but also a unique heritage for the people of descendant communities and an absorbing, accessible read for people interested in learning more about San culture.”

Lucinda Backwell is a researcher in the Instituto Superior de studios Sociales, CCT-NOA Sur (CONICET), Tucumán, Argentina, and an honorary researcher in the Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Francesco d'Errico is research director at t Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University of Bordeaux, France, and a professi at the Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour, University of Bergen, Norway.

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Bold Minds: Library Leadership in a Time of Disruption, edited by Margaret Weaver and Leo Appleton – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Facet Publishing, 2020.

BLURB: “Are librarians and libraries relevant in the 21st century? This is a fundamental question and one that presents differing opinions across the many diverse information sectors. If there is a continuing need for libraries and for librarians, then how do library leaders obtain strategic support when there appears to be a lack of clarity or understanding about the very purpose of libraries at a time when economically, libraries are under pressure to develop new business models and be more commercially focussed?

Bold minds: Library leadership in a time of disruption brings together international leaders who frame many aspects of the current library provision and who carry responsibility for the library models of the future to consider how librarians and libraries can be a driving force in a time of disruptive economic, technological and cultural change.

Each chapter critically presents a short leadership provocation regarding libraries and their purpose, encompassing impact, service delivery, collections, staff skills and professional training and assessing what it means for leaders, their sectors and organisations, and how they have developed their personal leadership signature.”

Margaret Weaver is former Director of Library and Learning Resources at Birmingham City University and prior to this was Head of Library Services at Brunel University London, and Director of Library and Student Services at the University of Cumbria. A founding member of the Northern Collaboration group of academic libraries, she has also chaired the North West Academic Libraries (NoWAL) collaboration. Margaret is an Associate of the Higher Education Academy and a chartered member of CILIP. She is also a member of the editorial board of the New Review of Academic Librarianship and a regular contributor to professional literature.

Leo Appleton is a Senior University Teacher in the Information School at the University of Sheffield, where he teaches on library and information services management programmes. He was previously Director of Library Services at Goldsmiths, University of London and has held numerous other leadership and management roles in universities and further education colleges throughout his career. Leo holds a PhD in social informatics from Edinburgh Napier University. He is a chartered fellow of CILIP, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is the editor-in-chief of the New Review of Academic Librarianship.

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Negotiating Business Transactions: An Extended Simulation Course, by Daniel D. Bradlow and Jay Gary Finkelstein – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “With ample instructional materials and a simulation exercise that includes individual negotiating instructions for each party, this unique teaching package offers students the opportunity to "learn by doing" and to experience how to negotiate and structure a complicated business transaction. Students learn to strategize, negotiate, and draft- all within the context of a simulated business negotiation that brings the deal inside the classroom where its multiple aspects—legal, business, social, and political—can be studied. Students must work collaboratively, and mistakes become valuable lessons rather than costly errors. In addition to the substantive materials focused on the business and legal issues raised by the simulation exercise, authors Daniel D. Bradlow and Jay Gary Finkelstein address the ethical, social, and professional issues that can arise in transactional legal practice.”

Daniel D. Bradlow is Professor of Law at the American University Washington College of Law and Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.

Jay Gary Finkelstein is Adjunct Professor of Law at the American University Washington College of Law, a lecturer at Stanford Law School and a partner in DLA Piper LLP (US).

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Reading Spaces in South Africa, 1850-1920s by Archie L Dick – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Voluntary societies and government initiatives stimulated the growth of reading communities in South Africa in the second half of the nineteenth century. A system of parliamentary grants to establish public libraries in country towns and villages nurtured a lively reading culture. A condition was that the library should be open free of charge to the general public. This became one more reading space, and others included book societies, reading societies, literary societies, debating societies, mechanics institutes, and mutual improvement societies.

This [book] explains how reading communities used these spaces to promote cultural and literary development in a unique ethos of improvement, and to raise political awareness in South Africa's colonial transition to a Union government and racial segregation.”

Archie L Dick is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria. He has extensive experience in teaching at all levels in Information Science, has worked in several academic and professional committees and has served on national committees in education and in library and information services.

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Position, patriotism, pluck, plunging : a biography of Sir John Christopher Willoughby, Baronet (1859-1918) by Digby Hartridge – Africana Collection.

Independent Publishing Network, 2021.

BLURB: “Sir John Christopher Willoughby was the military commander on the Jameson Raid into the Transvaal, which was defeated at Doornkop on 2 January 1896.  The Raid has been seen as a turning point in the fortunes of Empire.  The biography seeks to understand how Leander Starr Jameson and in particular his friend Sir John can have made such a disastrous miscalculation.  To understand Sir John the book examines his privileged family background, his career in the Household Cavalry, his connections to the Churchills and the Marlborough set and Rhodes and the Prince of Wales, his engagement to lead a troop of the BSACP in the Occupation of Mashonaland, his role as a special adviser to Jameson in the Matabele War as well as in the Raid, the farcical Beira Incident, his excavations at Great Zimbabwe, his report on Portuguese slave trading, his rehabilitation during the Anglo-Boer War, his pioneering of the use of armoured cars in the ASC in East Africa in 1916, his phenomenal gambling, his extensive business interests and his sisters' fortunes. 

Digby Hartridge was an archivist and oral historian at the National Archives of Rhodesia (Now National Archives of Zimbabwe) and later he lived in Australia and then in South Gloucestershire in England, working as a lecturer, parliamentary librarian and public librarian. He is the grandson of a trooper who enrolled in the British South African Company’s Police in 1891 and who was for a while employed by Willoughby’s Consolidated.

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The Neo-Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn: Light from the East by Antony Goedhals – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Brill, 2020.

BLURB: “The Neo-Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn: Light from the East by Antony Goedhals offers radical rereadings of a misunderstood and undervalued Victorian writer. It reveals that at the metaphysical core of Lafcadio Hearn's writings is a Buddhist vision as yet unappreciated by his critics and biographers. Beginning with the American writings and ending with the essay- and story-meditations of the Japanese period, the book demonstrates Hearn's deeply personal and transcendently beautiful evocations of a Buddhist universe, and shows how these deconstruct and dissolve the categories of Western discourse and thinking about reality—to create a new language, a poetry of vastness, emptiness, and oneness that had not been heard before in English, or, indeed, in the West.”

Antony Goedhals, Ph.D. (2018), is a Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Pretoria. He is a generalist and teaches texts from the medieval through the modern periods. He has published on Chaucer and on Hearn.

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Exploring Our National Days – Human Rights Day, 21 March by Sahm Venter – Africana Collection.

Published by Jacana Media, 2007.

BLURB: “Human Rights Day remembers the events of 21 March 1960. On this day, police shot at a group of people protesting against having to carry passbooks. Sixty-nine people were killed. It became known as the Sharpeville Massacre, after the town of Sharpeville where it happened.

This book will explain what human rights are, and the importance of 21 March in the history of South Africa. Our new Constitution says that these rights may not be abused, as they were on 21 March.

The events of that day changed South Africa's future, helping it to become the democracy that it is today.”

Sahm Venter is the senior researcher at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg where she has worked since 2006. She previously reported on the last years of the struggle against apartheid for South African and the international media. As a correspondent for the international news agency, The Associated Press, she covered the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, his presidency, as well as various news events on the African continent. In 2013 she and Swati Dlamini-Mandela co-edited Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's book 491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69.

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Rising Powers, People Rising: Neoliberalization and its Discontents in the BRICS Countries, edited by Alf Gunvald Nilsen and Karl von Holdt – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Routledge, 2021.

BLURB: “Rising Powers, People Rising is a pathbreaking volume in which leading international scholars discuss the emerging political economy of development in the BRICS countries centred on neo- liberalization, precarity, and popular struggles.

The rise of the BRICS countries –Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—has called into question the future of Western dominance in world markets and geopolitics. However, the developmental trajectories of the BRICS countries are shot through with socio-economic fault lines that relegate large numbers of people to the margins of current growth processes, where life is characterized by multiple and overlapping vulnerabilities. These socio-economic fault lines have, in turn, given rise to political convulsions across the BRICS countries, ranging from single-issue protests to sustained social movements oriented towards structural transformation. The contributions in this book focus on the ways in and extent to which these trajectories generate distinct forms and patterns of mobilization and resistance, and conversely, how popular struggles impact on and shape these trajectories. The book unearths the economic, social, and political contradictions that tend to disappear from view in mainstream narratives of the BRICS countries as rising powers in the world-system.

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Globalizations.”

Alf Gunvald Nilsen is Professor of Sociology at the University of Pretoria. His research focuses on the political economy of democracy and development in the Global South. His most recent books are Adivasis and the State: Subalternity and Citizenship in India's Bhil Heartland (2018) and Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations (2019).

Karl von Holdt is Professor in the Society, Work and Politics Institute, University of the Witwatersrand. Publications include Transition from Below: Forging Trade Unionism and Workplace Change in South Africa; Conversations with Bourdieu: The Johannesburg Moment (with Michael Burawoy); and Beyond the Apartheid Workplace: Studies in Transition, co-edited with Edward Webster, as well as numerous articles. His research interests centre on movements, democracy, corruption, and violence.

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The Portable Bunyan: A Transnational History of The Pilgrim's Progress by Isabel Hofmeyr – Africana Collection.

Published by Princeton University Press, 2004.

BLURB: “How does a book become an international bestseller? What happens to it as it is translated into different languages, contexts, and societies? How is it changed by the intellectual environments it encounters? What does the transnational circulation mean for its reception back home? Exploring the international life of a particularly long-lived and widely traveled book, Isabel Hofmeyr follows The Pilgrim's Progress as it circulates through multiple contexts—and into some 200 languages—focusing on Africa, where 80 of the translations occurred.

This feat of literary history is based on intensive research that criss-crossed among London, Georgia, Kingston, Bedford (John Bunyan's hometown), and much of sub-Saharan Africa. Finely written and unusually wide-ranging, it accounts for how The Pilgrim's Progress traveled abroad with the Protestant mission movement, was adapted and reworked by the societies into which it traveled, and, finally, how its circulation throughout the empire affected Bunyan's standing back in England.

The result is a new intellectual approach to Bunyan—one that weaves together British, African, and Caribbean history with literary and translation studies and debates over African Christianity and mission. Even more important, this book is a rare example of a truly worldly study of 'world literature'—and of the critical importance of translation, both linguistic and cultural.”

Isabel Hofmeyr is Professor of African Literature at the University of the Witwatersrand and the author of “We Spend Our Years as a Tale That Is Told”: Oral Historical Storytelling in a South African Chiefdom.

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Searching for Sarah: The Woman Who Loved Langenhoven by Dominique Malherbe – Africana Collection.

Published by Tafelberg, 2021.

BLURB: “On 15 July 1932, Afrikaans literary icon CJ Langenhoven died suddenly at the age of 58. He had named a young Jewish woman, the fiery redhead Sarah Eva Goldblatt, executrix of his extensive literary legacy.

Eyebrows were raised in the Afrikaner establishment, but by the time Sarah died in 1975 more than two million copies of Langenhoven's books had been sold—one of the greatest literary successes ever in South Africa. Sarah had made a significant contribution to Afrikaans literature, yet as an outsider she had barely been acknowledged.

Sarah arrived in Cape Town from London in 1897, and grew up speaking Yiddish and English. It was only when she met the much older Langenhoven that she adopted Afrikaans and developed an obsessive devotion to him and to his language.

Since childhood, lawyer and author Dominique Malherbe had been intrigued by the mystery surrounding her remarkable great-aunt and Langenhoven. She finally set out to discover Sarah's story, reclaim her for posterity, and find her son.

Based on hundreds of original letters, archival research and family memories, this biography-cum-memoir uncovers a fascinating literary love story between a young Jewish woman and an Afrikaner icon.”

Dominique Malherbe is an admitted attorney with a Master's in Tax and Commercial Law from the University of Cape Town. She spent several years in practice in the legal and corporate world, and is now an independent legal advisor.

After the birth of her fourth child, she lectured in law for more than a decade, with a special interest in legal professional ethics. She has been involved in various freelance editing projects, including the Juta Law Reports. During this time, her passion for the writing life took hold and she completed her first memoir, From Courtrooms to Cupcakes, which was published in 2014. Passionate about law but specifically gender and justice and the themes of women and work, her second memoir, Somewhere In Between, followed in 2018.

Dominique was born in Windhoek, Namibia, matriculated in Johannesburg and moved to Cape Town in 1984 to undertake her legal studies. She lives there, still, with her husband and four children. In 2014 she started a blog to support her writing, which can be found at

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Exploring Our National Days - Youth Day, 16 June by Sahm Venter – Africana Collection.

Published by Jacana Media, 2005.

BLURB: “On Wednesday 16 June 1976, Soweto learners organised a protest march. They were angry about the conditions in their schools and the apartheid government’s new policy that half their subjects would be taught in Afrikaans. The police responded to the protest by shooting many unarmed children, causing protests and unrest throughout the country.

This book will explain the importance of 16 June in the history of apartheid and in the creation of a new, democratic South Africa. Each year Youth Day is celebrated on 16 June as a reminder of the importance of the youth in the history and the future of our country.”

Sahm Venter is the senior researcher at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg where she has worked since 2006. She previously reported on the last years of the struggle against apartheid for South African and the international media. As a correspondent for the international news agency, The Associated Press, she covered the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, his presidency, as well as various news events on the African continent. In 2013 she and Swati Dlamini-Mandela co-edited Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's book 491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69.

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The Tough Alchemy of Ben Okri: The Writer as Conceptual Artist by Rosemary Gray – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.

BLURB: “Winner of the Booker Prize for The Famished Road, Ben Okri is widely regarded as one of the most important contemporary writers writing today. Featuring a substantial new interview with Ben Okri himself, a full bibliography of his creative work and covering his complete works, this is the first in-depth study of Okri's themes and artistic vision. Rosemary Gray explores Okri's career-long engagement with myth, Nigerian politics and culture, and with the environmental crisis in the age of the Anthropocene.”

Rosemary Alice Gray is Emeritus Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She is Managing Editor of English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies and her previous publications include Broken Strings: The Politics of Poetry, Light Comes out of the Darkness, A Glass Half Full or Half Empty: The Challenges of Elections and Succession in Africa and Sounding Wings: Short Stories from Africa (edited with Stephen Finn). She is a Fellow of FEEYS.

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Third Space, Information Sharing, and Participatory Design by Preben Hansen, Ina Fourie and Anika Meyer – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 2021.

BLURB: “Third Space is a physical, virtual, cognitive, and conceptual space where participants may negotiate, reflect, and form new knowledge and worldviews working toward creative, practical and applicable solutions, finding innovative, appropriate research methods, interpreting findings, proposing new theories, recommending next steps, and even designing solutions such as new information objects or services. Information sharing in participatory design manifests in tandem with many other information interaction activities and especially information and cognitive processing. Although there are practices of individual information sharing and information encountering, information sharing mostly relates to collaborative information behavior practices, creativity, and collective decision-making.

Our purpose with this book is to enable students, researchers, and practitioners within a multi-disciplinary research field, including information studies and Human-Computer Interaction approaches, to gain a deeper understanding of how the core activity of information sharing in participatory design, in which Third Space may be a platform for information interaction, is taking place when using methods utilized in participatory design to address contemporary societal challenges. This could also apply for information behavior studies using participatory design as methodology. We elaborate interpretations of core concepts such as participatory design, Third Space, information sharing, and collaborative information behavior, before discussing participatory design methods and processes in more depth. We also touch on information behavior, information practice, and other important concepts. Third Space, information sharing, and information interaction are discussed in some detail. A framework, with Third Space as a core intersecting zone, platform, and adaptive and creative space to study information sharing and other information behavior and interactions are suggested. As a tool to envision information behavior and suggest future practices, participatory design serves as a set of methods and tools in which new interpretations of the design of information behavior studies and eventually new information objects are being initiated involving multiple stakeholders in future information landscapes. For this purpose, we argue that Third Space can be used as an intersection zone to study information sharing and other information activities, but more importantly it can serve as a Third Space Information Behavior (TSIB) study framework where participatory design methodology and processes are applied to information behavior research studies and applications such as information objects, systems, and services with recognition of the importance of situated awareness.”

Dr. Preben Hansen is a Docent and Associate Professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden. His main research focus is in the intersection of Human- Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, and Information Behavior. Preben's research focuses on the human in the center, interacting with the surroundings through various digital systems, services, objects and tools. His recent research deals with Gesture and distance-driven Interaction (with Dr Xiangdong LI) and Agile Research Methods (with Prof. Mike Twidale) and Collaborative Information Searching (with Dr Tina Du). He has published more than 120 academic articles/papers in journals and conferences and 3 edited books. He has served as chair at several ACM conferences like ACM CHIIR, ACM DIS, ACM/IEEE JCDL, TPDL and Conference. He has been a special issue editor for Journal of Information Science on Searching as Learning (2016) and special issue editor for IEEE Computer on Collaborative Information Seeking (2014).

Dr. Ina Fourie is a full professor and Head of Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. She is a rated South African researcher. Her main research focus is on information behavior, current awareness services, information literacy and autoethnography with special reference to cancer and palliative care and other existential contexts. She is a regular speaker and author in national and international contexts ranging from library and information science and education to healthcare. Ina serves on the editorial advisory boards of Library Hi Tech, Online Information Review, Information Research, and The Bottom Up. She was guest editor with Dr Heidi Julien of an Aslib Journal of Information Management special issue on Innovative Methods in Health Information Behavior Research (vol. 71 [6]: 693-702). Ina is currently Vice Chair of the ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) Steering Committee and part of the ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) Executive Board as Treasurer. She has published more than 130 articles, books and conference papers and has presented in more than 16 countries.

Anika Meyer is a Lecturer in the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria. She completed her Master studies in 2016, titled: Information behavior in academic spaces of creativity: a building science pseudo-makerspace. She is currently enrolled for her doctoral studies at the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, titled: Information sharing in participatory design of a virtual academic creative space. Her research interests include creativity, collaborative information seeking (CIS), knowledge management, guided inquiry, third space, in- formation literacy, information behavior and makerspaces-specifically the construction of these creative spaces through universal design, holistic ergonomics and participatory design. She has presented at international conferences (e.g., ISIC and EAHIL) and is a member of the ASIS&T African Chapter.

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Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog's Life by Nicholas Dyer and Peter Blinston – Africana Collection.


Published by Lycaon Ventures Ltd, 2018.


BLURB: “The painted wolf is a unique and remarkable creature. On the one hand it is Africa's most successful predator, yet on the other it is an incredibly social animal, caring deeply for its family's wellbeing in a tightly knit pack.

The alpha female leads the pack, behaving like a queen and general, and is the only one to breed. Other members of the pack serve as dedicated aunts and uncles, teachers and playmates, hunters and defenders to a brood of beautiful but cheeky little pups.

Yet for the last 100 years, the painted wolf has endured an outrageous onslaught, which has seen their numbers decrease from 500,000 a century ago to only 6,500 today. This 99% reduction in their population has put the wolf's survival on a knife edge.

Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog's Life is their story. It is told with insight and passion from two people who know them well, each with their own unique perspective on this endearing animal.

This story is told in three parts. In the first section of the book we are introduced to the painted wolf and learn not only about the fascinating features that make them so special, but also the history of their persecution and the challenges that they continue to face today.

In the second part of the book, Nick takes us deep into the wild Zambezi Valley where he has been following and photographing painted wolves on foot for the last six years. Here you will meet the incredible alpha females Tait, Blacktip and Tammy, as they live their lives away from the destructive influences of man. You will experience them at the den, on the hunt, feasting and through the ups and downs of family life.

In the third section, Peter provides a real insight into conserving the painted wolves based on twenty years dedicated to their survival. Although they are now a protected species, they still face a relentless assault from snaring, roadkills and disease. Peter takes you into the tough world of conservation, describing the many challenges and the innovative and successful solutions he has introduced.

The book is illustrated with more than 220 stunning images. Each photograph tells a story in its own right and brings alive the captivating and mysterious world of the painted wolves and the lives of those around them.”

Nicholas Dyer grew up in Kenya and always had a passion for photography. After careers in finance and marketing, stuck behind a desk in London, he took the decision to return to Africa and turn his life around to dedicate it to photography, writing and wildlife conservation. He discovered the painted wolves of Mana Pools National Park and fell in love with them. Nick has spent much of the last six years living in a tent while following and photographing three packs on foot.

Peter Blinston  fell in love with painted wolves while watching documentaries in his native England. He volunteered for Painted Dog Conservation (PDC) from home in England for two years and then initially moved to Zimbabwe as an unpaid six-month volunteer. He has now been there for 20 years and serves as Managing Director. Peter has helped translate the initial vision for PC into effective programmes that have made a significant difference to the survival of the species.

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Exploring Our National Days - Freedom Day, 27 April by Sahm Venter – Africana Collection.


Published by Jacana Media, 2007.

