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Public Health Medicine: Scopus Author ID | Publons & WoS ResearcherID

Scopus and Web of Science

These bibliometrics and altmetrics tools Scopus and Web of Science produce reports on author profiles, Journal impact, article-level metrics such as usage (citation counts, downloads, HTML views, abstract views), captures (bookmarks), mentions (blog posts, e- comments, Wikipedia references), social media attention), author-level metrics and altmetrics. 

Scopus Author Identifier

  • This 11th digit Author identifier is assigned automatically to authors who publish with Elsevier
  • Through Scopus Author Identifier authors can view their research areas, track peer reviewed work, publishing and citation information (learn more about Scopus citations and other types of metrics), name variations, affiliation and more
  • View your own citations and h-index using author feedback wizard and learn more about Scopus citations and how h-index is calculated and other types of metrics
  • Scopus ID distinguishes authors with similar names and makes it easy to identify multiple profiles
  • Authors can merge multiple profiles
  • Connect ORCID through Scopus Author Identifier

How to create and connect Scopus Author Identifier?

WoS Researcher Profile

  • Web of Science (WoS) Researcher Profile metrics sidebar with publications, citation information, peer reviews and journal editing work into a profile

How to create a Web of Science Researcher Profile? watch this video: