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Institutional Curiosity edited by Mary Crewe – TUK Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2022.

BLURB: “This is the first collection of writing by various academics from the University of Pretoria about reimagining the University and how it may look in the future. Reimagining the institution requires novel ways of thinking and engaging in debates about change, continuity, knowledge and excellence. These opinion pieces, thoughts and reflections about the University were shared by staff members and other collections will be published as contributions are received.”

Mary Crewe founded the Centre for the Study of AIDS in 1999. Trained in education and critical and social theory, she retired at the end of 2020. Prof Crewe authored one of the early books on AIDS in South Africa, produced many articles, and helped to organise and present at many national and international meetings and conferences.

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Historicising the Humanities at Makerere: Trends, Patterns and Prospects edited by J. Ahikire, L. Mugumya, E. F. Nabutanyi, P. Atekyereza – Africana Collection.

Published by Fountain Publishers, 2022.

BLURB: “This remarkable, wide-ranging book is an insightful intellectual history of Makerere University and a welcome rejoinder to Uganda’s political leaders, who routinely disparage the academic study of the humanities. Historicising the Humanities shows how, over time, humanistic scholarship has shaped public life. The distinguished group of authors unpack the changing logic of the university curriculum with care and confidence, but this book is anything but a mundane exercise in bureaucratic recollection. The authors show how Uganda’s disparate people have made claims on the university, demanding access to knowledge that could advance projects and arguments outside the university’s gates. More than other universities, Makerere has never been an ivory tower, isolated from the pressures of real life. To the contrary: in different registers, in different disciplinary homes, and using different methods, Makerere scholars and students have created knowledge that responded to the demands of the moment.”

Josephine Ahikire is an Associate Professor of Gender Studies at the School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University. She is currently the principal, of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is an Honorary Professor at the Centre for Advancement of Non-Racialism and Democracy, Nelson Mandela University. Her scholarship has centred on feminist imperatives in politics, land, livelihoods, and cultural studies. Her current research network includes 'Gender Justice and Security', London School of Economics and 'Effective States and Inclusive Development, Manchester University. She has co-edited a book, Controlling Consent: Uganda's 2016 Elections, published by Africa World Press (2017).

Levis Mugumya is a Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics, English Language Studies and Communication Skills. His research interests include professional and academic writing, discourse analysis, media genres, evaluative language, as well as language and conflict. He has been coordinating the Historicising the Humanities at Makerere University since 1922 research project. His recent publication, 'Stealing money' or embezzling public funds: Construing sleaze in the Ugandan press via legalese, has appeared in Journalism (2020).

Edgar Fred Nabutanyi is a Senior Lecturer and Head of Department of Literature, Makerere University. His teaching interests are in Children's Literature, Critical Theory, Practical Criticism, and Media Studies and his research interests focus on public discourses in the public sphere regarding how fiction and media are subverted and assimilated by vulnerable and minority subjectivities for self-enunciation. He is also interested in new Ugandan writing, especially narratives that thematically and stylistically subvert the canon of science fiction.

Peter Atekyereza is a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Makerere University. He has taught courses in Sociological Theory, Sociology of the Family, Rural Sociology and Rural Development, Programme Development and Management. His research interests focus on the African family, sexual and reproductive health, urban agriculture and livelihoods, and livelihoods and vulnerability. He has headed the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Makerere University and is a Fellow of Uganda National Academy of Sciences.

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Archives of COVID-19: UP Recollections and Reflections compiled and edited by Bronwyn Strydom – TUK Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2023.

BLURB: “This publication is a compilation of some of the submissions to the three UP Archives Covid-19 competitions which ran from 2020 to 2022, reflecting in a variety of formats the impact which the pandemic had on the community of the University of Pretoria. The writing and photographs offer many windows into the experiences of so many who make up this community.

The original calls for submission to the various competitions have also been included as an introduction to the written and visual contributions. The written submissions from 2021 and 2022 have been arranged roughly chronologically, interpolated with photographs from the original 2020 competition. While some attention has been given to smoothing over grammatical gremlins, the pieces have been largely left as they were entered into the UPA Covid-19 competition. This is to preserve the voice, style and context of those who wrote for future generations.

These pages reflect not only personal loss, suffering and loneliness, but also remarkable perseverance, endurance and optimism in the face of isolation, restriction and both physical and emotional challenges.”

Dr Bronwyn Strydom works as an archivist in the University of Pretoria Archives. She completed her DPhil in History, focusing on the early history of the University of Pretoria and two post-doctoral fellowships also investigating the history of universities in South Africa. She has been a lecturer both in History and History Education. Her responsibilities in the University of Pretoria Archives include the curation of the Art Archives collection and the oversight of UP collections in the Archives' Groenkloof Campus holdings.

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Umalusi (The Shepherd): A Collection of Xhosa Poems by Edwin T. Smith – Africana Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2023.

BLURB: “The poems in Umalisi were conceived and written in Xhosa because the central subject of the collection was a Xhosa woman who spoke Xhosa to the author throughout his life. One of the threads holding the collection together is the pervasive experience of love, loss, grief, and the eventual getting on with life, which inevitably follows. The memories and moments captured in the poems articulate various aspects of this journey. It is unfortunate that many people can relate to these seminal life-shaping experiences of loss in one way or another as life offers these as part of the process of becoming, of growing up, of living, and of making meaning of it all.

Among other things, through these experiences we gain great insight into and about ourselves and our world. We learn about our vulnerabilities and inter-connectedness; we learn the meaning of the relationships we have with family, friends, community, and society at large; we learn to hurt, to break down, to cry, to trust, to hold on to and support one another, to encourage and challenge each other and in so doing to enable life for us all.

In the end, Umalusi is a celebration of a mother—and of the author's mother in particular.”

Edwin T. Smith was born and raised in East London, and was exiled in the mid-1980s. A graduate of the Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College (SOMAFCO), the ANC school in Morogoro, Tanzania, he worked for the ANC’s Department of Education in Lusaka, Zambia before leaving for the United States of America in 1990. During his nine years in the United States, he studied and later worked at Rutgers University in various capacities of which the last was as Director of Rutgers University’s Council for Southern Africa, which was Rutgers University's southern Africa international studies programme.

In 1999 Smith returned to South Africa where he served as the Spokesperson- for the Minister of Trade and Industry and as Director: Media Liaison. He joined the University of Pretoria in 2002 initially as Director: Marketing and Communications. In 2004 he served as the inaugural Director of the University’s Mamelodi Campus as well as the first live-in Head of Residence of Tuksdorp, the University’s largest postgraduate and international students' residence. As of 2016, Smith serves as the Manager: Campus Operations of the University of Pretoria's Mamelodi Campus and as of 2023, he is also an Extraordinary Lecturer in the Department of Historical and Heritage Studies in the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Pretoria.

Smith has published academic articles in a number of peer-reviewed journals in his discipline as well as popular articles in newspapers and online publications in South Africa.

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The Sonnets of Thomas Pringle: Migration and Poetic Form by Patrick Lenahan – Africana Collection

Published by Brill, 2023.

BLURB: “When the Scottish poet Thomas Pringle emigrated to the Cape Colony in 1820 he voyaged also into a new creative life and an art responsive to his colonial home, ‘sterner verse’ for ‘darker scenes’.

Accompanying him to the Cape, the sonnet became his most consistent choice for capturing his experiences and convictions, his personal crises and the greater trauma of colonial appropriation and racial oppression. In this study his unique contribution to the Romantic-era sonnet is for the first time given its full due, through readings that are as attentive to form and formal agency as to the cultural, social and historical conditions in which they are enmeshed. Moving beyond colonial theory to consider issues of literary migration, this illuminating work shows how Pringle effectively opened up a radical conversation between the habitual modes of perception and response of British Romanticism and his new, southern world.”

This book is part of the Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature series.

Patrick Lenahan is a Senior Lecturer in English at the University of Pretoria. He is a co-editor of Voices of this Land: An Anthology of South African Poetry in English.

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(Un)knowing Men: Africanising gender justice programmes for men in South Africa by Sakhumzi Mfecane, isiZulu and isiXhosa translations – TUK Collection.

Published by CSA & G Press, 2018. isiZulu and isiXhosa translations, 2022.

BLURB: “In 2021, the CSA&G Press published a reprint of Mfecane's original (2018) text after it was taken up widely by scholars and students in the field of critical gender and sexualities studies. Following the reprint, our team undertook to have the text translated into two African languages—isiXhosa and isiZulu—as a means to contribute to growing movements towards the decolonisation of 'evidence' in this important field. Our hope is that these translations will encourage critical exploration of the potential for increasing epistemological access by social justice actors through the translation of English academic texts.”


Sakhumzi Mecane is an associate professor at the University of the Western Cape. He specialises in medical anthropology, with his research and academic publications concerned particularly with men's health and masculinities. Previously Sakhumzi worked for Human Sciences Research Council as a Senior Researcher in 'Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS' Unit, and for Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE). He also served as a research consultant for several non-governmental organisations and research institutions concerned with HIV and health in South Africa. His academic engagements for the past year have focused on developing African-centered theories of masculinity. This work aims to encourage locally grounded ways of theorising gender and masculinity; it also serves as a critique of western gender theories that tend to dominate research and intervention programmes with African men. This work draws largely from African philosophies as they provide a solid basis to problematise all forms of social inequality and oppression, and also help us to develop intervention programmes that resonate with value systems of African societies.

Link to catalogue: isiZulu



The Art Collection of Huberte Rupert: South African Art of the 20th century by Amanda Botha and the Rupert Museum – Africana Collection.

Published by the Rupert Museum, 2024.

BLURB: “This full-colour publication celebrates the art collection of Huberte Rupert. Art critic and writer Amanda Botha sketches the early years and tells how Huberte and her future husband, Anton Rupert, fell in love during their student years at the University of Pretoria. They built a family together and gradually grew their art collection with care over many years. The story traces Huberte's art appreciation journey from the worldview she developed as a 'child of the Depression' through her art association involvement as a student to cultivating friendships with local artists.

The book further invites intimate glimpses into the relationships Huberte nurtured with what she called her 'Big Five' artists: Cecil Higgs, Maggie Laubser, Irma Stern, Jean Welz and Anton van Wouw. The collection also features works from many other South African and international artists. The text provides a sense of the Rupert family's commitment, together with the Rembrandt van Rijn and the Rupert Art Foundation, to support local artists: among other things, the headline sponsorship of the Cape Town Triennial (1982-1991) and the acquisition of works selected from the four exhibitions.”

Amanda Botha is an award-winning journalist and writer with an extended career in the creative- and performing arts world. She has published multiple articles about the visual arts, aspects of Afrikaans literature and theatre productions, especially concerning opera and ballet, in South Africa and international publications. As curator for the Stellenbosch Wordfest, she presented retrospective exhibitions on the work of various South African artists, and she excelled as a researcher and director of television documentary programmes, especially profiling South African artists, resulting in more than a hundred TV documentaries. She is the author of seven books, amongst them the biographies of the prima ballerina assoluta, Phyllis Spira, the artist Marjorie Wallace; Lost in Dust based on John Meyer's Anglo-Boer War paintings and Dagboeke based on the diaries of Johannes Meintjes.

Botha’s long association with Huberte Rupert gave her an intimate knowledge of her art collection; she accompanied her on studio visits to artists and attended exhibitions together. Long conversations ensued, and she gained invaluable insight into how the passionate collector valued artworks and made acquisition choices.

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A Glass Half Full or Half Empty: The Challenges of Political Succession and Elections in Africa edited by Martin Revayi Rupiya, Lesiba Teffo, Shadrack Gutto and Rosemary Gray – Africana and TUK Collections.

Published by Ssali Publishing House, 2021.

From the Preface: “Funded by the English Academy of Southern Africa with sponsorship from the NIHSS, this book is the culmination of a research project that began in 2016, intended to complement the production of the Special Issue on Elections of the International Journal of African Renaissance Studies. The intention was to begin to capture, in academic journals and books, the complex evolution of political succession through regular, free and fair elections on the African continent.

This book attempts to capture the nuanced challenges faced by African countries in their conduct of political power transfer through elections. The chapters have managed to capture the diversity confronting attempts to deepen democracy on the continent and attempts to cover the diversity of challenges facing transition and power transfers in some of the 55 different African countries on the continent.

The African Union Peace and Security Commission and that of Political Affairs have declared disputed elections as the major driver of conflict on the continent. The hope is that this book will encourage the lively interest, research and documentation of the complex contexts that Africa finds itself in and while this is certainly going to provide a better understanding of our situation, ultimately, this may offer options of sustainable solutions.”

Professor Martin Revayi Ruprya is a Visiting Fellow with lARS, Unisa; Professor Lesiba Teffo is with the Institute for African Renaissance Studies (IARS); Emeritus Professor Shadrack B. Gutto is a Visiting Professor with IARS, Unisa; and Rosemary Gray is Emeritus Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria and was the former Managing Editor of the International Journal for African Renaissance Studies, founded by Professor S-hadrack Gutto.

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Harambee: The spirit of innovation in Africa by Mike Bruton – Africana Collection.

Published by BestRed, an imprint of HSRC Press, 2022.

BLURB: “Is this Africa's century? How many inventions have been made in Africa? Is the nature of innovation in Africa different from elsewhere? Do you know the difference between tef and TEF; or a SolarTurtle, a Turtle car from Ghana and a satellite-tagged loggerhead turtle? How many African countries have produced their own cars? Why is the M-Pesa mobile money system so important?

Harambee: the spirit of innovation in Africa answers these and many other questions by showcasing the resourcefulness and resilience shown by people in Africa as they search for solutions to the pressing problems they face daily. This remarkable book is the first of its kind—over 800 inventions and innovations by more than 600 innovators from 50 African countries are discussed, and a variety of issues related to innovation are debated. From mompreneurs to moguls, waste pickers to fintech wizards, locust whisperers to rocket scientists, robocops to internet-enabled balloons, surfing therapy to gin flavoured with elephant dung, seshweshwe cloth to microsatellites, you will be astounded by the creativity of the continent's techpreneurs. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the future of Africa.”

Mike Bruton originally trained as an ichthyologist at Rhodes University. He was professor and head of the Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science at Rhodes, has served as the director of the JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology, and was appointed as the education director at the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town. He was a founding director of the MTN ScienCentre before retiring in 2015 and setting up the consultancy company Mike Bruton Imagineering, where he has been active providing guidance to science and technology centres and writing popular science books.

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Hunger for the Light: The Challenges of an African Life by Rosemary A. Gray – TUK Collection.

Published by Ssali Publishing House/UNISA, 2022.

BLURB: “This is the story of an extraordinary man whose courage, imagination, enthusiasm and warmth left not only an indelible mark on his family, friends and colleagues but also on the countless young minds he influenced and on the abiding legacy he left behind. Dr Derek John Gray was a British born South African whose love of teaching and dedicated work among young scientists spread his name across the world, and whose sporting prowess as a Paralympian garnered medals in a myriad of disciplines. But it was as a father, partner and soulmate that Derek truly shone. This sweeping and lovingly crafted life story by his wife Professor Rosemary Gray, underpins her husband’s generosity of spirit, his depth of humility and his unshakeable love for the people of Africa.

The author hopes this book will help others become as infected by exuberance and curiosity as Derek was, as she celebrates a life well lived and shares a love story which transcended disability and adversity. By finding his purpose to teach and never stop learning, Derek Gray undoubtedly proved that a single individual can make a difference and that by building and encouraging others, you will illuminate a path towards the advancement of all humanity.”

Rosemary Gray is Emeritus Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria. She was awarded the Gold Medal for distinguished service to English over a lifetime in 2008 and won the Thomas Pringle award for best scholarly article in 2017. She is Managing Editor of the English Academy Review: Journal of English Studies and is Honorary Treasurer and Live Vice President of the English Academy of Southern Africa and serves on PanSALB’s National English Language Body.

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HumanEATies – 100 Recipes by the Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria – TUK Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2022.

BLURB: “HumanEATies is a cookbook, not a recipe book, as it has academic resonance, and is not a mere collection of recipes. Like many academic endeavours, it is a transdisciplinary project, with all the recipes tested by final-year Hospitality and Consumer Food Sciences students in the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.”

From the Foreword: “The idea for this cookbook was born, of course, while eating, specifically while enjoying breakfast with staff from the Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Who knew that from those first tentative conversations, a creation of such deliciousness would emerge from our colleagues in the Faculty of Humanities? Many of these recipes were sourced during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown when cooking and baking seemed to present a welcome distraction from the uncertainties going on in the world. With this publication, the Faculty of Humanities has shown that there is more to being an academic than just teaching and research and that some wonderfully creative foodies are occupying our spaces.”

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As ESI Press is a not-for-profit, open-source press, HumanEATies can be downloaded for free from their website.

The Rosetta Stone by Carol Andrews – Africana Collection.

Published by British Museum Publications Ltd, 1981.

BLURB: “This volume presents the Rosetta Stone, an Ancient Egyptian artifact which was instrumental in advancing modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. The stone is a Ptolemaic era stele with carved text made up of three translations of a single passage—two in Egyptian language scripts (hieroglyphic and Demotic) and one in classical Greek. It was created in 196 BC, discovered by the French in 1799 at Rosetta and contributed greatly to the deciphering of the principles of hieroglyph writing. The author tells of the discovery of the Stone, and the story of how its mystery was solved. The book also includes a translation of text, a hieroglyphic alphabet, and a brief illustration of the ancient Egyptian language.”

This volume was donated to Special Collections by the Education Faculty Library at Groenkloof Campus.

Carol Andrews was a member of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, and authored various books on Ancient Egypt including The Rosetta Stone,  Catalogue of Egyptian Jewellery in the British Museum and Egyptian Mummies.

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Ad Destinatum VI, 2009 - 2018: Tracing developments in the history of the University of Pretoria edited by Hanlie Griesel and James Ogude – TUK Collection.

Published by University of Pretoria, 2023.

BLURB: “The period that framed this sixth volume in the Ad Destinatum series was marked by several significant events and developments, among which was the appointment of Prof Cheryl de la Rey, the 12th Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Pretoria. The purpose of each volume in the series is to serve as a reference resource of a specific time period, and over time, to capture the unique circumstances that have shaped the University's identity and academic project. In this volume, we set out to trace and reconstruct major institutional developments during the period 2009 to 2018, which coincided with the development of the University's long-term strategy, ‘UP 2025’.

Three themes tie together the six chapters: leadership and the dynamic nature of change; the University's time-place situatedness, simultaneously in Africa and in a global 21st century knowledge world; and thirdly, the need continually to recalibrate and realign strategies in order for intentional change to become embedded.

Third-year Visual Art students were involved in a design competition for Ad Destinatum VI, as part of their curriculum and assessment. Ten students received merit awards for their designs, with Marcholette Minnaar winning the competition with her cover design.”

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The entire series of Ad Destinatum, from 1910 to 2018, is available online at UPSpace.


Inherited Obsessions: Conversation with an Exhibition edited by Laura de Harde – TUK Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2022.

From Chapter 1: “This publication [is one of the] key outcomes of Laura de Harde's project, Inherited Obsessions (2022). De Harde developed the project in response to what the National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences identified as shortcomings in post-colonial forms of thinking about heritage and scholarship. She conceptualised the project as a collaboration with the Ditsong National Museum of Cultural History (DNMCH), working with Motsane Gertrude Seabela, Anthropology Collections Curator, to revisit the museum's collections in ways that address and challenge what can sometimes be presumptive and lasting cultural stereotypes. The chapters in this publication are the result of research and creative work conducted as part of, or in conversation with, the Inherited Obsessions (2022) project, which centres on the following themes: objects of culture, collection, conservation, memory, and commemoration. Hosted by the DNMCH in Pretoria [in] September 2022, the curators want[ed] the exhibition to invite contemplation about the nation's heritage and the collective consciousness of South African communities and society at large. However, the politics of the personal and the multiple collectives we associate with as individuals are also at play: the ties that bind us by birth, profession, age, conviction, obligation, association, and discrimination.”

Laura de Harde is a visual artist, researcher and curator. Laura developed a special interest in surfacing 'quieter' contributions to knowledge production, eclipsed by overarching master narratives while completing her doctorate in history of art at Wits University (2019). Continuing with this theme, Laura has contributed to books and published articles in journals such as de arte and Critical Arts. Her creative work has been included in group exhibitions, most recently the KKNK Virtual Exhibition: 'If you think about it, just midding in the meantime (or) Progression' (2021) and Nirox Open Lab II: 'Good Neighbours' (2022).

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Picturing a Colonial Past: The African Photographs of Isaac Schapera, edited by John L. Comaroff, Jean Comaroff, & Deborah James – Africana Collection.

Published by University of Chicago Press, 2007.

BLURB: “This volume presents for the first time the selected photographs of the renowned British anthropologist Isaac Schapera (1905-2003). Taken between 1929 and 1940, largely during his earliest work among the Kgatla peoples of Bechuanaland (now Botswana), these images reveal an emotional engagement and an aesthetic impulse that Schapera seldom expressed in his writings. Covering a broad spectrum of activities, they include depictions of everything from pot making, thatching, and cattle herding to village architecture, vernacular medicine, rainmaking ceremonies, and initiation rites. Visually fascinating and of exceptional quality, Schapera's photographs capture the uniqueness of an African people at a particular time and place. They are contextualized in Jean and John Comaroff's introduction, while Adam Kuper's biographical sketch of Schapera provides new insight into the life of the photographer. Picturing a Colonial Past reveals not only a rare side of old Botswana, but also of one of the most famous anthropologists who worked there.”

John L. Comaroff is the Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago, Honorary Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town, and a Senior Research Fellow at the American Bar Foundation.

Jean Comaroff is the Bernard E. and Ellen C. Sunny Distinguished Service Professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago and Honorary Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town.

Deborah James is Reader in Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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The Cambridge Modern History – Reserved Collection.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 1902-1912.

The Special Collections Unit is pleased to add volumes iv, v, vi, vii, vii and xii of The Cambridge Modern History to our Reserved Collection, and look forward to being able to complete the fourteen-volume series. The Cambridge Modern History was published at the beginning of the 20th century  with the aim of being a "comprehensive modern history of the world," beginning with the 15th century Age of Discovery and ending at the early 20th century with the Scientific Age and Modern Explorations.

John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton: The series was planned and coordinated by Lord Acton, who intended it to be a monument of objective, detailed, and collaborative scholarship. Acton was Regius professor of modern history at Cambridge, and a fellow of All Souls, Oxford. He had previously established the English Historical Review in 1886. The series was edited by Acton, along with Stanley Mordaunt Leathes, Sir Adolphus William Ward and G. W. Prothero. More than 100 researchers contributed to the series.

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History of South Africa since September, 1795 vol. V (1908) and History and Ethnography of Africa south of the Zambesi vol.II (1909) by George McCall Theal – Africana Collection.

Published by Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1908 and 1909.

Volume V of History of South Africa since September, 1795 is part of a series of five volumes, first published in 1908, focussing on the political history of South Africa between 1795-1894. Theal explores the British control of Cape Colony and the reactions of the Dutch setters to increasing British immigration, discussing the political consequences of the establishment of the various Boer Republics and the growth of Zulu power in South Africa.

Volume II of History and Ethnography of Africa south of the Zambesi is part of a series of three volumes first published in 1907, which contain Theal's detailed history of South Africa between 1505-1795. Theal discusses the formation of the colony from the first Portuguese conquests, exploring the Dutch colonial establishment and administration. Theal also describes the societies of the various indigenous peoples of South Africa and their relations with the colonists.

These volumes provide valuable details on the political history of South Africa, and reveal contemporary attitudes to the ideas of history and colonisation. They have been included in our Africana Collection, adding to our already large collection of Theal volumes.

George McCall Theal (1837 – 1919), was the most prolific and influential South African historian, archivist and genealogist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Born in New Brunswick Canada, he made his career in South Africa as a civil servant and historian. A teacher and later a reporter, Theal entered the public service at Cape Town in 1877, and subsequently held numerous posts, including that of Keeper of the Archives. He published various scholarly works on the history of sub-equatorial Africa, most notably a multi-volume history of South Africa. He was also the author of school texts in both Afrikaans and English. He died at Wynberg, South Africa.

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Commemorative Snapshots: Recalibrating Our Blue Diamond, edited by Rosemary Gray and Rajendra Chetty – TUK Collection.

Published by Ssali Publishing House, 2021.

From the Foreword: The writers assembled in this publication, celebrating the sixty-year anniversary of The English Academy of Southern Africa, epitomize the ways in which intellectuals and literary and language activists have become spokesmen and women for social and intellectual transformation. As borne out by this collection of memories, the academy has sought to espouse the credo of inclusivity in diversity as opposed to exclusivity. To promote inclusivity, the academy has promoted diversity of gender, beliefs, ethnicity, race, education, culture and regional circumstances. Commemorative Snapshots allows the uniqueness of these polyphonic voices to speak for themselves, without analysing the context of social memory or the history of its formulations.

Rosemary Gray is Emeritus Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She is a rated researcher, specializing in Anglo-Saxon, Middle English and Pan-African texts; her current research interest is the work of Ben Okri. She is Honorary Life Vice President of the English Academy of Southern Africa and Managing Editor of the English Academy Review: Journal of English Studies. Her book publications include Broken Strings: The Politics of Poetry; Sounding Wings: Short Stories from Africa (with Stephen Finn, Longmans); Light Comes out of the Darkness: The History of Expo for Young Scientists (OUP); and A Glass Half Full or Half Empty? The challenges of political succession and elections in Africa (Ssali).

Professor Rajendra Chetty is a postcolonial scholar. He has written extensively on Commonwealth literature; critical pedagogy; and race, class and marginalisation. His recent publications include: At the edge: The writings of Ronnie Govender (2018) and Narrating the new nation: South African Indian writings (2018).

Professor Chetty was awarded the Fulbright visiting professorship to the USA in 2015/16, received the 2016 Medal of Honour from the South African Education Association for his research in language education and the English Academy of Southern Africa Gold Medal for his contribution to English studies.

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Onverdrote vlyt: 'n Geskiedenis in beeld van die Departement Afrikaans, Universiteit van Pretoria, 1908-2020 deur Tercia Klopper en Hein Willemse – Tukkianaversameling.

Uitgegee deur Abrile Doman, 2020.

FLAPTEKS: “Nederlands met insluiting van Afrikaans is een van ses talkursusse wat in 1908 met die oprigting van die Transvaal University College, die voorganger van die Universiteit van Pretoria, aangebied was. Sedertien het die wording van Afrikaans en die lotgevalle van die Departement Afrikaans oor die jare heen saamgeval met die ontwikkeling en uitbreiding van die universiteit.

Hierdie geskiedenis van die Departement Afrikaans bied 'n oorsig van die besondere uitdagings en werksaamhede van personeellede oor meer as 'n eeu. Uit die beskrywing kom die leser agter hoe daar geywer is om'n vakrigting op te rig en te ontwikkel, en die akademiese studies en navorsing wat in elke periode tot stand gekom het. Onverdrote vlyt bied 'n insig in die arbeidsaamheid en ywer wat ‘n saambindende kenmerk van die departement is.

Die teks word ryklik aangevul met foto's en illustrasies wat die wordingsgeskiedenis van die departement vasvang. Uit tydgenootlike knipsels en berigte verneem ons die standpunte en oortuigings van toonaangewende akademici.

Tercia Klopper en Hein Willemse is onderskeidelik as departementele administrateur en professor verbonde aan die Departement Afrikaans, Universiteit van Pretoria.

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Battlefields, Monuments and Graves of the Anglo-Boer War in Bloemfontein and Vicinity, compiled by D. A. van der Bank – Africana Collection.

Published by Friends of the War Museum, 2001.

From the Introduction: “As capital of the republic of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein played a significant, as well as a central, role during the Anglo-Boer War. This contribution on buildings in Bloemfontein, as well as the lesser known battles, is of the utmost importance for furthering the regional history regarding the Anglo-Boer War. This publication therefore makes an important contribution [to our knowledge] of the Anglo-Boer War in general and also gives factual information regarding the lesser known aspects of the war in Bloemfontein and surrounding areas. Dr Van der Bank’s ability to present facts in a concise but interesting manner, makes this guide accessible to academics, as well as school children.

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Meretlwa Ya Leboa - Direto Tša Sepedi by Dinashaneng Sammy Mamogobo – Africana Collection.

Published by Lucas Zaba Chego, 2023.

“This enriching anthology touches upon a myriad of themes, resonating with readers from all walks of life. From exploring the essence of leadership to shedding light on pressing human rights issues, navigating the intricacies of educational systems, and addressing the myriad challenges of existence, each poem within Meretlwa Ya Leboa serves as a profound reflection on the human condition.” (

From the preface: “Direto tše di ngwadilwe ka polelo ya go nona, ya go tshotshoma makhura. Tšona di na le mehuta ye e lebanego bjalo ka thetogale, thetolerato, thetotumiso, thetokgoro bjalo-bjalo. Pukwana ye e tliša tsebo yeo e tletšego ebile e nonnego thetong le polelong ya leleme la Sepedi; ke setloša bodutu sa batho ka moka, ka yona go hlabjwa kgobe ka mootlwa, ipalele o ithute!”

Dinashaneng Sammy Mamogobo has a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Pretoria. Mamogoba’s love of poetry started at an early age and he draws inspiration from his grandfather—also a writer—Phorohlo Matheas Mamogobo.

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Scatterling of Africa: My Early Years by Johnny Clegg – FZ van der Merwe Collection.

Published by Macmillan, 2021.

BLURB: “For 14-year-old Johnny Clegg, hearing Zulu street music as plucked on the strings of a guitar by Charlie Mzila one evening outside a corner café in Bellevue, Johannesburg, was one such 'magical' moment.

The success story of Juluka and later Savuka, and the cross-cultural celebration of music, language, story, dance and song that stirred the hearts of millions across the world, is well documented. Their music was the soundtrack to many South Africans' lives during the turbulent 70s and 80s as the country moved from legislated oppression to democratic freedom. It crossed borders, boundaries and generations, resonating around the world and back again. Less known is the story of how it all began and developed.

Scatterling of Africa is that origin story, as Johnny Clegg wrote it and wanted it told. It is the story of how the son of an unconventional mother, grandson of Jewish immigrants, came to realise that identity can be a choice, and home is a place you leave and return to as surely as the seasons change.”

Johnny Clegg was born in England on 7 June 1953. He grew up in Zimbabwe and South Africa, and spent a formative year in Zambia as that country transitioned to independence in 1964. Together with Sipho Mchunu, Clegg formed the multiracial band Juluka. They toured the length and breadth of South Africa, performing in township halls and at music festivals. The song 'Scatterlings of Africa', a hit in 1979, launched their international career and saw the band invited to perform in Europe and the United States. In 1986, after Juluka disbanded, Clegg formed Savuka, and many of his iconic songs came from that era—‘Asimbonanga ', 'Great Heart' and ‘The Crossing'. Clegg died on 16 July 2019, leaving his wife Jenny, and sons Jesse and Jaron.

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Reading from the South: African Print Cultures and Oceanic Turns in Isabel Hofmeyr's Work edited by Charne Lavery and Sarah Nuttall – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2023.

BLURB: “Isabel Homeyr is one of the world's leading scholars on African print cultures, postcolonial literary histories, Indian Ocean studies and the oceanic humanities. Reading from the South provides a sustained analysis of many of Homeyr's most riveting and lasting contributions to the humanities, and shows how her highly portable methods are used in a multiplicity of fields to produce original research. Each chapter engages with a key moment in Hofmeyr's work while also advancing the field in question from the point of view of Southern historical contexts and textual practices.

In multiple ways, the contributors to the volume reveal how she has been a lodestar in her oeuvre and her person, guiding a course—cleaving 'a lucent trail', in the words of Gabeba Baderoon—through the seas of contemporary literary scholarship today.”

Charne Lavery is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria and Co-director of the Oceanic Humanities for the Global South project based at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Sarah Nuttall is Professor of Literary and Cultural Studies and Director of WiSER at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

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Written Out: The Silencing of Regina Gelana Twala by Joel Cabrita – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2023.

BLURB: “Regina Gelana Twala, a Black South African woman who died in 1968 in Swaziland (now Eswatini), was an extraordinarily prolific writer of books, columns, articles, and letters. Yet today Twala's name is largely unknown. Her literary achievements are forgotten. Her books are unpublished. Her letters languish in the dusty study of a deceased South African academic. Her articles are buried in discontinued publications. Joel Cabrita argues that Twala's posthumous obscurity has not developed accidentally as she exposes the ways prejudices around race and gender blocked Black African women like Twala from establishing themselves as successful writers. Drawing upon Twala's family papers, interviews, newspapers, and archival records from Pretoria, Uppsala, and Los Angeles, Cabrita argues that an entire cast of characters--censorious editors, territorial White academics, apartheid officials, and male African politicians whose politics were at odds with her own—conspired to erase Twala's legacy. Through her unique documentary output, Twala marked herself as a radical voice on issues of gender, race, and class. The literary gatekeepers of the racist and sexist society of twentieth-century southern Africa clamped down by literally writing her out of the region's history.”

Joel Cabrita is the Susan Ford Dorsey Director of the Center for African Studies and an associate professor of African history at Stanford University as well as a senior research associate at the University of Johannesburg. She is the author of Text and Authority in the South African Nazaretha Church and The People's Zion: Southern Africa, the United States, and a Transatlantic Faith-Healing Movement.

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Convening Black Intimacy: Christianity, Gender, and Tradition in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa by Natasha Erlank – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2022.

BLURB: “Convening Black Intimacy demonstrates that the primary affective force in the construction of modern Black intimate life in early twentieth-century South Africa was not the commonly cited influx of migrant workers but rather the spread of Christianity. African converts developed a new conception of intimate life, one that shaped ideas about sexuality, gender roles, and morality.

While the integration of certain Black traditions and customs-including lobola, in which a bridegroom demonstrates his gratitude by transferring property to his bride's family-led many individuals to accept a new Christian model of sexuality and intimacy, others were drawn to the ways in which Christianity broke with tradition. In either case, Natasha Erlank argues, what Black South Africans regard today as traditional morality has been unequivocally altered by the spread of Christianity.

In asserting the paramount influence of Christianity on unfolding ideas about family, gender, and marriage in Black South Africa, Erlank challenges social historians who have posited the migrant labor system as the key factor. Erlank draws from a wide range of sources, including popular Black literature and the Black press, African church and mission archives, and records of the law courts, which she argues have been underutilized in histories of South Africa. The book will attract historians and other scholars interested in the history of African Christianity, African families, sexuality, and the social history of law, especially colonial law.”

Natasha Erlank is a professor of history at the University of Johannesburg. Her research interests lie in the history of gender, marriage, and sexuality in Africa, within the broader context of colonialism and Christianity. Her new work examines the history of reproductive health in Africa from the 1940s to the 1990s.

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Falling Monuments, Reluctant Ruins: The Persistence of the Past in the Architecture of Apartheid edited by Hilton Judin – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2021.

BLURB: “Falling Monuments, Reluctant Ruins interrogates how, in the era of decolonisation, post-apartheid South Africa reckons with its past in order to shape its future. Architects, historians, artists, social anthropologists and urban planners seek answers in this book to complex and unsettling questions around heritage, ruins and remembrance. What do we do with hollow memorials and political architectural remnants? Which should remain, which forgotten, and which dismantled? Are these vacant buildings, cemeteries, statues, and derelict grounds able to serve as inspiration in the fight against enduring racism and social neglect? Should they become exemplary as spaces for restitution and justice? The contributors examine the influence of public memory, planning and activism on such anguished places of oppression, resistance and defiance. Their focus on visible markers in the landscape to interrogate our past will make readers reconsider these spaces, looking at their landscape and history anew.”

Hilton Judin is an architect and director of postgraduate architecture in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand.

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Guerrilla Radios in Southern Africa: Broadcasters, Technology, Propaganda Wars, and the Armed Struggle edited by Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi, Tshepo Moloi and Alda Saúte Saide – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Guerrilla Radios in Southern Africa is a collection of essays on the histories of the different radios of the liberation movements in the region during the era of the armed struggle.

From Angola and Mozambique, to Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, the new technology of radio provided the liberation movements in exile with a platform to address their followers at home, to propagate their ideologies and to counter the propaganda of the oppressive white minority regimes. As the cheapest and most direct medium, guerrilla radios transcended the boundaries imposed by the settler regimes and were widely listened to, albeit within the realm of illegality.

Transnational in its approach, the book explores the workings of these radios from their areas of broadcast in exile, international solidarity, to reception at home where listeners huddled around their receivers to listen to the messages from the liberation movements, often beyond the gaze of the state. These radios shaped the nature of resistance campaigns that the liberation movements embarked upon in the various countries in the region.”

Sekibakiba Peter Lekgoathi is Associate Professor of History at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Tshepo Moloi is Senior Lecturer of History at the University of the Free State, South Africa.

Alda Romão Saúte Saíde is Associate Professor at Pedagogic University in Maputo, Mozambique.

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Colour, Class and Community: the Natal Indian Congress, 1971-1994 by Ashwin Desai and Goolam H. Vahed – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2021.

BLURB: “Following a hiatus in the 1960s, the Natal Indian Congress (NIC) in South Africa was revived in 1971. In fascinating detail, Ashwin Desai and Goolam Vahed bring the inner workings of the NIC to life against the canvas of major political developments in South Africa during the 1970s and 1980s, and up to the first democratic elections in 1994.

The NIC was relaunched during the rise of the Black Consciousness Movement, which attracted a following among Indian university students, and whose invocation of Indians as Black led to a major debate about ethnic organisations such as the NIC. This debate persisted in the 1980s with the rise of the United Democratic Front and its commitment to non-racialism. Despite threats of banning and incarceration, the NIC kept attracting new recruits. This included students radicalised by the 1980s education boycotts and civic protests, who encouraged the development of community organisations.

Drawing on varied sources, including oral interviews, newspaper reports, and minutes of organisational meetings, this engaging history challenges existing narratives around Indian 'cabalism', and brings the African and Indian political story into present debates about race, class and nation.”

Ashwin Desai is Professor of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg.

Goolam Vahed is Professor of History at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

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Bones and Bodies: How South African Scientists Studied Race by Alan G. Morris – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2022.

BLURB: “Alan G. Morris takes us back over the past century of anthropological discovery in South Africa and uncovers the stories of individual scientists and researchers who played a significant role in shaping perceptions of how peoples of southern Africa, both ancient and modern, came to be viewed and categorised in both the public imagination and the scientific literature.

Morris reveals how many of the earlier anthropological studies were tainted with the tarred brush of race science, evaluating the works of famous anthropologists and archaeologists such as Raymond Dart, Thomas Dreyer, Matthew Drennan and Robert Broom. He also considers how modern anthropology tried to rid itself of the stigma of these early racist accounts in the 1960s and 1970s, when Ronald Singer and Phillip Tobias introduced modern methods.

Bones and Bodies shows the battle facing modern anthropology to acknowledge its racial past, but also how its study of human variation remains an important field of inquiry at institutions of higher learning.”

Alan G. Morris is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Human Biology at the University of Cape Town. He has published extensively on the origin of anatomically modern humans, and the Later Stone Age, Iron Age and historical populations of Kenya, Malawi, Namibia and South Africa, as well as forensic anthropology.

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Dis/abling Higher Education in South Africa by Maria Ramaahlo – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by CSA &G Press, 2021.

From the Foreword: “Dis/abling Higher Education in South Africa is an exploratory conversation that focuses on two elements that are fundamental to the social justice agenda: (a) the higher education sector has been disabling to persons with disabilities through structural ableism; and (b) this monograph itself intends to disable ableism by attempting to disrupt the sector so that something new can emerge.

The work examines higher education institutions and what they are currently doing and can do to create more inclusive spaces to transform the experience of students living with disabilities. Through her reflection Dr Ramaahlo challenges the status quo and speaks to the fact that transformation initiatives that focus solely on quantitative access and tolerance training, continue to fall short in making lasting change within this sector.”

Dr. Maria Ramaahlo is the head of the Disability Unit at the University of Pretoria. The Disability Unit operates within the Department of Student Affairs and supports students with disabilities in partnership with departments and faculties. Dr Ramaahlo has worked at different higher education institutions within South Africa and facilitated the inclusion of students with disabilities within these spaces.

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Cuba and Africa, 1959-1994: Writing an Alternative Atlantic History edited by Giulia Bonacci, Adrien Delmas, and Kali Argyriadis – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Cuba was a key participant in the struggle for the independence of African countries during the Cold War and the definitive ousting of colonialism from the continent. Beyond the military interventions that played a decisive role in shaping African political history, there were many-sided engagements between the island and the continent. Cuba and Africa, 1959-1994 is the story of tens of thousands of individuals who crossed the Atlantic as doctors, scientists, soldiers, students and artists. Each chapter presents a case study—from Algeria to Angola, from Equatorial Guinea to the Congo—and shows how much of the encounter between Cuba and Africa took place in non-militaristic fields: humanitarian and medical, scientific and educational, cultural and artistic.

The historical experience and the legacies documented in this book speak to the major ideologies that shaped the colonial and postcolonial world, including internationalism, developmentalism and South-South cooperation,

Approaching African-Cuban relations from a multiplicity of angles, this collection will appeal to an equally wide range of readers, from scholars in Atlantic studies to cultural theorists and general readers with an interest in contemporary African history.”

Giulia Bonacci is a historian and researcher at the Institute of Research for Development, and is posted at the Migrations and Society Research Unit (URMIS), University of Côte d'Azur.

Adrien Delmas is Director of the Centre Jacques Berque in Rabat and an associate researcher at the Institut des mondes africains, Paris.

Kali Argyriadis is an anthropologist and researcher at the Institute of Research for Development, and is posted at the Migrations and Society Research Unit (URMIS), University of Paris.

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Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Young Men and Masculinity by Justice Medzani – Africana Collection.

Published by CSA&G Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered is an exploration of how a diverse group of young male-identified students at the University of Pretoria feels about maleness and masculinity, and assists us in developing some insights into the challenges young men experience and empathy for their journeys. The report helps to start a conversation about how masculinity feels to this generation of university goers, and to inspire you, the reader, to keep this conversation going.”

Justice Medzani joined the CSA&G and the Department of Political Sciences as a Postdoctoral Researcher in July 2020. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Pretoria. His thesis focused on the nexus between intimate partner violence and male identity. Prior to enrolling at the University of Pretoria in 2017, he worked for the Government of Zimbabwe in the Ministry of Justice. He has research interests in broad interconnected areas of family sociology, gender-based violence; identities (masculinities and sexualities); gender inequality and vulnerability.

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Wilhelm Knobel die Ongewapende Man: Van Kindertyd tot Sterwenstyd saamgestel deur Deon Knobel – Africana Versameling.

Uitgegee deur Bel Monte, 2008.

Wilhelm Knobel die Ongewapende Man vertel die lewensverhaal van die Sestiger Digter, Wilhelm Knobel, deur sy eie geskrifte en kunswerke. Dit is saamgestel deur sy broer, Deon Knobel.







Lost Libraries, Burnt Archives edited by Sindi-Leigh McBride and Julia Rensing – Africana Collection.

Published by Michaelis Galleries, University of Cape Town, 2023.

