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Public Health Medicine: When to Apply for Copyright

When to Apply for Copyright

If you are reproducing other people's works beyond the ambit of 'Fair Dealing' or the Exceptions in Section 13 (Regulations) of the Copyright Act, then you will need to apply for Copyright permission.

Researchers, lecturers and students need to be careful when using third party intellectual property.  Copyright infringement relates to a 'substantial portion' being copied without the Copyright owner's permission.  However, quality rather than quantity generally applies, e.g. if the crux or essence of a work is captured in one page and it is copied without permission, this would be Copyright infringement.  One has to use one's discretion. 

You must apply for Copyright Clearance via the online form using Tipasa, the Interlending module if you intend including copyrighted material in the following:

  • A Course pack/study pack (e.g. a compilation of articles or extracts from books)
  • ClickUP or any other e-learning platform.  PLEASE NOTE: Before copying and scanning material onto ClickUP or other e-learning platforms, please check to see whether the material is available on our e-databases on the Library website.  If the articles are available on the e-databases, then you should only place titles of the articles and their URL links on ClickUP or other e-learning platforms, as the Copyright has already been paid.
  • On Short Loan reserves (whether in print or electronic);
  • In a Departmental Resources Centre (where students are able to copy from articles)

For Personal purposes (e.g. for inclusion in theses, dissertation, journal articles, books, etc.), you need to apply for Copyright directly to the rights owners/publishers or for QUICK permission for Theses/Dissertations and other non-urgent requests, permission can be obtained at