BLURB: “On 27 April 1994, for the first time, all South Africans of voting age were allowed to vote. This was the first time in the country's history that everyone was treated as equal citizens. South Africans were finally free in their own country. It was only in 1994 that all South Africans were allowed to exercise their political rights.

This book will explain the importance of voting, the 300-year struggle for the vote in South Africa, and the role voting plays in keeping a democracy alive. It also explains the peaceful negotiations that brought apartheid to an end, as well as how South Africa's political system works today.

This is the second book in a series of seven that explores important days in the history of South Africa.”

Sahm Venter is the senior researcher at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg where she has worked since 2006. She previously reported on the last years of the struggle against apartheid for South African and the international media. As a correspondent for the international news agency, The Associated Press, she covered the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, his presidency, as well as various news events on the African continent. In 2013 she and Swati Dlamini-Mandela co-edited Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's book 491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69.

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Land and Lives: A Story of Early Black Artists by Elza Miles – Africana Collection.

Published by Human & Rousseau, 1997.

BLURB: “Land and Lives: a story of early Black artists is a thorough and unique account of pioneer Black artists born in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The work of the early artists unfolds in the context of an African upbringing which encounters new religious disciplines and literacy, introduced through mission and government schools. This book narrates the process of internal conflict which the artists experienced in such a context as well as the artistic products which emerged. The aim of Land and Lives is to explore urban art created by early Black artists in South Africa. In spite of the history of this period, one of conflict and deprivation, they claimed a place with pencil, pen, brush or chisel. This remarkable study is an invaluable contribution to the art history of South Africa and pays homage to the artists creative power.”

Elza Miles (née Botha) holds a doctorate in art history from the Rand Afrikaans University [since merged with the Technikon Witwatersrand and two campuses of Vista University to form the University of Johannesburg]. A mother of three children, she works as a printmaker and researcher into the visual arts. Publications by Miles since 1994 include Lifeline out of Africa, Ernest Mancoba: a resource book, Current of Africa: the art of Selby Mvusi and The world of Jean Welz. Currently she is researcher in residence at the Johannesburg Art Gallery, researching and locating paintings by Gladys Mgudlandlu for a retrospective exhibition. Her book on Ernest Mancoba, Lifeline out of Africa, won the Old Mutual Literary Award in 1996.

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Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu's Lasting Legacy: World's Best Black Soul Crusader by Dan S. B. Lephoko – Africana Collection.

Published by AOSIS, 2018.

JUSTIFICATION REPORT: “This is a scholarly book that commemorates the legacy of Rev. Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu who was born on 05 September 1909 at eNtumeni, a Lutheran Mission Station in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He was the founder of the Back to God Crusade in the 1950s that has become institutionalised within the Assemblies of God. He taught his church to be self-sustaining and he also encouraged material independence through hard work. He died on 07 October 1985 at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa. Many people in Africa have been influenced by his rich legacy as an evangelist, pastor, teacher and church planter. Bhengu combined evangelism with development which was critical for the black people who were under a repressive regime in South Africa and in sub-Saharan Africa. He was a religious revolutionary who 'planted' more than 2000 churches in South Africa and neighbouring countries by emphasising non-denominationalism without pressurising converts to discard their churches to join any. He was determined to build a movement that would be a vehicle to reach out to the continent of Africa through his churches. The book aims at providing academics and researchers reference material of interactions between spirituality, church dynamics, socio-economic development and political environment. Its contribution to existing research with regard to the formative growth of Christianity in Africa is significant and innovative. The book's target audience includes academics in the religious fields of missiology, church history and contextual theology, specifically researchers with intent to write scientific commentaries on the life history of Bhengu.”

Dan S. B. Lephoko is an Associate Research Fellow at the Department of Science of Religion and Missiology, University of Pretoria. He is a participant observer who has been a member of the General Executive of the Assemblies of God, pastor and worked with Bhengu over many years during his lifetime.

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Barend Barends: Die Vergete Kaptein van Danielskuil by Bart de Graaff – Africana Collection.

Published by Paternoster Books, 2019.

Translated from the original Dutch to Afrikaans by Daniel Hugo.

BLURB: “Hierdie boek is 'n speurtog op die spoor van Barend Barends, die byna vergete Griekwakaptein van die Noord-Kaapse dorp Danielskuil, en sy nageslag. De Graaff wissel stukkies en brokkies onbekende geskiedenis af met onderhoude wat hy gevoer het met die huidige inwoners van Danielskuil. Daaruit blyk nie net hul ongelukkigheid oor die verloregaan van hul "agtervaders" se kultuur en tradisies nie, maar ook hul (vermeende) onmag om its daaraan te doen. Hy plaas sodoende die kollig op 'n bevolkingsgroep wat tot dusver in 'n politieke en sosiale skemerwêreld beweeg het. Sy eie ervarings en waarnemings vorm 'n integrale deel van die vertelling, wat sy besoek aan Danielskuil soos ‘n boeiende reisverhaal laat lees. Die boek is geskryf vir 'n breè publiek, maar in die eerste plek vir die Griekwas self.”

Bart de Graaff is 'n Nederlandse joernalis, historikus en draaiboekskrywer van dokumentêre films. Hy skryf al jare lank boeke en artikels or Afrikaanssprekende gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika en Namibië. Sy vorige boek oor die verlede en hede van die Khoi-Khoin in Suidelike Afrika is in 2017 in Afrikaans vertaal en uitgegee as Ware mense.

This book is a quest for the story of Barend Barends, the almost forgotten Griqua captain of the Northern Cape town of Danielskuil, and his descendants. De Graaff alternates snippets of unknown history with interviews he conducted with the current residents of Danielskuil. It shows not only their unhappiness about losing their ancestral culture and traditions, but also their inability to do something about that loss. De Graaff places the spotlight on a population group that has, until now, moved in a political and social shadow world. His own experiences and observations form an integral part of the story, which makes his visit to Danielskuil read like a fascinating travel story. The book was written for a broad audience, but primarily for the Griquas themselves.

Bart de Graaff is a Dutch journalist, historian and documentary-film screenwriter. He has been writing books and articles for Afrikaans-speaking communities in South Africa and Namibia for many years. His previous book on the past and present of the Khoi-Khoin in Southern Africa was translated into Afrikaans in 2017 and published as Ware mense.

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Being Chris Hani's Daughter by Lindiwe Hani – Africana Collection.

Published by MFBooks Joburg, 2017.

The Special Collection’s copy is signed by Lindiwe Hani.

BLURB: “When Chris Hani was assassinated in his driveway in April 1993, he left a shocked and grieving South Africa, teetering on the precipice of civil war. But to 12-year-old Lindiwe Hani, it was the love of her life, her daddy, who had been brutally ripped from her world.

While the nation continued to revere her father's legacy, for Lindiwe, being Chris Han's daughter became an increasingly heavy burden to bear, propelling her into a downward spiral of cocaine and alcohol addiction.

‘For as long as I can remember, I'd grown up feeling that I was the daughter of Chris Hani and that I was useless. My father was such a huge icon to so many people, it felt like I could never come close to what he achieved - so why even try? Of course, my addiction to booze and cocaine just made me feel my worthlessness even more.’

In this intimate and revealing memoir, Lindiwe confronts her inner demons, as well as coming face to face with her father's killers—Janusz Waluś and Clive Derby-Lewis—in search of the truth.”

Lindiwe Hani and award-winning publisher and author Melinda Ferguson spent 2016 collaborating on the book, assisted by the Taco Kuiper Fund and National Arts Council.

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Growing Wild: The Correspondence of a Pioneering Woman Naturalist from the Cape by Mary Elizabeth Barber – Africana Collection.

Published by Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2020.

BLURB: “Mary Elizabeth Barber (1818-1899), born in Britain, arrived in the Cape Colony in 1820 where she spent the rest of her life as a rolling stone, as she lived in and near Grahamstown, the diamond and gold fields, Pietermaritzburg, Malvern near Durban and on various farms in the eastern part of the Cape Colony. She has been perceived as 'the most advanced woman of her time', yet her legacy has attracted relatively little attention. She was the first woman ornithologist in South Africa, one of the first who propagated Darwin's theory of evolution, an early archaeologist, keen botanist and interested lepidopterist. In her scientific writing, she propagated a new gender order; positioned herself as a feminist avant la lettre without relying on difference models and at the same time made use of genuinely racist argumentation.