Synopsis: “Lost Libraries, Burnt Archives is a collected volume of short stories, artworks, poems, and essays by 22 contributors including Koleka Putuma, Masande Ntshanga, Bongani Kona, and many more. It is a result of a collaborative project with colleagues at the University of Cape Town, and responds to the 'Of Smoke and Ash: Jagger Library Memorial Exhibition' curated by Jade Nair and Dr Duane Jethro at UCT. This exhibition commemorated the tragic fire at the Jagger Library in April 2021, and celebrated the salvage efforts of volunteers and UCT Libraries. The contributors to this book are either artists or academics, sometimes both, and they write about libraries and archives or reflect on the topics of commemorative practices and collective loss, artistic practice and curatorship as a creative site of knowledge.

The physical book had a limited print run (100 copies) and was not available for sale but instead made freely available to university and public libraries, research institutions and specialized archives in South Africa and at select international institutions. The eBook is available for download free of charge.”

Editors Sindi-Leigh-McBride and Julia Rensing are PhD Candidates at the Centre for African Studies, University of Basel.

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Gendered and Sexual Imagi(nations): The 2018 Zimbabwean E(r)ections and the Aftermath by Tinashe Mawere – Africana Collection.

Published by CSA & G Press, 2019.

BLURB: “Gendered and Sexual Imagi(nations) attempts to answer questions that have been central to scholarship within the humanities. Drawing on the concepts which Schneider refers to as the basic building blocks of society, i.e. “the quartet of kinship, economics, politics, and religion”, Mawere explores, on the one hand, the historiography of the Zimbabwean state, specifically the Mugabe era, and the particular ways in which it has been underpinned by a deeply rooted system of patriarchal values. On the other hand, this text asks questions which most authors have shied away from asking. Rather than constructing a perspective which imagines leaders of ZANU-PF and the MDC in natural opposition and fundamentally different because of divergent political visions, Gendered and Sexual Imagi(nations) asks its readers to take note of the commonalities shared by male leaders of these parties, and, in fact, held by most male politicians.”

Tinashe Mawere is a researcher at the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender (CSA&G) at the University of Pretoria (UP). His interests are identity construction, gender and sexualities and the workings of popular culture in political and social contexts. Tinashe holds a PhD in Women's and Gender Studies (UWC), an MA in African and Diasporan Literature in English, and a BA Honours in English and Communication from MSU.

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Fluid: Short Stories - The Freedom to Be edited by Joanne Hichens and Karina Magdalena Szczurek – Africana Collection.

Published by Tattoo Press, 2023.

From the Foreword: “This collection disrupts the natural order of things, it topples hierarchies, and offers alternative solutions, which in the current state of our rigid societies, seem unimaginable, impossible even. […]  All in all, what a wonderful, expressive, and brave collection this is, calling for us to stop speculating about lives we want to build for our children, worlds we want to exist in, and to intentionally create these realities, because everything we need is within our reach. With the lines blurred to almost disappearing, with major technological advances across all industries, a #cando attitude will conspire for all things to work in one's favour. Life is an ebb and flow, a give and take, as we practice the freedom to be.”

Joanne Hichens lives in Cape Town. She has edited numerous anthologies, including the Short.Sharp.Stories titles, Bloody Satisfied, Incredible Journey, Die Laughing, Trade Secrets and Adults Only, winner of the NIHSS (National Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences) Award for Best Edited Collection (2015). Most recently she and Karina M. Szczurek compiled and edited Hair: Weaving and Unpicking Stories of Identity. She penned the crime novels, Out to Score (co-written), Divine Justice, and Sweet Paradise. Her Young Adult novels, Stained and Riding the Wave, were each shortlisted for the Sanlam Literature Award. Her memoir, Death and the After Parties, is her latest literary offering.

Karina M. Szczurek is the author and (co)editor of a dozen works of fiction and non-fiction, most recently a memoir, The Fifth Mrs Brink, and an anthology, Disruption: New Short Fiction from Africa. She won the MML Literature Award in the category, English Drama in 2012 and received the Thomas Pringle Award for a portfolio of ad hoc reviews from the English Academy of Southern Africa in 2018. She is a board member of Short Story Day Africa. In 2019, she founded Karavan Press, an independent publishing house, and a year later, established the Philida Literary Award. She lives in Cape Town.

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Focus: Music of South Africa by Carol Ann Muller – FZ van der Merwe Collection.

Published by Routledge, 2008.

BLURB: “Focus: Music of South Africa provides an in-depth look at the full spectrum of South African music, a musical culture that epitomizes the enormous ethnic, religious, linguistic, class, and gender diversity of the nation itself. Drawing on extensive field and archival research, as well as her own personal experiences, noted ethnomusicologist and South African native Carol A. Muller looks at how South Africans have used music to express a sense of place in South Africa, on the African continent, and around the world.”

Carol A. Muller is Professor of Music (Ethnomusicology) at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Gender and Germs: Unmasking War Frames in South Africa's Militarised Response to COVID-19 by Gabriela Pinheiro and Peace Kiguwa – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by CSA &G Press, 2021.

BLURB: “In Gender and Germs, Pinheiro and Kiguwa provide a careful, textured analysis of South Africa’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, through an analysis of presidential speeches addressed to the South African public. It thus highlights pivotal moments in the South African political response to this historically significant moment. The authors’ psycho-social and decolonial feminist reading of South Africa’s militarised, hegemonically masculine response to the COVID-19 pandemic is ever timelier in a context in which the gendered inequities illuminated by the pandemic have produced immeasurable difficulties.”

Gabriela Pinheiro is a Critical Social and Psychological Researcher. She holds a Master's in Critical Social and Psychological Research from the University of the Witwatersrand, and an Internship in Research Psychology from the UNISA Institute for Social and Health Sciences. Currently, Gabriela works as a Researcher and Project Manager for the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender at the University of Pretoria, specialising in work that centres intersectional identity studies, LGBTQIA+ activism, gender justice and feminisms.

Peace Kiguwa is an Associate Professor in the School of Human and Community Development in Psychology at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa. Her research interests include affective politics of gender and sexuality, critical race theory, critical social psychology and teaching and learning. Her research projects include focus on young women's leadership in Higher Education in partnership with the African Gender Institute (AGI) and Destabilizing Heteronormativity project in partnership with Accountability International (Al). She has co-edited four books (UCT and ZED press releases) and has published in both local and internationally accredited journals. She is currently an Editorial Board Member of the accredited journals Psychology in Society (PINS), African Studies (AS) and International Journal of Critical Diversity Studies (IJCDS) and has co-edited three accredited Special Issue journals: Rethinking social cohesion and its relationship to exclusion, Papers on Social Representations and Micro-politics of Belonging in Higher Education. She is the current Chair of the Sexuality and Gender Division of the Psychology Society of South Africa (PSYSSA).

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King Kong: Our Knot of Time and Music by Pat Williams– FZ van der Merwe Collection.

Published by Portobello Books, 2017.

BLURB: “On 2 February 1959, a musical about the life and times of heavyweight boxing star Ezekiel Dlamini (known as 'King Kong') opened in Johannesburg to a packed audience that included Nelson Mandela. King Kong was not just South Africa's first ever musical, but one that grew out of a collaboration between black people and white, and showcased an all-black cast. It was an instant hit, bursting through the barriers of apartheid and eventually playing to 200,000 South Africans of every colour before transferring to London's West End.

Pat Williams, the show's lyricist, was at the time an apolitical young woman trying to free herself from the controls and prejudices of the genteel white society in which she lived. Here she recounts her experience of growing up in a divided South Africa, her involvement in the musical, and its lasting impact both on herself and on the show's cast, many of whom went on to find international fame. Her memoir takes the story up to the present, and is not only a vivid evocation of a troubled time and place, but also a celebration of a joyous production, in which a group of young people came together in South Africa's dark times - to create a show which still lives on today.”

Pat Williams, who began her working life at sixteen, is an award-winning writer, journalist, script-writer and broadcaster, as well as a psychotherapist. She loves stories, spent ten years as director of the College of Storytellers (formed to help kickstart the British storytelling revival), and gives popular workshops and seminars on metaphor and therapeutic storytelling in Britain and elsewhere. Pat has lived in London for decades, as well as, in recent years, on the Isle of Arran.

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Milner: Last of the Empire-Builders by Richard Steyn – Africana Collection.

Published by Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2022.

BLURB: “Alfred Milner was one of Britain's most celebrated—or notorious—empire-builders, who left an indelible imprint on the history of South Africa.

Sent to southern Africa to bring President Paul Kruger's obstreperous Boers to heel, Milner was primarily, though not solely, responsible for the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902), a conflict that marked the beginning of the end of the British Empire. In the aftermath of the war, Milner set out to reconstruct the former Boer republics, but his policies stoked resentment among Afrikaners. He left behind a coterie of young administrators, the Kindergarten, who contributed significantly to the unification of South Africa and the fostering of imperial ideals.

In this biography, the first by a South African, Richard Steyn argues that Milner's reputation should not be defined by his eight years' service in South Africa alone. Milner's legendary administrative ability made him the obvious choice for War Secretary in Lloyd George's five-man War Cabinet, and he did much to shape the Allied victory in the First World War.

If Milner's personal qualities and beliefs made him the wrong man to send to South Africa, where he failed to accomplish the over-ambitious goals he set himself, he was the right man in a far greater international conflict.”

Richard Steyn is the author of several bestselling biographies, including Jan Smuts: Unafraid of Greatness (2015) and Louis Botha: A Man Apart (2018). He practised as a lawyer before switching to journalism. Steyn edited the Natal Witness in Pietermaritzburg from 1975-1990, was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University in 1985-1986 and editor-in-chief of The Star from 1990-1995. He served as Standard Bank’s Director of Corporate Affairs from 1996-2001 before returning to writing.

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Exclusion, Objectification, Exploitation: Gender, Sexuality and Climate Change Information Services by Dina Lupin Townsend – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by CSA &G Press, 2021.

BLURB: “In Exclusion, Objectification, Exploitation: Gender, Sexuality and Climate Change Information Services, Dina Lupin Townsend takes as a key focus the idea of knowing, in a critical exploration of the epistemological dimensions related to climate change phenomena. Through a holistic lens, underpinned by the core principles of social justice and feminist epistemologies, knowing is here interrogated not as value-free, but as a cornerstone of equal and fair efforts to find meaningful solutions to global warming.”

Dina Lupin Townsend is a legal scholar specialising in environmental law, Indigenous peoples' rights, gender, participation and legal theory. Dina is currently based in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna where she is conducting research on silencing and epistemic injustice in the context of consultation processes with marginalised groups. Previously, she worked as a Senior Attorney at the Centre for Environmental Rights in South Africa, representing rural communities in their battles for transparent and accountable environmental and water management in the mining sector.

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The African Imagination in Music by Kofi Agawu – FZ van der Merwe Collection.

Published by Oxford University Press, 2016.

BLURB: “In The African Imagination in Music, noted music scholar Kofi Agawu offers a fresh introduction to the vast, immensely rich and diverse set of repertoires that comprise the sound worlds of Sub-Saharan African music. Agawu introduces readers to the basic elements of African music and to the values upon which they are built. He then explores the key dimensions and resources of African music, including the place of music in society, musical instruments, the relationship between language and music, rhythm, melody, form, harmony and finally, appropriations of African music by musicians around the world.

Written in an accessible style, The African Imagination in Music is poised to renew interest in Black African music, and to engender discussion of its creative underpinnings by Africanists, ethnomusicologists, music theorists and musicologists.”

Kofi Agawu was born in Ghana, West Africa where he received his initial education before studying in the UK and the US. He has taught and lectured at numerous universities in Africa, Europe and the United States. Agawu is a wide-ranging scholar and author of numerous articles and books, including Playing with Signs: A Semiotic Interpretation of Classic Music (Princeton University Press, 1991), African Rhythm: A Northern Ewe Perspective (Cambridge University Press, 1995), Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions (Routledge, 2003) and Music as Discourse: Semiotic Adventures in Romantic Music (Oxford University Press, 2008). A Fellow of the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, he is also Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. Dr. Agawu is currently a professor of music at Princeton University.

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Winnie and Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage by Jonny Steinberg – Africana Collection.

Published by Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2023.

BLURB: “One of the most celebrated political leaders of the twentieth century, Nelson Mandela has been written about by many biographers and historians. But in one crucial area, his life remains largely untold: his marriage to Winnie.

During his years in prison, Nelson grew ever more in love with an idealised version of his wife, courting her in his letters as if they were young lovers frozen in time. But Winnie, every bit his political equal, found herself increasingly estranged from her jailed husband's politics. Behind his back, she was trying to orchestrate an armed seizure of power, a path he feared would lead to an endless civil war.

Jonny Steinberg tells the tale of this unique marriage—its longings, its obsessions, its deceits—turning the course of South African history into a page-turning political biography. Winnie & Nelson is a modern epic in which trauma doesn't just affect the couple at its centre, but an entire nation.

It is also a Shakespearean drama in which bonds of love and commitment mingle with timeless questions of revolution, such as whether to seek retribution or a negotiated peace. Told with power and tender emotional insight, Steinberg reveals how far these forever entwined leaders would go for one another, and also, where they drew the line. For in the end both knew theirs was not simply a marriage, but a contest to decide how apartheid should be fought.”

Jonny Steinberg is the author of several books about everyday life in the wake of South Africa's transition to democracy. He is a two-time winner of South Africa's premier nonfiction prize, the Sunday Times Alan Paton Award, and an inaugural winner of the Donald Windham-Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes.

Until 2020, he was professor of African Studies at Oxford University. He currently teaches part-time at the Council on African Studies at Yale University's MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies and is visiting professor at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WISER) in Johannesburg.

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Three Wise Monkeys by Charles Van Onselen – Africana Collection.

Published by Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2023.

BLURB: “Three Wise Monkeys explores some of the contradictions, silences and oversights, and working misunderstandings, that arose when an Anglophone, Protestant, industrial and urbanising state—South Africa—developed side by side with a Lusophone, Catholic, commercial and rural colony—Mozambique.

The trilogy presents a striking new way of viewing the entangled, often hidden, economic, political and social dynamics that informed the rise of 20th-century South Africa, often at the expense of neighbouring Mozambique. It is a history that transcends state boundaries to take the reader into previously uncharted domains of the recent past.”

Charles van Onselen is the author of several award-winning books, including The Fox and the Flies, Masked Raiders, The Night Trains and The Seed is Mine, which was voted one of the hundred best books to come out of Africa in the 20th century. He has held visiting fellowships at Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford and Yale universities and has been Research Professor in the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship (CAS) at the University of Pretoria for the past two decades.

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All True Things: A History of the University of Alberta by Rod Macleod – Reserved Collection.

Published by The University of Alberta Press, 2008.

BLURB: “All True Things is a critical History of the genesis and evolution of the University of Alberta to mark the University’s centennial. Rod Macleod relates the University’s coming of age against the parallel history of the Province of Alberta’s remarkable growth. What emerges is an enduring narrative of an institutional will to thrive and become a vibrant centre of learning. As the University embarks on its second century, this definitive source of information and reflection on institutional history and governance will inspire future leaders and policy makers and reach out to the University of Alberta’s many friends and alumni.”

Rod Macleod  was professor of History and Classics at the University of Alberta from 1969 until he retired in 2002. He has written extensively on the history of western Canada as as Canadian legal and military history. He has also served as the Alberta representative on the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada.

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Queer Africa 2: New Stories edited by Makhosazana Xaba and Karen Martin – Africana Collection.

Published by MaThoko's Books, 2017.

BLURB: “"In Queer Africa 2: New Stories, the 26 stories by writers from Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Uganda and the USA present exciting and varied narratives on life. There are stories on desire, disruption and dreams; others on longing, lust and love. The stories are representative of the range of human emotions and experiences that abound in the lives of Africans and those of the diaspora, who identify variously along the long and fluid line of the sexuality, gender and sexual orientation spectrum in the African continent. Centred in these stories and in their attendant relationships is humanity. The writers showcase their artistry in storytelling in thought-provoking and delightful ways."

Karen Martin is a writer, artist and editor. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Syracuse University. Through her Highveld Reading and Writing Studios she provides mentoring to other writers and teaches literary craft. Karen has initiated and developed several projects for Gay and Lesbian Memory in Action (GALA), including the award-winning Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction.

Makhosazana Xaba co-edited the first anthology Queer Africa: New and Collected Fiction (2013) which won the 26th Lambda Literary Award for the fiction anthology category in 2014. She is also the author of Running & other stories (2013), which won the SALA Nadine Gordimer Short Story Award in 2014 and two poetry collections: these hands (2005 and 2017) and Tongues of their Mothers (2008). She is currently working at GALA on several book projects while pursuing her PhD at Rhodes University as a Mellon Scholar.

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Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (revised print, May 2022) edited by Juta’s Statutes Editors– Africana Collection.

Published by Juta, 2022.

INTRODUCTION: “South Africa's history has been marked by deep divisions between its indigenous people and those of European extraction. A European settlement was first established at the Cape of Good Hope by the Dutch East India Company in 1652, for the provisioning of its ships bound for the East. As the settlement grew into a colony and expanded northwards, bringing the colonists into conflict with the indigenous population, European dominance was gradually extended and entrenched. During the centuries that followed, black people were mostly excluded from representative government and from many of the rights and privileges enjoyed by the country's white inhabitants.

In the last decade of the 20th century, after a long struggle to achieve equal rights for all, this changed. In a historic speech at the opening of Parliament on 2 February 1990, President F W de Klerk announced the unbanning of the principal liberation movements, including the African National Congress (ANC), the Pan Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party, and the release from prison of ANC leader Nelson Mandela. In 1994 the country's first democratic Parliament was convened. A new Constitution was drafted that was based on a rejection of the unrestrained power of the apartheid state and a desire to create a state system in which power was directed by law and constrained by law. A brief overview is given […] of the process that led to the adoption of the Constitution which is today the cornerstone of South African democracy, and which is reproduced in this book.” (From chapters 1 and 2 (by Heinz Klug) in I Currie & J de Waal The New Constitutional and Administrative Law Volume 1: Constitutional Law (2001) Juta & Co, Ltd.)

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Portugese nadraai van die Rebellie (1914-1915) by O. J. O. Ferreira– Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Die Erfenisstigting, 2017.

BLURB: “Die Rebellie (1914-1915) is 'n omstrede en ingewikkelde onderwerp. Uit die publikasies wat reeds daaroor verskyn het, is dit duidelik dat die Rebellie 'n ingrypende gebeurtenis in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika, maar meer spesifiek in die geskiedenis van die Afrikaner was. Broer het teen broer geveg en eertydse goeie vriende en strydmakkers tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899-1902) het dikwels oor geweerlope na mekaar gekyk.

Hierdie publikasie gee nie voor om nog 'n geskiedenis van die Rebellie of 'n volledige beskrywing van genl. Manie Maritz se aandeel daarin te wees nie. Hierdie klein studie handel oor die wel en wee van daardie enkele Rebelle wat saam met Maritz geweier het om hulle aan die Regeringstrope oor te gee, maar besluit het om na Duits-Suidwes-Afrika uit te wyk, later gedwing was om Angola onwettig binne te gaan en uiteindelik as geïnterneerdes in Portugal en as staatloses in ander Europese lande te beland. Hierdie is 'n brokkie afloopgeskiedenis van die Rebellie waaraan in die verlede weinig aandag gegee is.

Die hoofspelers in hierdie redelik onbekende klein drama is ongetwyfeld genl. Manie Maritz en sy adjudant, Koos de Klerk. Hulle deelname aan die Rebellie en hulle weiering om oor te gee, het hulle avonture laat beleef wat hulle lewens verryk en onherroeplik in bepaalde rigtings gestuur het, maar hulle lewens was nie net een groot avontuur nie, want daar was ook swaarkry, hartseer, verlange en tragiese uiteindes. Veral die lewensloop van Koos de Klerk is vol romantiek, maar het teen die einde al die elemente van 'n tragedie.

Ockert Jacobus Olivier Ferreira was an honorary professor in the Department of Historical and Heritage Studies at the University of Pretoria. He wrote and edited numerous books and articles, and was particularly interested in the relationship between Portugal and South Africa. O.J.O Ferreira served as an executive member of the Historical Association of S.A. (1990-1994); secretary of the S.A. Historical Society (1995-1997); chairman of the S.A. Society for Cultural History (1988-1990); member of the Boards of Control of the National Cultural History Museum, Pretoria (1988-1996); the S.A. Council of Heraldry (1989-1997); and the Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa in Portugal (since 2010). He was awarded the Prestige Prize for the Advancement of History by the Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurvereniginge (1994); and three medals of honour for his contribution to Cultural History from the S.A. Academy for Science and Art (1994), the Genootskap vir Afrikaanse Volkskunde (1998) and the S.A. Society for Culural History (1999). In 2004 he was awarded a second medal of honour by the S.A. Academy for Science and Art for his contribution to the recording of the history of the connection between South Africa and Portugal.

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Festschrift: in honour of O.J.O. Ferreira 2010 / ter ere van O.J.O. Ferreira 2010, edited by Schalk W. Le Roux and Roger C. Fisher – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Adamastor, 2010.

UIT DIE VOORWOORD: “Hierdie versameling artikels, essays, sketse, verhale, gedigte, tekeninge, fotos en skilderye, geskrywe en gemaak deur vriende, kollegas en kennisse, bring hulde aan O.J.O. (Cobus) Ferreira en sy werk op sy sewentigste verjaardag.”

Roger C. Fisher is an architect and Emeritus Professor in the Department of Architecture, University of Pretoria. As a heritage practitioner he has been engaged in various surveys and documentations of heritage places and sites, most recently the built residue of the NZASM railway lines in South Africa. He has acted as editor and author of publications on the history and culture of the South African built environment, where his interest is in cultural hybridity as well as shared heritage and assimilation. He currently acts as editor and content curator for the website which focuses on the South African built environment.

Schalk W. le Roux is ‘n buitegewone professor verbonde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, waar hy eens hoof van die Department Argitektuur was.

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Contemporary Advances in Food Tourism Management and Marketing, edited by Francesc Fusté-Forné and Erik Wolf – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Routledge, 2023.

BLURB: “This comprehensive, multidisciplinary and expert-led book provides insight into the most current and insightful topics within food and beverage tourism practice and research, elaborated by leading researchers and practitioners in the field.

The relationships between food and tourism have not only been at the core of recent tourism experiences, but they are expected to be crucial in the transformation of tourism futures. International in approach, this book analyzes the food tourism phenomenon from supply and demand perspectives, from health and politics to high-touch and high-tech, and brings together the relevant issues that inform these contemporary advances in food tourism research and practice. Providing a holistic approach to recent and future trends, the book is divided into 16 carefully selected and specially commissioned chapters that discuss the significance of food tourism research, the management and marketing of contemporary food and beverage experiences, the role of responsibility in the production and consumption of food tourism and the anticipation of future trends in food and beverage tourism. This volume combines academic research with practitioner experience, allowing the authors to explore, debate and analyze our industry's future challenges and solutions.

This book is essential reading for students and researchers with an interest in food tourism, as well as practitioners.”

Francesc Fusté-Forné is a professor and researcher at the Department of Business, University of Girona. He holds a PhD in Tourism (University of Girona) and a PhD in Communication (Ramon Llull University). His research is focused on food and rural marketing and tourism. Particularly, he has studied the connections between authenticity, food heritages and identities, landscapes and landscapers, regional development, rural activities, street food and tourist experiences. He also conducts applied research on the role of gastronomy in relation to mass media and as a driver of social change. He has extensively published about these topics.

Erik Wolf is the founder of the culinary travel trade industry and Executive Director of the World Food Travel Association, the world's leading authority on food and beverage tourism. He is the publisher of Have Fork Will Travel (a practical handbook for our industry), author of Culinary Tourism: The Hidden Harvest and is also a highly sought strategist and speaker around the world on gastronomy tourism. He has been featured in The New York Times, Newsweek, Forbes, and on CNN, Sky TV, the BBC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and other leading media outlets.

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In and Around the Cape Province: The Guide to the Cape Province 1924-1925 – Africana Collection.

Published by the National Publicity Co., 1925.

From the Introduction: “It is hoped that the publication of this volume will serve as yet another inducement to South Africans to “see their own Country first.” South Africans who have been born and bred in the large towns and cities and who know nothing of the interior o this vast and beautiful country have indeed missed a great joy. The work in connection with the compilation and collection of data has necessitated a twelve month of hard unremitting labour, and while we have exercised the utmost care and taken the greatest pains to ensure accuracy, we must crave our readers’ indulgence for any omission or error that may be discovered.

In order to obtain first hand and reliable information it has been necessary for us to make a 6,000 mile motor tour, by the famous Nash touring car, through practically every town in the Cape Province.

The hospitality of the South African in the country is, of course, proverbial, but one must add to this the outstanding courtesy and gentlemanly conduct of these people who live many hundreds of miles away from the so-called educational and refining facilities of the large towns.”

This book was donated to Special Collections by Prof Alexander Duffey.

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Dementia and Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Conversations by Janice Murray, Shakila Dada, and Adele May – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by S. Karger, 2022.

From the Introduction: “The purpose of this book is to offer medical, health, and social care professionals who work in acute, medical, long-term, or community care settings insights into the impact of dementia on an individual’s communication interactions and how augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strategies could enhance these interactions. The first half of the text sets the scene for understanding the nature of dementia and its impact particularly on an individual’s social and emotional life and their language and communication; the second half introduces AAC and what it offers as a set of techniques to support and maintain conversational autonomy in those living with dementia.”

Janice Murray PhD, is Professor of Communication Disability at Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. She is the current Chair of the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Committee for the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). She has previously managed speech and language therapy undergraduate and postgraduate education programmes, been Chair of Council for the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), and led scientific programmes development for national and international symposia. Her AAC research has focussed on clinical decision-making, AAC assessment, language acquisition using aided communication and AAC, and literacy. She currently leads a team of AAC researchers.

Shakila Dada PhD, is a Professor at the Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC) at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She is currently the Director of the CAAC. She is a speech and language therapist with extensive experience in research and teaching in the field of AAC. She utilises a zoom lens approach to implementing AAC interventions focussing on the person and the AAC system, but also zooming out to take broader, systemic issues into account—for example, the involvement of the person who uses AAC in the family and the role of professionals (healthcare professionals and teachers) and policies in selecting and implementing AAC, thereby enhancing the participation and inclusion of persons that require AAC.

Adele May holds a PhD in Augmentative and Alternative Communication from the CAAC at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. In her doctoral study, she developed an AAC intervention package for interpersonal interaction in persons with dementia. As a speech and language pathologist, she has a special interest in developing interventions that focus on functional, real-life outcomes for persons with communication disability. In particular, her research interest lies in interventions that are not only person-centred and evidence-based but also include the application of participatory and inclusive research methods.

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Common Ground: Dutch-South African Architectural Exchanges, 1902-1961, edited by Nicholas J. Clarke, Roger C. Fisher, and Marieke Kuipers – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by LM Publishers, 2021.

BLURB: “The richness and diversity of Dutch contributions to the built environment of South Africa remain little-known in the study of twentieth-century architectural history. Between 1902 and 1961 more than seventy Dutch-born émigré architects were active from the Cape to the Highveld, both in major towns and remote areas, and they designed hundreds of buildings and neighbourhoods.

As sequel to the acclaimed Eclectic ZA Wilhelmiens: A Shared Dutch Built Heritage in South Africa, Common Ground reveals the great variety of styles and building types from this period, ranging from buildings for communities, religious practice, banking, industry, and civil infrastructure to the evolution of the Pretoria dwelling and low-cost housing. These contributions are also contentious as they relate to the time of the entrenchment of apartheid. Yet these architects' extant work is an undeniable part of South Africa today and often still in daily service.”

Nicholas J. Clarke is an architect and lecturer at the Delft University of Technology in the Department of Heritage & Architecture, where he obtained his PhD in 2021. A graduate of both University of Pretoria and Cambridge University, he practiced as architect and built heritage specialist while lecturing at the University of Pretoria in South Africa before relocating to the Netherlands. He is actively involved in built heritage management and documentation in South Africa and has completed a number of awarded studies and books on shared South African-Dutch built heritage (with Roger Fisher and Marieke Kuipers). Nicholas is a World Heritage advisor to ICOMOS International and serves on commissions for scientific and cultural institutions in both South Africa and the Netherlands.

Roger C. Fisher is an architect and Emeritus Professor in the Department of Architecture, University of Pretoria, where he was awarded a PhD in 1993. As heritage practitioner he has been engaged in various surveys and documentations of heritage places and sites, most recently the built residue of the NZASM railway lines in South Africa. He has acted as editor and author of publications on the history and culture of the South African built environment, where his interest is in cultural hybridity as well as shared heritage and assimilation. He currently acts as editor and content curator for the website which focuses on the South African built environment.

Marieke C. Kuipers is Emeritus Professor of Cultural Heritage at Delft University of Technology and Maastricht University and has also worked as a specialist in 'young' built heritage with the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency and its predecessors (1977-2018). She obtained a PhD at the State University Groningen in 1987 for a study on experiments in concrete housing. She has widely lectured and published about the identification, valuation and conservation of architectural heritage, and has led various missions related to shared built heritage in Russia and South Africa. Currently she is internationally active as an expert in C20 heritage, Shared Heritage and World Heritage (ICOMOS, DOCOMOMO).

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(Un)knowing Men: Africanising gender justice programmes for men in South Africa by Sakhumzi Mfecane – Africana Collection.

Published by CSA & G Press, 2018.

BLURB: “In (Un)knowing Men Sakhumzi Mfecane shares his critical reflections on research on men and masculinities in South Africa. In South Africa, he argues, there seems to be an impasse in scholarly accounts of men and masculinities. Old theories do not provide new answers; violence against women, homicide, rape of women and children, and homophobia persist despite heavy financial investments by the government and international NGOs in research, education and activism that seek to end all forms of gender inequality in South Africa. Research and interventions, Mfecane points out, centre on the same goal of subverting patriarchy without putting patriarchy in proper social and historical context.

Weaving together Mfecane's own research and writings on Xhosa masculinities with colonial historiographies of gender and masculinities, (Un)knowing Men argues for the importance of taking into account local contexts, idioms, and meanings when theorising about masculinities in South Africa."

Sakhumzi Mecane is an associate professor at the University of the Western Cape. He specialises in medical anthropology, with his research and academic publications concerned particularly with men's health and masculinities. Previously Sakhumzi worked for Human Sciences Research Council as a Senior Researcher in 'Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS' Unit, and for Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE). He also served as a research consultant for several non-governmental organisations and research institutions concerned with HIV and health in South Africa. His academic engagements for the past year have focused on developing African-centered theories of masculinity. This work aims to encourage locally grounded ways of theorising gender and masculinity; it also serves as a critique of western gender theories that tend to dominate research and intervention programmes with African men. This work draws largely from African philosophies as they provide a solid basis to problematise all forms of social inequality and oppression, and also help us to develop intervention programmes that resonate with value systems of African societies.

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Nostalgic Pretoria: A Photo Journey by Friedel Hansen – Africana Collection.

Published by Friedel Hansen, 2018.

Following on the success of Pretoria - A Photo Journey (2016), Nostalgic Pretoria casts a much wider net and includes 474 photographs of Pretoria dating from the 1860s up to 1975.

Friedel Hansen has worked on radio and television for more than 40 years, and is the author of several articles, short stories and books.


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Shining New Light on the UN Migrant Workers Convention by Anthea Pretorius – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by the Pretoria University Law Press (PULP), 2017.

BLURB: “The UN Migrant Workers Convention is the most comprehensive international treaty in the field of migration and human rights. Adopted in 1990 and in force since 2003, it establishes the minimum standards of human rights protection to which migrant workers and members of their families are entitled. However, it is the least well known of the core international human rights instruments and has so far been ratified by only 51 states.

This volume shines new light on obstacles and opportunities facing the Convention, its added value in international human rights law and its application in selected state parties. It combines the expertise of academics and practitioners, with the contributions of the latter informed by work on policy and advocacy in NGOs, international organisations and specialised agencies.”

Alan Desmond is a lecturer in law at the University of Leicester. Before joining Leicester Law School in September 2016 he worked at third-level institutions in Ireland, Italy and Poland. He has published on the topic of migrants' rights in the European Journal of Migration and Law, Human Rights Law Review and the European Journal of International Law. He has been a Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School and UCLA School of Law and has delivered presentations on the Migrant Workers Convention in Armenia, Ireland, Italy, Russia and the UK. Before entering legal academia, Alan worked as a freelance print and broadcast journalist in Poland and wrote a number of award-winning Irish language books.

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Die Sepediversbou deur P.S. Groenewald – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2021.

BLURB: “Hierdie skrywe vat die werke van Professor P.S. Groenwald saam. Hy is sedert 1957 betrokke by die Department Afrikatale an die Universiteit van Pretoria. Hy is aangewys as die eerste hoofredakteur van die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Afrikatale. Hy dien op die adviseurspaneel van die "Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century" (New York). Vanaf 1976 is hy lid van die Sepeditaalraad en in 1989 is hy die ondervoorsitter en lid van die hoofbestuur verkies. Hy het ook 'n verskeideneid van publikasies oor die ontwikkeling, letterkunde en literatur van die Sepedi taal geskryf. In 1996 ontvang hy die Stals-prys (Afrikatale) van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns en in 2012 ontvang hy die graad Doctor litterarum (honoris cause) van die Universiteit van Pretoria.

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Brittle Democracies? Comparing Politics in Anglophone Africa, edited by Heather A. Thuynsma – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2020.

BLURB: “This book compares the progress ten select countries, all former colonies of Britain, have made towards the practice of democracy. The authors assess a range of indicators including the quality of elections, the impact of voter turnout, the importance of term limits, civil society's various responsibilities, the presence of media freedoms, the impact of youth participation, accountability and the rising role of social media. These findings help illustrate the various periods within each country's democracy from the immediate post-colonial experience, to the emergence of one-party states, to the surge of multi-party elections that are being influenced by key political figures and technology.

This book will be of great interest to a broad readership including students of politics, international relations and history at tertiary educational institutions as well as the wider readership that is keen to understand what has shaped the post-colonial political experience of some key Anglophone African countries.”

Heather A. Thuynsma is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences and Communications Manager for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Pretoria.

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Nationalism, Politics & Anthropology: A Tale of Two South Africans, by Ilana Van Wyk and Jimmy Pieterse – Africana Collection.

Published by Langaa RPCIG, 2022.

BLURB: “In this book, Ilana van Wyk and Jimmy Pieterse interrogate the question of political subjectivity and its role in the making of anthropology and anthropologists by revisiting the pitched battles between so-called liberal social anthropologists and conservative, nationalist volkekundiges in South Africa. They pay particular attention to the social and cultural lives of two men who were central proponents of South African anthropology's 'two tales'; Kees van der Waal, a former volkekundige, and John Sharp, once one of volkekunde's fiercest critics. Through a series of conversations with Kees and John, they show that the issues that once divided a local field still animate the ways in which centres and peripheries of global anthropology relate to one another and to foundational questions about the discipline's epistemology and political positionality.”

Ilana van Wyk is an associate professor in Social Anthropology at Stellenbosch University. She gained her PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London and has taught at the London School of Economics and Political Science, SOAS, at the University of Pretoria, and at the University of Cape Town (UCT). Ilana has published widely on Pentecostal Charismatic Christianity and gambling. She is the author of The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in South Africa: A church of strangers (Cambridge University Press, 2014) and co-edited Conspicuous Consumption in Africa with Deborah Posel (Wits University Press, 2019). Ilana is the former editor-in-chief of Anthropology Southern Africa and the former director of the Institute for Humanities in Africa at UCT. She currently works on the South African Lottery and on precolonial finance.

Jimmy Pieterse is a lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Pretoria. His current research focuses on aspects of work and leisure in Pretoria's historically white working-class suburbs. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Southern African Studies, Social Dynamics, Anthrozoös, Anthropology Southern Africa, the Nordic Journal of African Studies, the South African Historical Journal and Historia. Jimmy is also the co-author of the book, What's Cooking: AIDS Review 2005 (University of Pretoria).

Our copy was donated to Special Collections by author, Jimmy Pieterse.

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The Dark Side of the Hive: The Evolution of the Imperfect Honey Bee, by Robin Moritz and Robin Crewe – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Oxford University Press, 2018.

BLURB: “Honey bees have been described as exceptionally clever, well-organized, mutualistic, collaborative, busy, efficient–in short a perfect society. While the colony is indeed a marvel of harmonious, efficient organization, it also has a considerable dark side. Authors Robin Moritz and Robin Crewe write about the life history of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, highlighting conflict rather than harmony, failure rather than success, from the perspective of the individual worker in the colony. When one looks carefully, the honey bee colony is far from being perfect. As with any complex social system, honey bee societies are prone to error, robbery, cheating, and social parasitism. Nevertheless, the hive gets by remarkably well in spite of many seemingly odd biological features.

The perfection that is perceived to exist in the honey bee's social organization is the function of a focus on the colony as a whole rather than exploring the idiosyncrasies of its individual members. The Dark Side of the Hive thus focuses on the role of the individual rather than that of the collective. Moritz and Crewe dissect the various careers that individual male and female honey bees can take and their role in colony organization. Competition between individuals using both physical and chemical force drives colonial organization. This book deals with individual mistakes, maladaptations and evolutionary dead-ends that are also part of the bees' life. The story told about these dark sides of the colony spans the full range of biological disciplines ranging from genomics to systems biology.”

Robin Moritz is Emeritus Professor of Molecular Ecology at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. He got hooked on bee research during his last year of studying Biology at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/ Main in 1976. His career has brought him as academic teacher to many different universities in Germany, South Africa, the US and Romania, with his main research focus being on the evolutionary genetics of the honey bee.

Robin Crewe is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship at the University of Pretoria, and was a Vice-principal of the University from 2003 until his retirement from this position in June 2013. Prof Crewe expanded his interests from work on ants to a fascination with bees during a postdoctoral period spent at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. The main focus of his work has been on the chemistry of pheromonal communication and its expression in the two female honey bee castes.

Our copy was donated to Special Collections by Prof Crewe.

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Women in the Context of Justice: Continuities and Discontinuities in Southern Africa, edited by Cori Wielenga – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by CSA & G Press, 2018.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: “This Handbook builds on the work of a longer term project on justice and governance practices at community level during periods of transition. This project is being undertaken by a team at the University of Pretoria led by Dr Chris Nshimbi, the director of the Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation, and I. In this project, we are particularly interested in the burgeoning endeavour to incorporate community justice practices into transitional justice interventions after mass violence. One of the issues which we became aware of is that there seems to be a knee-jerk reaction to community justice practices, including the response that such practices are 'patriarchal' and 'gender-biased', and thus that they need to be abolished. This project, supported by the Centre for Sexualities, Aids and Gender, is an attempt to explore some of the evidence for and against such an assumption.

Our work coincided with the commitment of the Centre for Sexualities, AIDS and Gender to work with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Southern Africa to understand better issues of gender justice at the community level. Our shared position is that we need to understand gender dynamics at the community level in its own terms, and not necessarily through a 'western feminist' lens. Drawing on the work of feminist scholar Kimberley Crenshawe, our starting point is that the intersection between locality, race, class, and the colonial experience shape the gendered experience differently.

In this Handbook, we explore these intersections specifically in relation to how communities meet their justice needs. Again we seek to understand 'justice' from the perspective of the community, and to define it broadly to include the general well-being and harmony of the community. In our exploration of justice practices, we find that women play a central role. We believe this may be a starting point in bringing nuance and complexity to the knee-jerk assumptions that justice practices in Southern Africa are oppressive to women, and that women have no agency in shaping their own society.

Our hope is that what we find will begin to challenge some of the assumptions made by government and non-governmental actors in some of the interventions made in communities. The human and relational resources in these communities are astounding; the starting point for any intervention needs to be a full understanding and appreciation of the resources already present before introducing any additional resources.”

~ Dr Cori Wielenga

Dr Cori Wielenga is a senior lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pretoria and a research associate in the Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation. Her research interest is in the intersection of local, national and international justice and governance systems in Africa. To this end, she has spent time in Rwanda, Burundi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria and South Africa to understand the impact of these intersecting systems of justice and governance on people 'on the ground'. Dr Wielenga has published her work in numerous journals on Africa including African Insight and African Journal on Conflict Resolution.

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The Unfamous Five by Nedine Moonsamy – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Modjaji Books, 2019.

BLURB: “Seeking adventure during the school holidays, five teenagers from the Indian suburb of Lenasia accidentally witness a violent crime that has a lasting impact on their lives.

Starting in June of 1993, the novel follows the Five through the next decade as they confront, both as individuals and as a group, questions of who they are, who they are allowed to be, and who they are expected to be in the New South Africa. They must query what role they will allow tradition, ancestry, sexuality, skin colour, love, money and culture to play in their lives as they attempt to forge new paths, sometimes stumbling along the way, but always willing to give one another a helping hand.”

Nedine Moonsamy grew up in Mosquito Valley, Lenasia and has lived in places as far flung as Helsinki, Poona and Grahamstown since then. Currently, she lives and works in Pretoria, where she lectures on postcolonial literature in the English Department at the University of Pretoria. By day she also researches contemporary South African literature and science fiction in Africa.

The Unfamous Five is her debut novel.

Our copy was donated by Dr Moonsamy.

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Personal Property Law in Nigeria by Mike A.A. Ozekhome – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Pretoria University Press Law (PULP), 2019.

BLURB: “This book addresses core issues of personal property law in Nigeria from a comparative perspective. It offers a detailed account of the laws governing personal property and the different lightweight reforms undertaken mainly through case law before the enactment of the Secured Transactions in Movable Assets Act in 2017. The book draws insights from the United States UCC article 9, being unarguably the first law that introduced the concept of modern secured transactions law, and was influential to many common and civilian law systems in reforming their personal property laws.

Given that personal property law is fairly new in Nigeria, and also in Africa in general, the main aim of the book is to provide judges and academic researchers with a rich collection of tested solutions from jurisdictions that have experimented with modern secured transactions law for several decades. The primary and secondary works that were referenced in the book have tracked the different epochal shifts in legal thinking and their significances. This may assist scholars and judges in Nigeria to come up with bespoke interpretations of the Act and solutions to underlying problems on credit and security, that will satisfy the local conditions as opposed to copying the unaltered solutions from the United States and other advanced systems.”

Mike A.A. Ozekhome is a lawyer and human rights activist, holding the rank of a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. He is known for his work as a constitutional lawyer.

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Earth Songs by Paul Weinberg – Africana Collection.

Published by ESI Press, 2021.

BLURB: “Land remains one of the most political and contested elements of South Africa's past and present. From the first encounters between indigenous inhabitants to later colonialists, segregationists and the more recent democrats, land has been used to divide the country and her people. But it has also drawn her people closer to her, enfolding them in a very sacred embrace. In this pristine collection of visuals, Paul Weinberg takes us to this side of the continuum elevating the meaning of land to this higher, more spiritual plane.”

Paul Weinberg is a photographer, curator, filmmaker, writer, educationist and archivist. He began his career in the early 1980s by working for South African NGOs and photographing current events for news agencies and foreign newspapers.

He was a founder member of Afrapix and South, the collective photo agencies that gained local and international recognition for their uncompromising role in documenting apartheid, and popular resistance to it. From 1990 onwards he increasingly concentrated on feature and in-depth project based photography.

He has produced 19 books as a photographer and author in his own right and been published in many anthologies and group projects. Weinberg has exhibited widely, locally and internationally.

He taught photography at the Centre of Documentary Studies at Duke University in the United States and holds a master's degree from the same university. Weinberg lectured in Documentary Arts and Visual Anthropology at UCT and is currently a research associate at the South African Research Chair in South African Art and Visual Culture, University of Johannesburg.

Together with David Goldblatt, he founded the Ernest Cole Award for creative photography in South Africa. He has worked extensively in the field of photographic archives and presently works as the curator for the Photography Legacy Project.

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Past Imperfect: The contested early history of the Mapungubwe Archive, South Africa by Sian Tiley-Nel – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by BAR Publishing, 2022.

BLURB: “This book interrogates the context, primary literature and silent gaps in the Mapungubwe Archive held at the University of Pretoria. It examines the multiple narratives and ignored Indigenous histories of Mapungubwe in South Africa, prior to the scientific gold discovery of 1933. Using postmodern notions of archival theory and science as a central argument, the author demonstrates how the Mapungubwe Archive needs to be questioned, not only as a historical source, but as point of contemporary discourse within global trends of the archival turn and lack of knowledge, specifically on African archives. The book elucidates the origins, research control, powers and authoritative trajectory of Mapungubwe's colonial and nationalist past, through the institutional lens of the Archaeology Committee. Contestation is focused on Mapungubwe's controlled history as a 'treasure trove’ in 1933 under the State and how later, research mirrors present legal heritage debates on reversionary rights of ownership versus responsible rights of stewardship. Using the conceptual notion of history as an imperfect past, the author contends that Mapungubwe's contested past is inherently unfinished and flawed, because the past constantly challenges ideas of the present.”

This book is part of the BAR International Series 3080, African Archaeology, volume 96.

Sian Tiley-Nel is the Head of the University of Pretoria Museums in South Africa and is the Curator of the Mapungubwe Collection and Head of the Mapungubwe Archive for over 22 years. She serves as the specialist on the Mapungubwe Collection under the stewardship of the University of Pretoria.

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The Spacious Margin: Eighteenth-Century Printed Books and the Traces of their Readers by Sylvia Brown and John Considine – Reserved Collection.

Published by the University of Alberta Libraries, 2012.

BLURB: “The Spacious Margin: Eighteenth-Century Printed Books and the Traces of their Readers draws from the holdings of the Bruce Peel Special Collections Library at the University of Alberta, presenting an array of readerly interactions with books in the form of annotations, improvements, corrections, ornamentation, and suggestive wear-and-tear. In this scholarly catalogue, Brown and Considine describe and contextualize the notable physical traces of readership and circulation for each of the 62 items displayed in the accompanying exhibition (The Spacious Margin, Bruce Peel Special Collections Library, 5 October 2012 - 15 February 2013). The result is a snapshot of the life of books and readers in the eighteenth century: in the British Isles and beyond, from the modestly literate users of well-thumbed dictionaries to learned critics of canonical poets and contemporary philosophers.”

Sylvia Brown is Associate Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta. Her areas of research include women's writing and gender in the early modern period, Milton, Bunyan, and early modern print culture. The author and editor of several articles and books, she is currently working toward the completion of a monograph entitled Household Reformations: Women, Textual Culture, and the Survival of Protestantism.

John Considine is Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta, specializing in lexicography, the history of the English language, early modern British literature and culture, and the history of the book. Among his recent publications is Dictionaries in Early Modern Europe: Lexicography and Making Heritage. He is currently at work on a sequel.

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Tax Simplification: An African Perspective, edited by Chris Evans, Riël Franzsen, Elizabeth (Lilla) Stack – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Pretoria University Press Law (PULP), 2019.

BLURB: “Why are tax systems so complex and what are the causes and consequences of such complexity? The simplification of tax systems is one of the most important issues faced today in worldwide efforts to modernise and strengthen government finance and revenue raising capacities. Nowhere is it more important than throughout the rapidly emerging economies of the dynamic African region.

This volume brings together contributions in this field from a conference held in South Africa in October 2018 and provides a unique synthesis of knowledge and understanding gained from the specialist expertise and diverse backgrounds brought to the tax simplification debate by those authors.

The volume will be an essential reference for researchers and others interested in the field from academia, government, legal and accounting practice and public policy organisations in African and other countries worldwide.”

Chris Evans is a part time professor of taxation at UNSW Sydney and also a part time extraordinary professor at the University of Pretoria. He is also an international fellow at the Centre for Business Taxation at the University of Oxford and at the Tax Administration Research Centre at the University of Exeter. He is a former editor of Australian Tax Review and has published extensively in the areas of tax administration (and particularly tax compliance, tax compliance costs and tax simplification) as well as in comparative taxation and in the taxation of capital and wealth.

Riel Franzsen is professor and the director of the African Tax Institute at the University of Pretoria where he also occupies the South African Research Chair in Tax Policy and Governance. He has acted as external expert for the International Monetary Fund, United Nations and World Bank. He specialises in local government own-source revenue and property related taxation, focusing on property tax policy issues and administrative challenges. He has published extensively on land and property taxes.

Elizabeth (Lilla) Stack holds a doctorate qualification from the University of South Africa (UNISA). She is a professor of taxation at Rhodes University (South Africa) and an emeritus professor of the University of South Africa. She has taught taxation at all academic levels and now concentrates on the supervision of master's and doctoral candidates. She has also published textbooks on tax and contributed to textbooks on management accounting and research methodology.

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Jesus, the Best Capernaum Folk-Healer: Mark's Aretalogy of Jesus in the Healing Stories by Zorodzai Dube – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Pickwick Publications, 2020.

BLURB: “This book takes the established fields of orality, performance, and first-century Christian healthcare studies further by combining analogues of praise performances to Apollo, Asclepius, and those from the Dondo people of South Eastern Zimbabwe to propose that Jesus's healing stories in Mark's Gospel are praise-giving narratives to Jesus as the best folk healer within the region of Capernaum. The book argues that the memory of Jesus as the folk healer from Capernaum survived and possibly functioned in similar contexts of praise-giving within early Christian households. The book goes through each healing story in Mark's Gospel and imaginatively listens to it through the ears of analogue from praise-giving given to Greek healers/heroes and similar practices among the Dondo people. The power, completeness, and effectiveness in which Jesus healed each of the mentioned conditions provoke praise-giving from the listeners to the best folk healer in the village. In each instance, while Mark is calling for attention to the new healer, more so, he is raving praise-giving.”

Zorodzai Dube is senior lecturer in New Testament Studies at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is the author of several articles that include, "Ritual Healing Theory and Mark's Healing Jesus: Implications for Healing Rituals within African Pentecostal Churches" (2019), "Models and Perspectives Concerning the Identity of Jesus as Healer" (2018), "Reception of Jesus as Healer in Mark's Community" (2018), and "The Talmud, the Hippocratic Corpus and Mark's Healing Jesus on Infectious Diseases" (2018).

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Paul Kruger: Speeches and Correspondence, 1850-1904 by J.S. Bergh – Africana Collection.

Published by Boekenfontein, 2018.

The UP Special Collections copy is signed by the author.

Abstract: “This mammoth publication can be regarded as a magnus opus by Johan Bergh, emeritus professor in the Department of Historical and Heritage Studies, University of Pretoria. As the title indicates, the publication contains a huge selection of the vast body of available material on Paul Kruger’s life and work. The original Afrikaans/Dutch edition is entitled, Paul Kruger: Toesprake en Korrespondensie van 1881–1900 and was published by Protea, Pretoria, in 2017. This English edition is an expansion of the documents on Kruger and covers the period 1850 to 1904. The documents were sampled from a wide array of sources and depositories: previous documentary publications on Kruger in the National Archives of South Africa (NASA), most of them in the Transvaal Archives series, newspapers, British Blue Books, published Transvaal Volksraad Minutes, the National Library of South Africa in Cape Town, the Jagger Library of the University of Cape Town, the University of the Witwatersrand De Souza Collection, the NZAV Archive in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, the Free University of Amsterdam, the University Library of Leiden and Gemeentearchief Kampen, the Archives of the Nederlandsch-Zuid-Afrikaansche Vereeniging in Amsterdam, the Free State Archive Depot, ZAR Green Books, the Ditsong National Museum of Cultural History in Pretoria and the Rothschild Archive in London.” ~ from Historia Vol. 65 No. 1 (2020).

Johannes Stephanus Bergh was the chairperson of the Department of Historical and Heritage Studies at the University of Pretoria, 1886 to 2011. He obtained his degrees cum laude from the University of Stellenbosch and the University of South Africa. He was appointed at three universities and obtained various prestigious grants from prominent institutions. He was the author and co-author of eight academic books, about thirty five articles in prominent academic journals in South Africa and abroad and various other academic publications. He regularly presented papers at local and international conferences and was the chairperson of the two most prominent South African historical societies. He received substantial bursaries for this research project from the L.W. Hiemstra Trust, Rupert Education Foundation, Jan Marais National Fund and ABSA Bank.

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The Special Collections Handbook, Third Edition by Alison Cullingford – Africana Collection.

Published by Facet Publishing, 2022.

BLURB: “The Special Collections Handbook, Third Edition is a comprehensive and practical resource covering all aspects of collections work. Written by a practitioner with many years' experience in collections management, the Handbook provides detailed coverage of collections care, security, emergency planning, collections development, cataloguing, metadata and digitisation, and legal and ethical issues. Best practice in public access is explored through various lenses: marketing, visitor services, teaching and learning, and outreach to wider audiences. Finally, the institutional context is considered: staffing and space, inreach and advocacy, fundraising and the importance of impact.

This new edition has been fully updated to reflect the growth and dynamism of the sector and the complexity of the environment, including:

  • enriched and updated guidance on decolonising collections management and all other elements of special collections work
  • working towards zero-carbon buildings, preservation and other aspects of collections management
  • lessons/impact of COVID-19: managing remote access by staff and users, emergency planning, health and safety, risk assessments.

The Special Collections Handbook is an essential reference for special collections practitioners everywhere and is applicable to a wide range of settings, from academia and public libraries to museums and religious organisations. It features rich, detailed and highly structured content, characterised by evocative practical examples, bulleted lists, diagrams, quotations and extensive suggestions for further reading and study.

Alison Cullingford is Head of Library and Collections at Durham Cathedral, where she leads the team responsible for stewardship of the Cathedral's collections of medieval manuscripts, early printed books, archives, and objects. Previously she was Special Collections Librarian at the University of Bradford, where she managed over 100 collections of modern archives and rare books and led the transformation of unloved and unused 'hidden collections' into a service which allowed people worldwide to enjoy and learn from these artefacts. An active member of the CILIP Rare Books and Special Collections Group and many other sector groups, Alison regularly presents at conferences, blogs and tweets on the importance of the special collections librarian.

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Archives of Times Past: Conversations about South Africa's Deep History, edited by Cynthia Kros, John Wright, Mbongiseni Buthelezi and Helen Ludlow – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2022.

BLURB: “Archives of Times Past is an exploration of particular sources of evidence on southern Africa's early history. It gathers recent ideas about archives and asks the question: 'How do we know, or think we know, what happened in the times before European colonialism?"

Historians use a wide range of source materials for this work. What are these materials? Where can we find them? Who made them? When? Why? What are the problems with using them? The essays by well-known historians, archaeologists and other researchers engage these questions from a range of perspectives and in illuminating ways. Written from personal experience, they capture how these researchers encountered their archives of knowledge beyond the textbook. The aim is to make us think critically about where ideas about the time before the colonial era originate and to encourage us to think about why people in South Africa often refer to this 'deep history' when arguing about public affairs in the present. The essays will appeal to students, academics, educationists, teachers, archivists, and museum practitioners.

Cynthia Kros is an Honorary Research Associate of the History Workshop at the University of the Witwatersrand and at the Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative at the University of Cape Town. John Wright is an Emeritus Professor of History at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and Research Associate at the Archive and Public Culture Research Initiative at the University of Cape Town. Mbongiseni Buthelezi is Executive Director of South Africa's Public Affairs Research Institute. Helen Ludlow was head of History at the School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand.

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Scribal Practice, Text and Canon in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Essays in Memory of Peter W. Flint, edited by John J. Collins and Ananda Geyser-Fouché – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Brill, 2019.

BLURB: “This volume contains 17 essays on the subjects of text, canon, and scribal practice. The volume is introduced by an overview of the Qumran evidence for text and canon of the Bible. Most of the text critical studies deal with texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, including sectarian as well as canonical texts. Two essays shed light on the formation of authoritative literature. Scribal practice is illustrated in various ways, again mostly from the Dead Sea Scrolls. One essay deals with diachronic change in Qumran Hebrew. Rounding out the volume are two thematic studies, a wide-ranging study of the "ambiguous oracle" of Josephus, which he identifies as Balaam's oracle, and a review of the use of female metaphors for Wisdom.”

John J. Collins is Holmes Professor of Old Testament at Yale. His books include The Apocalyptic Imagination, Beyond the Qumran Community, The Dead Sea Scrolls. A Biography, and The Invention of Judaism. Torah and Jewish Identity from Deuteronomy to Paul.

Ananda Geyser-Fouché is Senior Lecturer of Old Testament Studies at the University of Pretoria. She has produced articles in prominent journals and was the sub-editor of the volume in HTS Theological Studies, Original Research: Special Collection Qumran Texts, 2016.

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Published by Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2020.

BLURB: “The Edict of Cyrus, both opening Ezra-Nehemiah (Ezra 1:1-4) and closing Chronicles (2 Chron. 36:22-23), serves a different role in each book. In Ezra-Nehemiah, it is a command resulting in a restoration event that has failed, whereas in Chronicles it is a command anticipating a successful future restoration event. In the context of canon, these different uses of the edict are theologically significant, especially in formulating ideas of hope for the future in Chronicles.

While Chronicles is aware that a historical restoration transpired sometime in the past (1 Chron. 3:19-24; 9:2-44), it shares the sentiment of Ezra-Nehemiah, that the return was something of a failure. Through compositional analysis, Gilhooley argues that the edict closing Chronicles portrays the true, or rather, complete restoration not as a past event to be reflected upon but rather one to be anticipated sometime in the future—at a time when Israel was expected to see the establishment of a new glorified temple, political independence, release from servitude, and the blessings of new creation and of new cultic order.

Reading Chronicles as the last book of the Old Testament in accordance with various Jewish witnesses, we find that the edict is transformed into a programmatic conclusion to the canon. Accordingly, the eschatological return to Zion and reconstruction of the temple appear to be dominating concerns of the canonical editors. These verses that bring to an end both Chronicles and the Old Testament as a whole may also be read in dialogue with canon-conscious structural markers elsewhere and, therefore, could be formative in constructing a canonical theology.”

Andrew M. Gilhooley is a Research Associate in the Department of Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures, Faculty of Theology and Religion at the University of Pretoria.

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Mamelodi: Reflections of a Lifetime by Aubrey Michael Mogase – Africana Collection.

Published by Aubrey Michael Mogase, 2018.

From the Foreword by Johnny Mailela: “Having gone through the narrative, one was left with the pleasant surprise that this is but the first of a rare glimpse into the metamorphosis of one of South Africa's better known townships, into a downright national heritage.

In this volume of nostalgic photographs and stories, editor Aubrey Mogase assembled the best he could lay his hands on; under challenging circumstances, we hear.

The compilers of this book, ably led by the passionate Mogase, have gone so far back that there begins to emerge pockets of sheer excellence, such as the fact that the Eerste Fabrieken Railway Station—from which the staff-riders (train surfers) showcased their dangerous skills—was originally an industrial hub known as Eerste Fabrieken. Full marks to a work of tireless research.

Before finally working on this foreword attempt, one has to be cautioned that the narrative leads the reader to cry out for more.

Mogase has assured us—the incredibly curious—that "Mamelodi, Reflections of a Lifetime" should be viewed as a prelude - a Thebu Cinema-like curtain-raiser to a more detailed narrative in years to come.”

Aubrey Michael Mogase was born and raised in Mamelodi. Having noticed the growth of the township over the years, one had to pay attention to its illustrious history and legacy as it unfolded. He realised that he could not fold his arms and do nothing. He had to contend with all the political turmoil that engulfed the country, and in particular Mamelodi, as there were a number of factors that led to all political consciousness. Finding solace in the presence of the community, he moved to engage with organizations, and became a board member of a number of organizations in the township, including social circles. He was part of the first group to interpret the South African Constitution, in the formation of Community Police Forums (the first in South Africa to be launched). He played a role in restructuring and organizing the School Governing Bodies in South Africa. He became the first branch chairperson of the ANC Youth League after the unbanning of political organizations. He moved to initiate and established the Mamelodi Community Radio Station (Mams FM).

He is currently the chairperson of Mosito wa Mamelodi, which is responsible for researching, preserving and documenting the illustrious history of this magnificent township. Also, he is chairperson of Mothamo wa Mamelodi, a forum established with a number of structures to promote Mamelodi.

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Hidden Pretoria by Johan Swart and Alain Proust – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Penguin Random House South Africa, 2019.

BLURB: “Despite being South Africa's capital city, Pretoria has often played a supporting role to bold and brash Johannesburg and Cape Town's cosmopolitan charms. However, when it comes to architectural heritage, the 'Jacaranda City' is well-endowed. From the skyline-dominating Union Buildings and Voortrekker Monument, to the imposing edifices that make up its administrative precincts, Pretoria might almost be deserving of a second moniker: the city of sandstone, brick and granite. But when you look beyond the impressive façades, soaring columns and linear planes of buildings that were intended to convey power and authority, you'll find light-filled interiors embellished with decorative touches that are only hinted at from the pavement. Murals, mosaics, domes, galleries, stained glass windows, gleaming brass and impressive woodwork are often hidden from view behind doors that are closed to the public. Even those museums, buildings and places of worship that are open to all have architectural and design features that are easily overlooked unless they've been pointed out. The history of the city and, often, the country too, has been played out in many of the places featured in Hidden Pretoria. This story of our shared heritage deserves to be captured for a new generation so that they recognize the value in the built environment and the need to preserve the past in order to protect the future.

Following on Hidden Cape Town and Hidden Johannesburg, the book highlights a selection of notable buildings that embody the cultural and social heritage of Pretoria and its citizens. In words and photographs, Johan Swart and Alain Proust illuminate buildings, monuments and public spaces that represent the development of Pretoria from its early days as the capital of the ZAR, through British colonialism, Afrikaner nationalism, apartheid, and transformation into the heart of our new democracy. Hidden Pretoria serves as a record at a particular point in the city's history, capturing remnants of the past as well as considering their re-use and reinterpretation today, tor it is only by embracing the influences of our diverse heritage that we can create a solid foundation from which to build our shared future.

Hidden Pretoria reveals the multiple identities that have evolved within the city, bringing its historical narrative into the present and setting it in a framework that looks firmly towards the future whilst acknowledging the legacy of the past.”

Johan Swart holds a master's degree in architecture and heritage studies. At the University of Pretoria, he teaches architectural history and leads a heritage-focused design studio for postgraduate students. As curator of the architecture archives at the university, he is also responsible for the safeguarding and interpretation of significant historical drawing collections. His academic interests include the history of design, archival practice, cultural landscapes and adaptive re-use.

Alain Proust has been photographing buildings for decades. In Hidden Pretoria, his understanding of architectural space enables him to capture the essence of a building in a single frame, while his ingenuity and resourcefulness gained him access to spaces that are not open to the public, often photographing them with just natural light and a minimum of equipment. The result is tangible, and his images will serve as a legacy tor historians, archivists and custodians of our heritage.

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Haiku from the Tip of Africa by Anthea Pretorius – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Naledi, 2019.


BLURB: “The conventions inherent in the ancient Japanese art of writing haiku, are embedded in its seventeen syllables spread over three lines. They display a poet's imaginative wit and dexterity. Haiku capture what Gerard Manley Hopkins calls the 'inscape,' or essence of a moment in nature.

These African haiku illustrate the power of poetry to appeal to the sensory and the cerebral. African philosophical traditions accept that the experience of wonder, reflected here, is the originating source of philosophy. In this new collection of haiku, Botswanan-born Anthea Pretorius, captures a variety of precious, but provocatively sombre insights into lived life at the tip of Africa. This collaboration of Japanese word art and African wisdom will keep you spellbound.”

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Indoda Ebisithanda ('The Man Who Loved Us'): The Reverend James Laing among the amaXhosa, 1831-1836, edited by Sandra Rowoldt Shell – Africana Collection.

Published by Historical Publications Southern Africa, 2019.

BLURB: “The Reverend James Laing was one of the earliest missionaries of the Glasgow Missionary Society to arrive on the eastern frontier of South Africa in 1831. Like many other missionaries, he kept a daily journal until his death in 1872. This volume consists of the first six years of his journal, a tumultuous period on the Eastern Cape frontier. Laing was a private man who wrote considerably less about himself than about the amaXhosa whom he served, showing an insatiable interest in their language, genealogy, history, customs and societal structure. Together with his eventual mastery of isiXhosa, this gave him unparalleled insights into amaXhosa society. His close association with its leaders in the Amathole area allowed him to witness, during the years leading up to the Sixth Frontier War of Dispossession of 1834-1835, their growing suspicion, anger and hostility towards the colonial authorities' incursions and their retaliatory raids in return. These insights provide novel perspectives on the growing crisis on the frontier as well as on the brutal conduct of the war itself, including Laing's enforced move to the garrison town of Grahamstown throughout 1835.

Laing's interest, gentleness, sincerity and empathy earned him the trust of amaXhosa leaders like Maqoma, Suthu, Sandile and the many amaXhosa he encountered. When he died in 1872, an obituary published in isiXhosa referred to Laing as "Indoda ebisithanda" (the man who loved us).”

Sandra Rowoldt Shell was born in Zimbabwe and worked as a professional academic research librarian and archivist in African studies for several decades. She studied at the University of Cape Town where she was awarded her MA (2006) followed by her PhD (2013), both in history. She was a recipient of the Ernest Oppenheimer Trust Scholarship for Eastern Cape History, has published twenty-four articles (half of these in accredited journals), has chapters in ten books, has co-edited eleven books, and is the author of Protean Paradox: George Edward Cory (1862-1935): Navigating Life and South African History (Grahamstown: Rhodes University, 2017) and Children of Hope: The Odyssey of The Oromo Slave Children from Ethiopia to South Africa (Ohio, OH: Ohio University Press, 2018; Cape Town: UCT Press/Juta, 2019). She is presently Senior Research Associate (Cory Library), Rhodes University, South Africa.

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Hendrik Swellengrebel in Afrika: Journalen van Drie Reizen in 1776-1777 / Hendrik Swellengrebel in Africa: Journals of Three Journeys in 1776-1777, edited by Gerrit Schutte – Africana Collection.

Published by the Van Riebeeck Society, 2018.

BLURB: “In the last quarter of the eighteenth century, several foreign travellers explored the interior of southern Africa and published their views of the land, its people and VOC policies. One of these was Hendrik Swellengrebel Jr, son of a former Cape Governor. A well-educated and insightful advocate from the Netherlands, he visited the Cape's hinterland and the land of the Xhosa in 1776-7, with an eye to recommending how to develop the economy. His Journals of his three journeys and the accompanying aquarelles by his artist, Johannes Schumacher, are thus precise and richly informative about the land, its economy and its inhabitants and are presented here in the original Dutch and, for the first time, in an English translation.”

Gerrit Schutte is a graduate of the University of Utrecht and was Professor of the History of Dutch Protestantism at the Free University in Amsterdam. He is still Professor Extraordinarius in the Department of History at the University of South Africa. He has published studies and edited sources on the socio-cultural history of the Netherlands, the VOC and South Africa.

The VRS has previously published his Briefwisseling van Hendrik Swellengrebel Jr. or Kaapse Sake 1779-1792 (1983) and his Hendrik Cloete, Groot Constantia en die VOC, 1788-1799 (2003). Recently he contributed three chapters to Die VOC en die Kaap 1652-1795 (2016).

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In a Time of Plague: Memories of the 'Spanish' Flu Epidemic of 1918 in South Africa, collected and edited by Howard Phillips – Africana Collection.

Published by the Van Riebeeck Society for the Publication of Southern African Historical Documents, 2018.

BLURB: “The so-called 'Spanish' influenza epidemic of 1918 (tellingly dubbed 'Black October' by contemporaries in South Africa) was the worst disease episode ever to hit the country. Part of the global pandemic which killed about 3% of the world's inhabitants in little over a year, in hard-hit South Africa it claimed some 350,000 lives (or 5% of the population) in six weeks in September-October of 1918. During those dreadful weeks the country struggled to keep functioning in the face of this debilitating disease and consequent deaths. In flu-ravaged cities like Kimberley, Cape Town and Bloemfontein corpse-laden carts trundled through the streets to collect the dead and take them to hard-pressed cemeteries, scenes never seen before or since in the country; in the countryside silence reigned as deaths in kraals and on farms reduced helpless inhabitants to desperate straits. A whole generation of flu orphans appeared almost overnight.

This volume graphically captures this short but unprecedented crisis in South Africa's history through the memories of 127 survivors of the epidemic. Recorded on tape and in letters in the 1970s, these evoke the horror of 'Black October', providing unique, first-hand accounts of what these men and women saw and heard, how they coped medically, materially and psychologically and what mark this experience left on their lives. The memories of this very wide array of South Africans vividly evoke what it was like to live in and to live through a time of plague. As one survivor put it, 'That's worse than war’.”

Howard Phillips is Emeritus Professor of History at the University of Cape Town (UCT) where he taught, inter alia, the social history of medicine and disease in the Faculties of Humanities and Health Sciences. His curiosity about the then scarcely-known episode of 'Black October' was piqued when he was a postgraduate student at UCT in the 1970s and he subsequently went on to write the first scholarly work on the subject, 'Black October': The Impact of the Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 on South Africa (1990), followed by several other works on this and related topics, viz. The Spanish Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19: New Perspectives (2003) and Plague, Pox and Pandemics: A Pocket History of Epidemics in South Africa (2012). He still lives in Cape Town.

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'An Entirely Different World': Russian Visitors to the Cape, 1797-1870, edited by edited by Boris Gorelik – Africana Collection.

Published by the Van Riebeeck Society for the Publication of Southern African Historical Documents, 2015.

BLURB: “The Russian view of the Cape as represented in this volume may be unique.

During the period in question, Russia had no cultural, political or economic ties with South Africa. Russians saw the Cape only as a convenient stopover en route to the Far East, to their country's distant domains that could not be reached by sea otherwise. The Cape was one of the 'exotic' lands they would visit on such journeys, their first and only introduction to the African continent.

Although amazed and perplexed by the 'entirely different world' they found here, Russian travellers would often draw unexpected parallels between life in their motherland and the realities of the Cape Colony.

The selections include memoirs of such important Russian personalities as Yuri Lisyansky, Vasily Golovnin, Ivan Goncharov and Konstantin Posyet. Most of the texts appear in English for the first time.”

Boris Gorelik is a Russian writer and researcher based in Moscow and Johannesburg. Born in Sverdlovsk (USSR), he received his MA in linguistics from the Moscow State University. In 2004, he was awarded with the Candidate of Sciences degree in history from the Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, for his research into the history of Russian immigration to South Africa.

Gorelik authored a comprehensive study of the Russian community in this country (Moscow, 2006) and a complete biography of artist Vladimir Tretchikoff (Cape Town; London, 2013). He also prepared and edited the new authorised version of David Grinker's memoir of Soweto in the 1960s-80s (Johannesburg, 2014).

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London Recruits: The Secret War Against Apartheid, compiled and edited by Ken Keable – Africana Collection.

Published by Merlin Press, 2012.

BLURB: “ANC members found it very difficult to escape police surveillance after the Rivonia trial of Nelson Mandela and other leaders in 1963-64. But white people from outside South Africa—being unknown and unsuspected—could move about freely to do things for the ANC. London Recruits tells of the secret work they did: how they were recruited, their activities in South Africa and neighbouring countries, their motives and how they feel about it in retrospect.”

‘To this effort they brought their time, their skills, their knowledge, but most of all, their undoubted courage. They were drawn from different backgrounds and political formations on the left. What they shared was a readiness to risk life and limb in the struggle of another country. Working in self-contained cells that were unaware of each other, under the guidance of a small unit operating out of London, these dedicated women and men helped the liberation movement to rebuild its capacity inside South Africa at a time when repression had all but extinguished the embers of resistance.’

From the foreword by Z. Pallo Jordan.

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Umkhonto we Sizwe: The ANC's Armed Struggle by Thula Simpson – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Penguin Books, 2016.

BLURB: “The armed struggle waged by the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), was the longest sustained insurgency in South African history. This book offers the first full account of the rebellion in its entirety, from its early days in the 1950s to the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as South African president in 1994.

Vast in scope, this story traverses every corner of South Africa and extends throughout southern Africa, where MK's largest campaigns and heaviest engagements occurred, as well as to the solidarity networks that the rebellion mobilised around the world.

Drawing principally from previously unpublished writings and testimonies by the men and women who fought the armed struggle, this book recreates the drama, heroism and tragedy of their experiences. It tells the story of leaders like Nelson Mandela, Oliver Tambo, Joe Slovo and Chris Hani, whose reputations were forged in the crucible of the armed struggle, but it is also a tale of martyrs such as Looksmart Ngudle, Ashley Kriel and Phila Ndwandwe, as well as of MK cadres such as Leonard Nkosi and Glory Sedibe, who would ultimately turn against the ANC and collaborate with the state in hunting down their former comrades.

Written in a fresh, immediate style, Umkhonto we Sizwe is an honest account of the armed struggle and a fascinating chronicle of events that changed South African history.”

Thula Simpson is a senior lecturer in the Department of Historical and Heritage Studies at the University of Pretoria and an editor of the South African Historical Journal.

His previous research on the ANC's armed struggle has been published in a number of journals, including the African Historical Review, African Studies, the Journal of Southern African Studies, the South African Historical Journal and Social Dynamics, as well as in edited book collections published by Wits University Press and the University of Cape Town Press. Umkhonto we Sizwe: The ANC's Armed Struggle is his first sole-authored book.

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Theologies of Childhood and the Children of Africa, edited by Jan Grobbelaar and Gert Breed – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by AOSIS, 2016.

From the publisher: “The purpose of this book is to combine perspectives of scholars from Africa on Child Theologies from a variety of theological sub-disciplines to provide some theological and ministerial perspectives on this topic. The book disseminates original research and new developments in this study field, especially as relevant to the African context. In the process it addresses also the global need to hear voices from Africa in this academic field. It wants to convey the importance of considering Africa's children in theologising.

The different chapters represent diverse methodologies but the central and common focus is to approach the subject from the viewpoint of Africa's children. The individual authors' varied theological sub-disciplinary dispositions contribute to the unique and distinct character of the book. Almost all chapters are theoretical orientated with less empirical research, although some of the chapters refer to empirical research which the authors have done in the past.

Most of the academic literature in the field of Theologies of Childhood is from American or British- European origin. The African context is fairly absent in this discourse, although it is the youngest continent and presents unique and relevant challenges. This book was written by theological scholars from Africa, focussing on Africa's children. It addresses not only theoretical challenges in this field but also provides theological perspectives for ministry with children and for important social change.

Written from a variety of theological sub-disciplines, the book is aimed at scholars across theological sub- disciplines, especially those theological scholars interested in the intersections between theology, childhood studies and African cultural or social themes. It addresses themes and provide insights that is also relevant for specialist leaders and professionals in this field.”

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Introducing African Science: Systematic and Philosophical Approach by Jonathan O. Chimakonam (Ph. D) – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by AuthorHouse, 2012.

“You are about to read a much-needed book that will open your eyes to the Africa that has been hidden from us. Thinking out of the box of Western thought pattern, Dr. Jonathan has been able to give to the world this revolutionary masterpiece in the intellectual history of Africa. By systematizing African science he has emphasized that more than one cock crows. We may therefore call him the Demiurge of new African renaissance.”

Mary Nelson, Sankofa Directions, Houston Texas, USA

“With this towering intellectual accomplishment, Dr. Jonathan Chimakonam has not only proven that Africans are capable of revolutionary thoughts but has emerged as one of the leading original thinkers on the continent. In fact, in this piece of adorable literature, Jonathan could be said to have done for Africa what thinkers like Francis Bacon did for the West.

Prof. G. O. Ozumba, Head - Department of Philosophy, University of Calabar, Nigeria

 “This book is a great exploration into a rich repository of wisdom and knowledge which needs to be recaptured. It is African renaissance that will reposition Africa in the world of technology and development. This is both challenging and refreshing. With emerging scholars like Jonathan, there is hope for Africa! Hakuna Matata!”

Venerable Professor Udobata Onunwa, Director - International Center for the Study of African Languages and Culture, Birmingham, UK

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For the Love of the Land: Being a Farmer in South Africa Today by Ivor Price & Kobus Louwrens – Africana Collection.

Published by Tafelberg, 2019.

BLURB: “For the Love of the Land introduces South Africans to the heroes of agriculture. A diverse crop of farmers from across the country share complex, layered stories about heritage and land, at times surviving traumas like land dispossession and forced labour and the more current spectre of violent farm crimes. From the small farms to the agri-businesses who feed South Africa against the odds, this book relays the power of land to heal, by telling stories that are often overlooked.”

Ivor Price is a well-loved name in Afrikaans media. He is a TV and Radio Presenter, Columnist and Co-founder of The former SABC2 News Anchor also presented the first four seasons of Landbouweekliks, a DStv show, in which he criss-crossed the country to interview the movers and shakers of Mzansi’s agricultural industry. Other career highlights include a stint in London as a Foreign Correspondent and publishing leading community newspapers in Stellenbosch.

Kobus Louwrens is an award-winning journalist who has published leading magazines and community newspapers in both South Africa and East Africa. As Strategy Director for a Cape Town-based digital marketing agency, Kobus has developed breakthrough digital marketing strategies for numerous agricultural, wine and tourism brands. As the Co-founder of he believes in the power of agriculture as a bedrock industry that can enhance social cohesion.

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The Night Trains: Moving Mozambican Miners To and From South Africa, circa 1902-1955 by Charles van Onselen – Africana Collection.

Published by Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2019.

BLURB: “The price exacted from across the African subcontinent for South Africa's stalled 20th-century industrial revolution is, in human terms, still largely hidden from history. For half a century, up to the mid-1950s, privately operated trains travelled by night between Ressano Garcia, on the Mozambique border, and Booysens station, in Johannesburg. The night trains carried Mozambicans recruited to work in the mines of the booming Witwatersrand. The up-trains disgorged their human cargo into the maw of the great Rand mining machine, while the down-trains whisked away the time-expired miners—often ill, broken or insane, and preyed on by con men, petty criminals and corrupt officials. While mine labour was recruited from all over southern Africa, Mozambican migrants made up the largest component, and they paid the highest price.

Charles van Onselen clinically reconstructs the world of the night trains, which were run as a partnership between the mining houses and the railways. By tracing the up and down rail journeys undertaken by black migrants over half a century it is possible to discern how racial thinking, expressed logistically, reflected South Africa's evolving systems of segregation and apartheid. Mirroring the brutal logic of industrial capitalism, this was a system of transport designed to maximise profit at the expense of the health, well-being and even the lives of those it conveyed.

The story of the night trains echoes today through songs such as ‘Stimela’ and 'Shosholoza'. But the experience of the poverty-stricken Mozambicans who travelled on the trains has never been told. The Night Trains lays bare this hellish world.”

Charles van Onselen is the author of several award-winning books, including The Fox and the Flies, Masked Raiders and The Seed is Mine, which was voted one of the hundred best books to come out of Africa in the 20th century, He has been elected to visiting fellowships at Cambridge, Harvard, Oxford and Yale universities and has been Research Professor in the Centre for the Advancement of Scholarship (CAS) at the University of Pretoria for the past two decades.

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Plague, Pox and Pandemics by Howard Phillips – Africana Collection.

Published by Jacana, [2012] 2020.

BLURB: “This is the first history of epidemics in South Africa—lethal episodes that significantly shaped this society over three centuries. Focusing on five devastating diseases between the 1700s and today—smallpox, bubonic plague, Spanish flu, polio and HIV/AIDS—the book probes their origin, their catastrophic course and their consequences in both the short and long term.

As each of these epidemics occurred at crucial moments in the country's history—early in European colonisation, in the midst of the mineral revolution, during the South African War and World War I, as industrialisation got under way, and within the eras of apartheid and post-apartheid—the  author also examines how these processes affected and were affected by the five epidemics. South African history should not look the same to readers after they have finished this book.”

Howard Phillips is a professor in the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Cape Town, where he pioneered research in and the teaching of the social history of medicine and disease.

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Anxious Joburg: The Inner Lives of a Global South City, edited by Nicky Falkof and Cobus van Staden – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Anxious Joburg focuses on Johannesburg, the largest and wealthiest city in South Africa, as a case study for the contemporary global South city. Global South cities are often characterised as sites of contradiction and difference that produce a range of feelings around anxiety. This is often imagined in terms of the global Northʹs anxieties about the South: migration, crime, terrorism, disease and environmental crisis. Anxious Joburg invites readers to consider an intimate perspective of living inside such a city. How does it feel to live in the metropolis of Johannesburg: what are the conditions, intersections, affects and experiences that mark the contemporary urban?

Scholars, visual artists and storytellers, all look at unexamined aspects of Johannesburg life. From peripheral settlements to the inner city to the affluent northern suburbs, from precarious migrants and domestic workers to upwardly mobile young women and fearful elites, Anxious Joburg presents an absorbing engagement with this frustrating, dangerous, seductive city. It offers a rigorous, critical approach to Johannesburg revealing the way in which anxiety is a vital structuring principle of contemporary life.”

Nicky Falkof is an associate professor in Media Studies at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She is the author of The End of Whiteness: Satanism and Family Murder in Late Apartheid South Africa. Cobus van Staden is a senior researcher at the South African Institute of International Affairs and a visiting lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

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Maverick Africans: The Shaping of the Afrikaners by Hermann Giliomee – Africana Collection.

Published by Tafelberg, 2020.

BLURB: “Hermann Giliomee, pre-eminent South African historian, dissects the forces that shaped the Afrikaners into an unusual 'maverick African' nation. In part one of this collection, he analyses long-term forces like the powerful legal position of Afrikaner women, the expanding frontier that gave rise to individualism and later to republicanism, and the struggles about race inside the Dutch Reformed Church.

The second part examines controversial aspects of more recent Afrikaner political history, including the alleged civil service purges after 1948, Nationalist corruption, the Absa 'Lifeboat' and the quality of Afrikaner leadership. Finally, there is a chapter on the ‘broken heart’ of the Afrikaner community.”

Hermann Giliomee is a renowned historian. His bestselling The Afrikaners was published to international acclaim and adapted into a popular television documentary. He was a Fellow at Yale, Cambridge and the Woodrow Wilson Centre in Washington DC.

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Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses: A Field Guide by Simon C. Green – Africana Collection.

Published by Porcupine Press, 2022.

BLURB: “This field guide, a companion to Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses - A Military Engineer's Perspective, reviews key blockhouses left standing in South Africa. A first-of-its-kind guide, it can be used for virtual visits to learn more about these military structures, or better still to get ‘boots on the ground'. Its main aim is to put the blockhouse sites on the battlefield tour map and to encourage professional guides and amateurs alike to explore them in detail or make them a stop-off on a longer trip.

Built 120 years ago, these temporary structures occupied for years by the lonely and bored ‘Tommy Atkins' have a story to tell, of military industrial proportions. The author visited virtually every site, excepting only a few whose isolation and inaccessibility speak volumes about the challenges offered by the South African veld to the combatants.

The guide also acts as a record of the current condition of the sites, all sadly having been ravaged by human destruction and the inexorable effects of weather and the passage of time. Thirty of them are protected by government legislation which has proved ineffective. One day, indeed, this guide may be all that remains of an aspect of our national heritage that we are in danger of failing to preserve.”

Simon C Green was born in Jersey and educated at Welbeck College. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Technology from The Open University and a Master's Degree in Information Systems from Canfield University.

Commissioned at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1978 into the Royal Corps of Signals, he served for nearly 30 years in military appointments in Europe, Brunei, and South Africa. He worked extensively in major military headquarters, giving him a unique insight into the staff who fight wars at a strategic level. He was also involved in training staff officers in operational leader- ship and war-gaming to develop and hone their war-fighting tactics at lower levels of command. He retired from military service in 2006 and settled in South Africa to pursue his passion for military history and writing.

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Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses: A Military Engineer's Perspective by Simon C. Green – Africana Collection.

Published by Porcupine Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Anglo-Boer War Blockhouses is a fresh analytical look at how the construction of over 9,000 small fortifications during the Anglo-Boer War sought to change its course. The author examines all aspects of the South African blockhouses during the war: how the initial concept of protecting key bridges morphed into mass-produced, low-cost, pre-fabricated forts deployed in long lines across the veld; how they were built, manned and operated in a system designed to defeat roving Boer commandos.

The evolution of the 'blockhouse strategy' used by Lord Kitchener during the guerrilla phase of the war is examined as part of the wider strategy used to bring the war to its conclusion. Detailed analysis through the lens of a military expert finally answers the question 'Did the blockhouses win the war, or were they - in the words of the British Army's nemesis, General Christiaan de Wet - merely the strategy of a blockhead?'

From tracing the use of blockhouses prior to the war, to describing the conditions enjoyed by the average 'Tommy' living and fighting in these structures, to recording their post-war dismantling or preservation, this is a deep dive into a topic previously little explored.”

Simon C Green was born in Jersey and educated at Welbeck College. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Technology from The Open University and a Master's Degree in Information Systems from Canfield University.

Commissioned at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1978 into the Royal Corps of Signals, he served for nearly 30 years in military appointments in Europe, Brunei, and South Africa. He worked extensively in major military headquarters, giving him a unique insight into the staff who fight wars at a strategic level. He was also involved in training staff officers in operational leader- ship and war-gaming to develop and hone their war-fighting tactics at lower levels of command. He retired from military service in 2006 and settled in South Africa to pursue his passion for military history and writing.

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The Fabric of Dissent: Public Intellectuals in South Africa, edited by Vasu Reddy, Narnia Bohler-Muller, Gregory Houston, Maxi Schoeman and Heather Thuynsma – Africana Collection.

Published by BestRed, an imprint of HSRC Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Who or what is a public intellectual and how are they created? What is the role of the public intellectual in social, cultural, political and academic contexts? What are the kinds of questions they raise? What compels intellectuals to put forward their ideas?

The Fabric of Dissent: Public Intellectuals in South Africa is a pioneering volume, representing a rich tapestry of South Africans who were able to rise beyond narrow formulations of identity into a larger sense of what it means to be human. Each brief portrait provides readers with an opportunity to consider the context, influences and unique tensions that shaped the people assembled here. In its entirety, the book showcases an astonishing array of achievements and bears testimony to the deep imprint of these public intellectuals. As South Africans continue to grapple with their past, present and future, it is clear that the insights of these remarkable people into reimagining an inclusive society continue to be relevant today.”

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The Lie of 1652: A Decolonised History of Land by Patric Tariq Mellet – Africana Collection.