This is the first publication of her edited scientific correspondence. The letters—transcribed by Alan Cohen, who has written a number of biographical articles on Barber and her brothers—are primarily addressed to the entomologist Roland Trimen, the curator of the South African Museum in Cape Town. Today, the letters are housed at the Royal Entomological Society in St Albans. This book also includes a critical introduction by historian Tanja Hammel who has published a number of articles and published a monograph (2019) on Mary Elizabeth Barber.”

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Africa Reimagined: Reclaiming a sense of abundance and prosperity by Hlumelo Biko – Africana Collection.

Published by Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2019.

Our copy is signed by the author with a special message to our students.

BLURB: “Africa reimagined is a passionately argued appeal for a rediscovery of our African identity. Going beyond the problems of any single nation, Hlumelo Biko calls for a reorientation of values, on a continental scale, to suit the needs and priorities of Africans. Building on the premise that slavery, colonialism, imperialism and apartheid fundamentally unbalanced the values and indeed the very self-concept of Africans, he offers realistic steps to return to a more balanced Afrocentric identity.

Historically, African values, and the community ties that they supported, were shaped by a sense of abundance in both their material and psychological outlook. Religious, economic and legal systems imposed by conquerors, traders and missionaries upset this balance, and the African identity was subsumed and distorted.

Biko shows how a reimagining of Africa can restore a sense of abundance and possibility, and what a rebirth of the continent on Pan African lines might look like. By going beyond the identities and values imposed from outside, and transcending the divisions and barriers imposed by colonialism, it should be possible for Africans to develop fully their skills, values and ingenuity, to build institutions that reflect African values, and to create wealth for the benefit of the continent as a whole.”

Humelo Biko is a Pan Africanist and entrepreneur. He has been a private-equity and venture-capital professional for two decades. He is a passionate supporter of African entrepreneurs, as well as a dedicated philanthropist, expressed in his work for the Baxter Theatre Centre, the African School for Excellence and the Kommunity Group Projects. He was educated at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and Georgetown University in the USA.

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Women of Phokeng: Consciousness, Life Strategy, and Migrancy in South Africa, 1900-1983, by Belinda Bozzoli - Africana Collection.

Published by James Currey, 1991.

BLURB: “This evocative book recounts the lives and experiences of twenty-two black South African women—all born before 1915—from one small town in the Western Transvaal. The women are both ordinary and remarkable. From their childhood as daughters of a relatively well-to-do peasantry, through their adolescence as educated Christians, to their first experiences as domestic servants in the cities of the Reef, they show an unusual perceptiveness of mind and a rebelliousness of spirit. Those who marry and settle in the historic Rand townships of the thirties and forties—Sophiatown, Alexandra, and Vrededorp—build strong family structures and help support them by illegal beer brewing and various other activities; their personal resilience and strong sense of their own respectability stand them in good stead when they begin to experience police harassment and township violence in the late 1940s. The ‘culture of subterfuge’ that helps keep beer brewing alive is transformed by some of them into a more confrontational ‘culture of opposition’ in the 1950s, when the increasingly powerful Nationalist Party government begins to attack the very bases of their survival. But despite the participation by some of these women in acts of defiance, the increasingly harsh environment in the townships finally drives them back to Phokeng, by now a ‘homeland’ town dependent on platinum mines for its income. Here they survive on meagre pensions and the support provided by their children.

This book's originality and power lie in the central place given to the oral histories on which it is based. The words of these women take pride of place in a richly textured study that gives us a uniquely qualitative insight into the extraordinary history of South in the twentieth century, as well as into the lives and world views of the unknown women who have been a part of it."

Belinda Bozzoli is Professor of Sociology at the University of Witwatersrand. She is the author of ‘The Political Nature of a Ruling Class: Capital and Ideology in South Africa, 1890-1933’ (London, 1981). She has also edited three History Workshop collections and is coeditor of ‘History from South Africa’ for Radical History Review.

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Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa, Vol 2, by Nathaniel Isaacs - Africana Collection.

Published by The Van Riebeeck Society, 1937. Reprinted in 2016.

Nathaniel Isaacs (1808–1872) was an English adventurer whose 2-volume journal is one of the earliest European accounts of Natal and the Zulu kingdom, although its accuracy questionable. This second volume describes his second journey to, and stay in, Natal from 1830 until 1832, during Dingaan’s reign. He reports on the early white settlement as well as on the Zulu culture.


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