Published by Tafelberg, an imprint of NB Publishers, 2020.

BLURB: “In this radical critique of established pre-colonial and colonial history, heritage activist Patric Tariq Mellet retells the story of dispossession, the destruction of livelihoods and the brutality of slavery in South Africa. Drawing on scholarly work and his own experience of searching for identity, Mellet provides a bold new perspective on the loss of land and belonging.

Characters such as Autshumao, Krotoa and Doman come to life in the story of the founding of a port at Cape Town - over 50 years before Jan van Riebeeck arrived. The Lie of 1652 debunks the 'empty-land' myth and claims of a 'Bantu invasion', while outlining 220 years of war and resistance. It recounts the history of migration to the Cape by Africans, Indians, Southeast Asians and Europeans, providing a provocative perspective on the de-Africanisation of local people of colour.

The Lie of 1652 explores what Africans lost through the expropriation of land and, by extension, home, belonging and social cohesion. It is also a plea for restoration, and for recognition of the ties that bind us as Africans of diverse ethnicities and cultures.”

Patric Tariq Mellet was born and raised in the Salt River, Woodstock and District Six districts of Cape Town. He is a former liberation movement cadre, who returned from exile in 1990. His MSc dissertation from Buckinghamshire New University is titled: Heritage Tourism - Cape Slavery and Indigenous People. In 2009 his work on the intangible heritage of the Cape received a Western Cape Provincial Honours award. In 2019 the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture appointed him to the Governance Council of the South African Heritage Resources Agency. He has a long history of and passion for engaging in film, publishing and museology projects.

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Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists by Ina Fourie– Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Routledge, 2021.

BLURB: “Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists illustrates that autoethnog- raphy is a rich qualitative research method that can enhance understanding of one's own work experiences, whilst also facilitating the design of tailored experiences for a variety of audiences.

Starting with the position that librarians and information scientists require deep insight into people's experiences, needs and information behaviour in order to design appropriate services and information interventions, this book shows that using only conventional methods, such as questionnaires and focus groups, is insufficient. Arguing that autoethnography can provide unique insights into users' cultural experiences and needs, contributors to this volume introduce the reader to different types of autoethnography. Highlighting common challenges and clarifying how autoethnography can be combined with other research methods, this book will empower librarians and information scientists to conceptualise topics for autoethnographic research, whilst also ensuring that they adhere to strict ethical guidelines. Chapters within the volume also demonstrate how to produce autoethnographic writing and stress the need to analyse autoethnographies produced by others.

Autoethnography for Librarians and Information Scientists is essential reading for any librarian, information scientist or student looking to deepen their under- standing of their own experiences. It will be particularly useful to those engaged in the study of service provision, user studies and information behaviour.”

Ina Fourie is a full professor and Head of Department of Information Sci-ence, University of Pretoria. Professor Fourie is currently Vice Chair of the ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) Steering Committee and part of the ASIS&T (Association of Information Science and Technology) Executive Board as Treasurer. She has published more than 130 articles, books and conference papers and has presented in more than 16 countries.

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Logic and African Philosophy: Seminal Essays on African Systems of Thought, edited by Jonathan O. Chimakonam – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Vernon Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Logic and African Philosophy: Seminal Essays on African Systems of Thought aims to put African intellectual history in perspective, with focus on the subjects of racism, logic, language, and psychology. The volume seeks to fill in the gaps left by the exclusion of African thinkers that are frequent in the curricula of African schools concerning history, sociology, philosophy, and cultural studies. The book is divided into four parts that are preceded by an introduction to link up the essays and emphasize their sociological implications. Part one is comprised of essays that opened the controversy of whether logic can be found in traditional African cultures as well as other matters like the nature of the mind and behaviour of African peoples. The essays in part two are centred on the following question: are the laws of thought present in African languages and cultures? Part three brings together essays that sparkle the debate on whether there can be such a thing as African logic, which stems from the discussions in part two. Part four is concerned on the theme of system-building in logic; contributions are written by members of the budding African philosophy movement called the 'Conversational School of Philosophy' based at the University of Calabar, and the main objective of their papers is to formulate systems of African logic.”

Jonathan O. Chimakonam Ph.D, teaches at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests cover the areas of African Philosophy, Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Environmental Ethics and decoloniality/conversation al thinking. He aims to break new grounds in African philosophy by formulating a system that unveils new concepts and opens new vistas for thought (Conversational philosophy); a method that represents a new approach to philosophising in African and intercultural philosophies (Conversational thinking); and a system of logic that grounds both (Ezumezu). His articles have appeared in refereed and accredited international journals. He is an author, co-author, editor and co-editor of several books, and is the convener of the professional African philosophy society, The Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP) and the founding editor of "Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions." He has won the Jens Jacobsen Research Award for Outstanding Research in Philosophy by the International Society for Universal Dialogue. He is also the African philosophy Area Editor in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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Magema Fuze: The Making of a Kholwa Intellectual by Hlonipha Mokoena – Africana Collection.

Published by University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2011.

BLURB: “As the author of Abantu Abamnyama Lapa Bavela Ngakona (1922), Magema Fuze is a classic example of how first-generation converts made the transition from oral to literate cultures, the homestead to the mission and from being 'native informants' to being kholwa intellectuals. The kholwa had no secure cultural or political identity, caught as they were in the 'Natal-Zululand divide, between the promise of full and equal incorporation into colonial society and the ties that bound them to traditional society and culture.

In this book, Hlonipha Mokoena suggests that kholwa identity was fashioned through the practice of bricolage - the cobbling together, in indeterminate and sometimes contradictory ways, of elements from both colonial and indigenous cultures. The amakholwa used the instruments of cultural imperialism, namely petitions, letters, books and newspapers, to create a signature resistance to subjugation and conquest.

Writing as an aspirant historian, Magema Fuze's literary life represents a black intellectual tradition whose potential was not realised. Beyond his work as a printer and scribe it is worth adding another role, namely that Fuze was a popular historian, who attempted to write histories whose intimate resonances would not only appeal to his readers but also rouse their nationalistic sentiments.

Hlonipha Mokoena is currently an Associate Professor at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research. Before June 2015 she worked in the Anthropology Department at Columbia University.  She has a strong research interest in South African intellectual history. Her new research is on the figure of the Zulu policeman, which she explores across the visual historical archive. Hlonipha is a multitalented public intellectual, well known for her work in many different parts of the world, and very strongly placed to both write and speak about the  complex entanglements as well as the striking differences between South African and US cultures.

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Poor Me: The Diary of a Motor Car on a Journey from Durban to the Cape by Vera Friedländer – Africana Collection.

Published by Argus Printing and Publishing Company, 1911.

Our copy of this rare book was kindly donated to UP Special Collections by Professor Alex Duffey, previously Professor of Art History and Director of UP Arts.

PREFATORY NOTE: “For the time being I have transplanted my spirit into the body of a Motor Car, and have related in simple colloquial language my impressions during a journey from Durban to the Cape, made during the latter part of the winter 1910. Leaving aside all literary pretensions, I offer this diary to my friends as a little chat without any aspirations to artistic merit. Parts of South Africa are very beautiful, but few realise this fact, and even fewer take the trouble to find it out. The accompanying photographs give small glimpses of the attractive scenery. They are Kodak snapshots which I took on the road, and I am indebted to Mr. Lancelot Usher's great kindness for the artistic treatment, which has enhanced the beauty of many of them. Seven of the pictures are the property of the Trappist Monastery at Pinetown, and I am reproducing them with the kind permission of the Father Superior.

For the historical and geographical part of the book I have drawn largely on the numerous histories and guide books of South Africa. Mistakes are sure to have crept in, but they will easily be pardoned by all who know the difficulties of sifting and condensing information, which is often unreliable and sometimes even contradictory. Some readers might think the historical parts tedious, but to my mind a country, like a person, gains in understanding and interest as soon as one acquires an insight into the aspirations and struggles of the past, and the hopes for the future.”

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Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems, edited by Adam Novotny, Einar Rasmussen, Tommy H. Clausen, Johan Wiklund – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.

BLURB: “This insightful and comprehensive Research Handbook explores the concept of start-up incubation ecosystems and investigates the various factors that interact to provide a nurturing environment suitable for the creation and R successful development of start-ups.

Chapters employ a range of approaches for the study of incubation ecosystems, including literature reviews, theoretical studies and empirical research featuring both quantitative and qualitative methods. An international team of authors analyzes data from a diverse range of countries to cover topics including: multi-level approaches to incubation ecosystems; start-up support mechanisms such as incubators, accelerators and co-working spaces; and the role of organizations involved in incubation ecosystems such as universities, government agencies and multinational companies. The Research Handbook thus illustrates the critical part played by the early development of start-ups within entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Scholars and doctoral students working in entrepreneurship and innovation will find this Research Handbook invaluable to their understanding of start-up incubation ecosystems and in illuminating future research agendas. It will also prove useful to practitioners and policymakers working with start-ups and organizations that support them.”

Adam Novotny is Researcher, Einar Rasmussen is Professor and Tommy H. Clausen is Professor at Nord University Business School, Bode, Norway and Johan Wiklund is The Al Berg Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship at Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, USA.

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San Elders Speak: Ancestral Knowledge of the Kalahari San, by Lucinda Backwell and Francesco D'Errico – Africana Collection.

Published by Wits University Press, 2021.

BLURB: “The richness of San material culture has rarely been documented in detail, and never through the eyes of the San people themselves. In this book, the world's largest assemblage of their artefacts serves as the point of departure for a discussion between four San elders and two academics. Rediscovering objects last seen in their childhoods, the elders tell stories inspired by their handling of the objects and explain their manufacture, function and meaning. San Elders Speak presents not only a novel perspective that enriches scholarly knowledge on past and present San ways of life, but also a unique heritage for the people of descendant communities and an absorbing, accessible read for people interested in learning more about San culture.”

Lucinda Backwell is a researcher in the Instituto Superior de studios Sociales, CCT-NOA Sur (CONICET), Tucumán, Argentina, and an honorary researcher in the Evolutionary Studies Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Francesco d'Errico is research director at t Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), University of Bordeaux, France, and a professi at the Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour, University of Bergen, Norway.

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Bold Minds: Library Leadership in a Time of Disruption, edited by Margaret Weaver and Leo Appleton – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Facet Publishing, 2020.

BLURB: “Are librarians and libraries relevant in the 21st century? This is a fundamental question and one that presents differing opinions across the many diverse information sectors. If there is a continuing need for libraries and for librarians, then how do library leaders obtain strategic support when there appears to be a lack of clarity or understanding about the very purpose of libraries at a time when economically, libraries are under pressure to develop new business models and be more commercially focussed?

Bold minds: Library leadership in a time of disruption brings together international leaders who frame many aspects of the current library provision and who carry responsibility for the library models of the future to consider how librarians and libraries can be a driving force in a time of disruptive economic, technological and cultural change.

Each chapter critically presents a short leadership provocation regarding libraries and their purpose, encompassing impact, service delivery, collections, staff skills and professional training and assessing what it means for leaders, their sectors and organisations, and how they have developed their personal leadership signature.”

Margaret Weaver is former Director of Library and Learning Resources at Birmingham City University and prior to this was Head of Library Services at Brunel University London, and Director of Library and Student Services at the University of Cumbria. A founding member of the Northern Collaboration group of academic libraries, she has also chaired the North West Academic Libraries (NoWAL) collaboration. Margaret is an Associate of the Higher Education Academy and a chartered member of CILIP. She is also a member of the editorial board of the New Review of Academic Librarianship and a regular contributor to professional literature.

Leo Appleton is a Senior University Teacher in the Information School at the University of Sheffield, where he teaches on library and information services management programmes. He was previously Director of Library Services at Goldsmiths, University of London and has held numerous other leadership and management roles in universities and further education colleges throughout his career. Leo holds a PhD in social informatics from Edinburgh Napier University. He is a chartered fellow of CILIP, a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is the editor-in-chief of the New Review of Academic Librarianship.

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Negotiating Business Transactions: An Extended Simulation Course, by Daniel D. Bradlow and Jay Gary Finkelstein – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “With ample instructional materials and a simulation exercise that includes individual negotiating instructions for each party, this unique teaching package offers students the opportunity to "learn by doing" and to experience how to negotiate and structure a complicated business transaction. Students learn to strategize, negotiate, and draft- all within the context of a simulated business negotiation that brings the deal inside the classroom where its multiple aspects—legal, business, social, and political—can be studied. Students must work collaboratively, and mistakes become valuable lessons rather than costly errors. In addition to the substantive materials focused on the business and legal issues raised by the simulation exercise, authors Daniel D. Bradlow and Jay Gary Finkelstein address the ethical, social, and professional issues that can arise in transactional legal practice.”

Daniel D. Bradlow is Professor of Law at the American University Washington College of Law and Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria.

Jay Gary Finkelstein is Adjunct Professor of Law at the American University Washington College of Law, a lecturer at Stanford Law School and a partner in DLA Piper LLP (US).

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Reading Spaces in South Africa, 1850-1920s by Archie L Dick – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Cambridge University Press, 2020.

BLURB: “Voluntary societies and government initiatives stimulated the growth of reading communities in South Africa in the second half of the nineteenth century. A system of parliamentary grants to establish public libraries in country towns and villages nurtured a lively reading culture. A condition was that the library should be open free of charge to the general public. This became one more reading space, and others included book societies, reading societies, literary societies, debating societies, mechanics institutes, and mutual improvement societies.

This [book] explains how reading communities used these spaces to promote cultural and literary development in a unique ethos of improvement, and to raise political awareness in South Africa's colonial transition to a Union government and racial segregation.”

Archie L Dick is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria. He has extensive experience in teaching at all levels in Information Science, has worked in several academic and professional committees and has served on national committees in education and in library and information services.

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Position, patriotism, pluck, plunging : a biography of Sir John Christopher Willoughby, Baronet (1859-1918) by Digby Hartridge – Africana Collection.

Independent Publishing Network, 2021.

BLURB: “Sir John Christopher Willoughby was the military commander on the Jameson Raid into the Transvaal, which was defeated at Doornkop on 2 January 1896.  The Raid has been seen as a turning point in the fortunes of Empire.  The biography seeks to understand how Leander Starr Jameson and in particular his friend Sir John can have made such a disastrous miscalculation.  To understand Sir John the book examines his privileged family background, his career in the Household Cavalry, his connections to the Churchills and the Marlborough set and Rhodes and the Prince of Wales, his engagement to lead a troop of the BSACP in the Occupation of Mashonaland, his role as a special adviser to Jameson in the Matabele War as well as in the Raid, the farcical Beira Incident, his excavations at Great Zimbabwe, his report on Portuguese slave trading, his rehabilitation during the Anglo-Boer War, his pioneering of the use of armoured cars in the ASC in East Africa in 1916, his phenomenal gambling, his extensive business interests and his sisters' fortunes. 

Digby Hartridge was an archivist and oral historian at the National Archives of Rhodesia (Now National Archives of Zimbabwe) and later he lived in Australia and then in South Gloucestershire in England, working as a lecturer, parliamentary librarian and public librarian. He is the grandson of a trooper who enrolled in the British South African Company’s Police in 1891 and who was for a while employed by Willoughby’s Consolidated.

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The Neo-Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn: Light from the East by Antony Goedhals – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Brill, 2020.

BLURB: “The Neo-Buddhist Writings of Lafcadio Hearn: Light from the East by Antony Goedhals offers radical rereadings of a misunderstood and undervalued Victorian writer. It reveals that at the metaphysical core of Lafcadio Hearn's writings is a Buddhist vision as yet unappreciated by his critics and biographers. Beginning with the American writings and ending with the essay- and story-meditations of the Japanese period, the book demonstrates Hearn's deeply personal and transcendently beautiful evocations of a Buddhist universe, and shows how these deconstruct and dissolve the categories of Western discourse and thinking about reality—to create a new language, a poetry of vastness, emptiness, and oneness that had not been heard before in English, or, indeed, in the West.”

Antony Goedhals, Ph.D. (2018), is a Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Pretoria. He is a generalist and teaches texts from the medieval through the modern periods. He has published on Chaucer and on Hearn.

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Exploring Our National Days – Human Rights Day, 21 March by Sahm Venter – Africana Collection.

Published by Jacana Media, 2007.

BLURB: “Human Rights Day remembers the events of 21 March 1960. On this day, police shot at a group of people protesting against having to carry passbooks. Sixty-nine people were killed. It became known as the Sharpeville Massacre, after the town of Sharpeville where it happened.

This book will explain what human rights are, and the importance of 21 March in the history of South Africa. Our new Constitution says that these rights may not be abused, as they were on 21 March.

The events of that day changed South Africa's future, helping it to become the democracy that it is today.”

Sahm Venter is the senior researcher at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg where she has worked since 2006. She previously reported on the last years of the struggle against apartheid for South African and the international media. As a correspondent for the international news agency, The Associated Press, she covered the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, his presidency, as well as various news events on the African continent. In 2013 she and Swati Dlamini-Mandela co-edited Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's book 491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69.

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Rising Powers, People Rising: Neoliberalization and its Discontents in the BRICS Countries, edited by Alf Gunvald Nilsen and Karl von Holdt – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Routledge, 2021.

BLURB: “Rising Powers, People Rising is a pathbreaking volume in which leading international scholars discuss the emerging political economy of development in the BRICS countries centred on neo- liberalization, precarity, and popular struggles.

The rise of the BRICS countries –Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—has called into question the future of Western dominance in world markets and geopolitics. However, the developmental trajectories of the BRICS countries are shot through with socio-economic fault lines that relegate large numbers of people to the margins of current growth processes, where life is characterized by multiple and overlapping vulnerabilities. These socio-economic fault lines have, in turn, given rise to political convulsions across the BRICS countries, ranging from single-issue protests to sustained social movements oriented towards structural transformation. The contributions in this book focus on the ways in and extent to which these trajectories generate distinct forms and patterns of mobilization and resistance, and conversely, how popular struggles impact on and shape these trajectories. The book unearths the economic, social, and political contradictions that tend to disappear from view in mainstream narratives of the BRICS countries as rising powers in the world-system.

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Globalizations.”

Alf Gunvald Nilsen is Professor of Sociology at the University of Pretoria. His research focuses on the political economy of democracy and development in the Global South. His most recent books are Adivasis and the State: Subalternity and Citizenship in India's Bhil Heartland (2018) and Indian Democracy: Origins, Trajectories, Contestations (2019).

Karl von Holdt is Professor in the Society, Work and Politics Institute, University of the Witwatersrand. Publications include Transition from Below: Forging Trade Unionism and Workplace Change in South Africa; Conversations with Bourdieu: The Johannesburg Moment (with Michael Burawoy); and Beyond the Apartheid Workplace: Studies in Transition, co-edited with Edward Webster, as well as numerous articles. His research interests centre on movements, democracy, corruption, and violence.

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The Portable Bunyan: A Transnational History of The Pilgrim's Progress by Isabel Hofmeyr – Africana Collection.

Published by Princeton University Press, 2004.

BLURB: “How does a book become an international bestseller? What happens to it as it is translated into different languages, contexts, and societies? How is it changed by the intellectual environments it encounters? What does the transnational circulation mean for its reception back home? Exploring the international life of a particularly long-lived and widely traveled book, Isabel Hofmeyr follows The Pilgrim's Progress as it circulates through multiple contexts—and into some 200 languages—focusing on Africa, where 80 of the translations occurred.

This feat of literary history is based on intensive research that criss-crossed among London, Georgia, Kingston, Bedford (John Bunyan's hometown), and much of sub-Saharan Africa. Finely written and unusually wide-ranging, it accounts for how The Pilgrim's Progress traveled abroad with the Protestant mission movement, was adapted and reworked by the societies into which it traveled, and, finally, how its circulation throughout the empire affected Bunyan's standing back in England.

The result is a new intellectual approach to Bunyan—one that weaves together British, African, and Caribbean history with literary and translation studies and debates over African Christianity and mission. Even more important, this book is a rare example of a truly worldly study of 'world literature'—and of the critical importance of translation, both linguistic and cultural.”

Isabel Hofmeyr is Professor of African Literature at the University of the Witwatersrand and the author of “We Spend Our Years as a Tale That Is Told”: Oral Historical Storytelling in a South African Chiefdom.

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Searching for Sarah: The Woman Who Loved Langenhoven by Dominique Malherbe – Africana Collection.

Published by Tafelberg, 2021.

BLURB: “On 15 July 1932, Afrikaans literary icon CJ Langenhoven died suddenly at the age of 58. He had named a young Jewish woman, the fiery redhead Sarah Eva Goldblatt, executrix of his extensive literary legacy.

Eyebrows were raised in the Afrikaner establishment, but by the time Sarah died in 1975 more than two million copies of Langenhoven's books had been sold—one of the greatest literary successes ever in South Africa. Sarah had made a significant contribution to Afrikaans literature, yet as an outsider she had barely been acknowledged.

Sarah arrived in Cape Town from London in 1897, and grew up speaking Yiddish and English. It was only when she met the much older Langenhoven that she adopted Afrikaans and developed an obsessive devotion to him and to his language.

Since childhood, lawyer and author Dominique Malherbe had been intrigued by the mystery surrounding her remarkable great-aunt and Langenhoven. She finally set out to discover Sarah's story, reclaim her for posterity, and find her son.

Based on hundreds of original letters, archival research and family memories, this biography-cum-memoir uncovers a fascinating literary love story between a young Jewish woman and an Afrikaner icon.”

Dominique Malherbe is an admitted attorney with a Master's in Tax and Commercial Law from the University of Cape Town. She spent several years in practice in the legal and corporate world, and is now an independent legal advisor.

After the birth of her fourth child, she lectured in law for more than a decade, with a special interest in legal professional ethics. She has been involved in various freelance editing projects, including the Juta Law Reports. During this time, her passion for the writing life took hold and she completed her first memoir, From Courtrooms to Cupcakes, which was published in 2014. Passionate about law but specifically gender and justice and the themes of women and work, her second memoir, Somewhere In Between, followed in 2018.

Dominique was born in Windhoek, Namibia, matriculated in Johannesburg and moved to Cape Town in 1984 to undertake her legal studies. She lives there, still, with her husband and four children. In 2014 she started a blog to support her writing, which can be found at

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Exploring Our National Days - Youth Day, 16 June by Sahm Venter – Africana Collection.

Published by Jacana Media, 2005.

BLURB: “On Wednesday 16 June 1976, Soweto learners organised a protest march. They were angry about the conditions in their schools and the apartheid government’s new policy that half their subjects would be taught in Afrikaans. The police responded to the protest by shooting many unarmed children, causing protests and unrest throughout the country.

This book will explain the importance of 16 June in the history of apartheid and in the creation of a new, democratic South Africa. Each year Youth Day is celebrated on 16 June as a reminder of the importance of the youth in the history and the future of our country.”

Sahm Venter is the senior researcher at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg where she has worked since 2006. She previously reported on the last years of the struggle against apartheid for South African and the international media. As a correspondent for the international news agency, The Associated Press, she covered the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, his presidency, as well as various news events on the African continent. In 2013 she and Swati Dlamini-Mandela co-edited Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's book 491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69.

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The Tough Alchemy of Ben Okri: The Writer as Conceptual Artist by Rosemary Gray – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.

BLURB: “Winner of the Booker Prize for The Famished Road, Ben Okri is widely regarded as one of the most important contemporary writers writing today. Featuring a substantial new interview with Ben Okri himself, a full bibliography of his creative work and covering his complete works, this is the first in-depth study of Okri's themes and artistic vision. Rosemary Gray explores Okri's career-long engagement with myth, Nigerian politics and culture, and with the environmental crisis in the age of the Anthropocene.”

Rosemary Alice Gray is Emeritus Professor in the Department of English at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. She is Managing Editor of English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies and her previous publications include Broken Strings: The Politics of Poetry, Light Comes out of the Darkness, A Glass Half Full or Half Empty: The Challenges of Elections and Succession in Africa and Sounding Wings: Short Stories from Africa (edited with Stephen Finn). She is a Fellow of FEEYS.

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Third Space, Information Sharing, and Participatory Design by Preben Hansen, Ina Fourie and Anika Meyer – Tukkiana Collection.

Published by Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 2021.

BLURB: “Third Space is a physical, virtual, cognitive, and conceptual space where participants may negotiate, reflect, and form new knowledge and worldviews working toward creative, practical and applicable solutions, finding innovative, appropriate research methods, interpreting findings, proposing new theories, recommending next steps, and even designing solutions such as new information objects or services. Information sharing in participatory design manifests in tandem with many other information interaction activities and especially information and cognitive processing. Although there are practices of individual information sharing and information encountering, information sharing mostly relates to collaborative information behavior practices, creativity, and collective decision-making.

Our purpose with this book is to enable students, researchers, and practitioners within a multi-disciplinary research field, including information studies and Human-Computer Interaction approaches, to gain a deeper understanding of how the core activity of information sharing in participatory design, in which Third Space may be a platform for information interaction, is taking place when using methods utilized in participatory design to address contemporary societal challenges. This could also apply for information behavior studies using participatory design as methodology. We elaborate interpretations of core concepts such as participatory design, Third Space, information sharing, and collaborative information behavior, before discussing participatory design methods and processes in more depth. We also touch on information behavior, information practice, and other important concepts. Third Space, information sharing, and information interaction are discussed in some detail. A framework, with Third Space as a core intersecting zone, platform, and adaptive and creative space to study information sharing and other information behavior and interactions are suggested. As a tool to envision information behavior and suggest future practices, participatory design serves as a set of methods and tools in which new interpretations of the design of information behavior studies and eventually new information objects are being initiated involving multiple stakeholders in future information landscapes. For this purpose, we argue that Third Space can be used as an intersection zone to study information sharing and other information activities, but more importantly it can serve as a Third Space Information Behavior (TSIB) study framework where participatory design methodology and processes are applied to information behavior research studies and applications such as information objects, systems, and services with recognition of the importance of situated awareness.”

Dr. Preben Hansen is a Docent and Associate Professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden. His main research focus is in the intersection of Human- Computer Interaction, Interaction Design, and Information Behavior. Preben's research focuses on the human in the center, interacting with the surroundings through various digital systems, services, objects and tools. His recent research deals with Gesture and distance-driven Interaction (with Dr Xiangdong LI) and Agile Research Methods (with Prof. Mike Twidale) and Collaborative Information Searching (with Dr Tina Du). He has published more than 120 academic articles/papers in journals and conferences and 3 edited books. He has served as chair at several ACM conferences like ACM CHIIR, ACM DIS, ACM/IEEE JCDL, TPDL and Conference. He has been a special issue editor for Journal of Information Science on Searching as Learning (2016) and special issue editor for IEEE Computer on Collaborative Information Seeking (2014).

Dr. Ina Fourie is a full professor and Head of Department of Information Science at the University of Pretoria. She is a rated South African researcher. Her main research focus is on information behavior, current awareness services, information literacy and autoethnography with special reference to cancer and palliative care and other existential contexts. She is a regular speaker and author in national and international contexts ranging from library and information science and education to healthcare. Ina serves on the editorial advisory boards of Library Hi Tech, Online Information Review, Information Research, and The Bottom Up. She was guest editor with Dr Heidi Julien of an Aslib Journal of Information Management special issue on Innovative Methods in Health Information Behavior Research (vol. 71 [6]: 693-702). Ina is currently Vice Chair of the ISIC (Information Seeking in Context) Steering Committee and part of the ASIS&T (Association for Information Science and Technology) Executive Board as Treasurer. She has published more than 130 articles, books and conference papers and has presented in more than 16 countries.

Anika Meyer is a Lecturer in the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria. She completed her Master studies in 2016, titled: Information behavior in academic spaces of creativity: a building science pseudo-makerspace. She is currently enrolled for her doctoral studies at the Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, titled: Information sharing in participatory design of a virtual academic creative space. Her research interests include creativity, collaborative information seeking (CIS), knowledge management, guided inquiry, third space, in- formation literacy, information behavior and makerspaces-specifically the construction of these creative spaces through universal design, holistic ergonomics and participatory design. She has presented at international conferences (e.g., ISIC and EAHIL) and is a member of the ASIS&T African Chapter.

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Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog's Life by Nicholas Dyer and Peter Blinston – Africana Collection.


Published by Lycaon Ventures Ltd, 2018.


BLURB: “The painted wolf is a unique and remarkable creature. On the one hand it is Africa's most successful predator, yet on the other it is an incredibly social animal, caring deeply for its family's wellbeing in a tightly knit pack.

The alpha female leads the pack, behaving like a queen and general, and is the only one to breed. Other members of the pack serve as dedicated aunts and uncles, teachers and playmates, hunters and defenders to a brood of beautiful but cheeky little pups.

Yet for the last 100 years, the painted wolf has endured an outrageous onslaught, which has seen their numbers decrease from 500,000 a century ago to only 6,500 today. This 99% reduction in their population has put the wolf's survival on a knife edge.

Painted Wolves: A Wild Dog's Life is their story. It is told with insight and passion from two people who know them well, each with their own unique perspective on this endearing animal.

This story is told in three parts. In the first section of the book we are introduced to the painted wolf and learn not only about the fascinating features that make them so special, but also the history of their persecution and the challenges that they continue to face today.

In the second part of the book, Nick takes us deep into the wild Zambezi Valley where he has been following and photographing painted wolves on foot for the last six years. Here you will meet the incredible alpha females Tait, Blacktip and Tammy, as they live their lives away from the destructive influences of man. You will experience them at the den, on the hunt, feasting and through the ups and downs of family life.

In the third section, Peter provides a real insight into conserving the painted wolves based on twenty years dedicated to their survival. Although they are now a protected species, they still face a relentless assault from snaring, roadkills and disease. Peter takes you into the tough world of conservation, describing the many challenges and the innovative and successful solutions he has introduced.

The book is illustrated with more than 220 stunning images. Each photograph tells a story in its own right and brings alive the captivating and mysterious world of the painted wolves and the lives of those around them.”

Nicholas Dyer grew up in Kenya and always had a passion for photography. After careers in finance and marketing, stuck behind a desk in London, he took the decision to return to Africa and turn his life around to dedicate it to photography, writing and wildlife conservation. He discovered the painted wolves of Mana Pools National Park and fell in love with them. Nick has spent much of the last six years living in a tent while following and photographing three packs on foot.

Peter Blinston  fell in love with painted wolves while watching documentaries in his native England. He volunteered for Painted Dog Conservation (PDC) from home in England for two years and then initially moved to Zimbabwe as an unpaid six-month volunteer. He has now been there for 20 years and serves as Managing Director. Peter has helped translate the initial vision for PC into effective programmes that have made a significant difference to the survival of the species.

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Exploring Our National Days - Freedom Day, 27 April by Sahm Venter – Africana Collection.


Published by Jacana Media, 2007.

BLURB: “On 27 April 1994, for the first time, all South Africans of voting age were allowed to vote. This was the first time in the country's history that everyone was treated as equal citizens. South Africans were finally free in their own country. It was only in 1994 that all South Africans were allowed to exercise their political rights.

This book will explain the importance of voting, the 300-year struggle for the vote in South Africa, and the role voting plays in keeping a democracy alive. It also explains the peaceful negotiations that brought apartheid to an end, as well as how South Africa's political system works today.

This is the second book in a series of seven that explores important days in the history of South Africa.”

Sahm Venter is the senior researcher at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg where she has worked since 2006. She previously reported on the last years of the struggle against apartheid for South African and the international media. As a correspondent for the international news agency, The Associated Press, she covered the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, his presidency, as well as various news events on the African continent. In 2013 she and Swati Dlamini-Mandela co-edited Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's book 491 Days: Prisoner Number 1323/69.

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Land and Lives: A Story of Early Black Artists by Elza Miles – Africana Collection.

Published by Human & Rousseau, 1997.

BLURB: “Land and Lives: a story of early Black artists is a thorough and unique account of pioneer Black artists born in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The work of the early artists unfolds in the context of an African upbringing which encounters new religious disciplines and literacy, introduced through mission and government schools. This book narrates the process of internal conflict which the artists experienced in such a context as well as the artistic products which emerged. The aim of Land and Lives is to explore urban art created by early Black artists in South Africa. In spite of the history of this period, one of conflict and deprivation, they claimed a place with pencil, pen, brush or chisel. This remarkable study is an invaluable contribution to the art history of South Africa and pays homage to the artists creative power.”

Elza Miles (née Botha) holds a doctorate in art history from the Rand Afrikaans University [since merged with the Technikon Witwatersrand and two campuses of Vista University to form the University of Johannesburg]. A mother of three children, she works as a printmaker and researcher into the visual arts. Publications by Miles since 1994 include Lifeline out of Africa, Ernest Mancoba: a resource book, Current of Africa: the art of Selby Mvusi and The world of Jean Welz. Currently she is researcher in residence at the Johannesburg Art Gallery, researching and locating paintings by Gladys Mgudlandlu for a retrospective exhibition. Her book on Ernest Mancoba, Lifeline out of Africa, won the Old Mutual Literary Award in 1996.

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Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu's Lasting Legacy: World's Best Black Soul Crusader by Dan S. B. Lephoko – Africana Collection.

Published by AOSIS, 2018.

JUSTIFICATION REPORT: “This is a scholarly book that commemorates the legacy of Rev. Nicholas Bhekinkosi Hepworth Bhengu who was born on 05 September 1909 at eNtumeni, a Lutheran Mission Station in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He was the founder of the Back to God Crusade in the 1950s that has become institutionalised within the Assemblies of God. He taught his church to be self-sustaining and he also encouraged material independence through hard work. He died on 07 October 1985 at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa. Many people in Africa have been influenced by his rich legacy as an evangelist, pastor, teacher and church planter. Bhengu combined evangelism with development which was critical for the black people who were under a repressive regime in South Africa and in sub-Saharan Africa. He was a religious revolutionary who 'planted' more than 2000 churches in South Africa and neighbouring countries by emphasising non-denominationalism without pressurising converts to discard their churches to join any. He was determined to build a movement that would be a vehicle to reach out to the continent of Africa through his churches. The book aims at providing academics and researchers reference material of interactions between spirituality, church dynamics, socio-economic development and political environment. Its contribution to existing research with regard to the formative growth of Christianity in Africa is significant and innovative. The book's target audience includes academics in the religious fields of missiology, church history and contextual theology, specifically researchers with intent to write scientific commentaries on the life history of Bhengu.”

Dan S. B. Lephoko is an Associate Research Fellow at the Department of Science of Religion and Missiology, University of Pretoria. He is a participant observer who has been a member of the General Executive of the Assemblies of God, pastor and worked with Bhengu over many years during his lifetime.

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Barend Barends: Die Vergete Kaptein van Danielskuil by Bart de Graaff – Africana Collection.

Published by Paternoster Books, 2019.

Translated from the original Dutch to Afrikaans by Daniel Hugo.

BLURB: “Hierdie boek is 'n speurtog op die spoor van Barend Barends, die byna vergete Griekwakaptein van die Noord-Kaapse dorp Danielskuil, en sy nageslag. De Graaff wissel stukkies en brokkies onbekende geskiedenis af met onderhoude wat hy gevoer het met die huidige inwoners van Danielskuil. Daaruit blyk nie net hul ongelukkigheid oor die verloregaan van hul "agtervaders" se kultuur en tradisies nie, maar ook hul (vermeende) onmag om its daaraan te doen. Hy plaas sodoende die kollig op 'n bevolkingsgroep wat tot dusver in 'n politieke en sosiale skemerwêreld beweeg het. Sy eie ervarings en waarnemings vorm 'n integrale deel van die vertelling, wat sy besoek aan Danielskuil soos ‘n boeiende reisverhaal laat lees. Die boek is geskryf vir 'n breè publiek, maar in die eerste plek vir die Griekwas self.”

Bart de Graaff is 'n Nederlandse joernalis, historikus en draaiboekskrywer van dokumentêre films. Hy skryf al jare lank boeke en artikels or Afrikaanssprekende gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika en Namibië. Sy vorige boek oor die verlede en hede van die Khoi-Khoin in Suidelike Afrika is in 2017 in Afrikaans vertaal en uitgegee as Ware mense.

This book is a quest for the story of Barend Barends, the almost forgotten Griqua captain of the Northern Cape town of Danielskuil, and his descendants. De Graaff alternates snippets of unknown history with interviews he conducted with the current residents of Danielskuil. It shows not only their unhappiness about losing their ancestral culture and traditions, but also their inability to do something about that loss. De Graaff places the spotlight on a population group that has, until now, moved in a political and social shadow world. His own experiences and observations form an integral part of the story, which makes his visit to Danielskuil read like a fascinating travel story. The book was written for a broad audience, but primarily for the Griquas themselves.

Bart de Graaff is a Dutch journalist, historian and documentary-film screenwriter. He has been writing books and articles for Afrikaans-speaking communities in South Africa and Namibia for many years. His previous book on the past and present of the Khoi-Khoin in Southern Africa was translated into Afrikaans in 2017 and published as Ware mense.

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Being Chris Hani's Daughter by Lindiwe Hani – Africana Collection.

Published by MFBooks Joburg, 2017.

The Special Collection’s copy is signed by Lindiwe Hani.

BLURB: “When Chris Hani was assassinated in his driveway in April 1993, he left a shocked and grieving South Africa, teetering on the precipice of civil war. But to 12-year-old Lindiwe Hani, it was the love of her life, her daddy, who had been brutally ripped from her world.

While the nation continued to revere her father's legacy, for Lindiwe, being Chris Han's daughter became an increasingly heavy burden to bear, propelling her into a downward spiral of cocaine and alcohol addiction.

‘For as long as I can remember, I'd grown up feeling that I was the daughter of Chris Hani and that I was useless. My father was such a huge icon to so many people, it felt like I could never come close to what he achieved - so why even try? Of course, my addiction to booze and cocaine just made me feel my worthlessness even more.’

In this intimate and revealing memoir, Lindiwe confronts her inner demons, as well as coming face to face with her father's killers—Janusz Waluś and Clive Derby-Lewis—in search of the truth.”

Lindiwe Hani and award-winning publisher and author Melinda Ferguson spent 2016 collaborating on the book, assisted by the Taco Kuiper Fund and National Arts Council.

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Growing Wild: The Correspondence of a Pioneering Woman Naturalist from the Cape by Mary Elizabeth Barber – Africana Collection.

Published by Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2020.

BLURB: “Mary Elizabeth Barber (1818-1899), born in Britain, arrived in the Cape Colony in 1820 where she spent the rest of her life as a rolling stone, as she lived in and near Grahamstown, the diamond and gold fields, Pietermaritzburg, Malvern near Durban and on various farms in the eastern part of the Cape Colony. She has been perceived as 'the most advanced woman of her time', yet her legacy has attracted relatively little attention. She was the first woman ornithologist in South Africa, one of the first who propagated Darwin's theory of evolution, an early archaeologist, keen botanist and interested lepidopterist. In her scientific writing, she propagated a new gender order; positioned herself as a feminist avant la lettre without relying on difference models and at the same time made use of genuinely racist argumentation.

This is the first publication of her edited scientific correspondence. The letters—transcribed by Alan Cohen, who has written a number of biographical articles on Barber and her brothers—are primarily addressed to the entomologist Roland Trimen, the curator of the South African Museum in Cape Town. Today, the letters are housed at the Royal Entomological Society in St Albans. This book also includes a critical introduction by historian Tanja Hammel who has published a number of articles and published a monograph (2019) on Mary Elizabeth Barber.”

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Africa Reimagined: Reclaiming a sense of abundance and prosperity by Hlumelo Biko – Africana Collection.

Published by Jonathan Ball Publishers, 2019.

Our copy is signed by the author with a special message to our students.

BLURB: “Africa reimagined is a passionately argued appeal for a rediscovery of our African identity. Going beyond the problems of any single nation, Hlumelo Biko calls for a reorientation of values, on a continental scale, to suit the needs and priorities of Africans. Building on the premise that slavery, colonialism, imperialism and apartheid fundamentally unbalanced the values and indeed the very self-concept of Africans, he offers realistic steps to return to a more balanced Afrocentric identity.

Historically, African values, and the community ties that they supported, were shaped by a sense of abundance in both their material and psychological outlook. Religious, economic and legal systems imposed by conquerors, traders and missionaries upset this balance, and the African identity was subsumed and distorted.

Biko shows how a reimagining of Africa can restore a sense of abundance and possibility, and what a rebirth of the continent on Pan African lines might look like. By going beyond the identities and values imposed from outside, and transcending the divisions and barriers imposed by colonialism, it should be possible for Africans to develop fully their skills, values and ingenuity, to build institutions that reflect African values, and to create wealth for the benefit of the continent as a whole.”

Humelo Biko is a Pan Africanist and entrepreneur. He has been a private-equity and venture-capital professional for two decades. He is a passionate supporter of African entrepreneurs, as well as a dedicated philanthropist, expressed in his work for the Baxter Theatre Centre, the African School for Excellence and the Kommunity Group Projects. He was educated at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and Georgetown University in the USA.

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Women of Phokeng: Consciousness, Life Strategy, and Migrancy in South Africa, 1900-1983, by Belinda Bozzoli - Africana Collection.

Published by James Currey, 1991.

BLURB: “This evocative book recounts the lives and experiences of twenty-two black South African women—all born before 1915—from one small town in the Western Transvaal. The women are both ordinary and remarkable. From their childhood as daughters of a relatively well-to-do peasantry, through their adolescence as educated Christians, to their first experiences as domestic servants in the cities of the Reef, they show an unusual perceptiveness of mind and a rebelliousness of spirit. Those who marry and settle in the historic Rand townships of the thirties and forties—Sophiatown, Alexandra, and Vrededorp—build strong family structures and help support them by illegal beer brewing and various other activities; their personal resilience and strong sense of their own respectability stand them in good stead when they begin to experience police harassment and township violence in the late 1940s. The ‘culture of subterfuge’ that helps keep beer brewing alive is transformed by some of them into a more confrontational ‘culture of opposition’ in the 1950s, when the increasingly powerful Nationalist Party government begins to attack the very bases of their survival. But despite the participation by some of these women in acts of defiance, the increasingly harsh environment in the townships finally drives them back to Phokeng, by now a ‘homeland’ town dependent on platinum mines for its income. Here they survive on meagre pensions and the support provided by their children.

This book's originality and power lie in the central place given to the oral histories on which it is based. The words of these women take pride of place in a richly textured study that gives us a uniquely qualitative insight into the extraordinary history of South in the twentieth century, as well as into the lives and world views of the unknown women who have been a part of it."

Belinda Bozzoli is Professor of Sociology at the University of Witwatersrand. She is the author of ‘The Political Nature of a Ruling Class: Capital and Ideology in South Africa, 1890-1933’ (London, 1981). She has also edited three History Workshop collections and is coeditor of ‘History from South Africa’ for Radical History Review.

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Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa, Vol 2, by Nathaniel Isaacs - Africana Collection.

Published by The Van Riebeeck Society, 1937. Reprinted in 2016.

Nathaniel Isaacs (1808–1872) was an English adventurer whose 2-volume journal is one of the earliest European accounts of Natal and the Zulu kingdom, although its accuracy questionable. This second volume describes his second journey to, and stay in, Natal from 1830 until 1832, during Dingaan’s reign. He reports on the early white settlement as well as on the Zulu culture.


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