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Mathematical Sciences: Search Journals & Articles Here

Open Access Publishing

SANLiC has negotiated and signed a number of agreements for South African Higher Education Institutions. The list of current negotiated agreements is now available allowing South Africans to publish in Gold Open Access journals. 

The Department of Library Services (DLS) is also part of the SANLiC agreements and has recently signed the Transformational Agreements (TAs) also known as Read and Publish (R&P) agreements with these publishers: Wiley, Hindawi, Emerald,  Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), American Chemical Society (ACS), Springer Nature, Institute of Physics (IOP), and Oxford Journals Online, Elsevier (ScienceDirect)

The DLS currently supports researchers with Article Processing Charges (APCs) also known as publication fees. 

These APCs and TAs/ R & P agreements are efforts to advance open science practices and to increase Gold Open Access Publishing at the University of Pretoria.


Finding Electronic Journals


It is specifically used when one has a full journal citation of an article e.g.

Balazs, N.L. and Jennings, B.K., 1984. Wigner's function and other distribution functions in mock phase spaces. Physics Reports104(6), pp.347-391.

  • Search by name of a journal e.g.  Physics Reports
  • Select the relevant year: 1984, the volume & issue  number: 104(06) page numbers 347-391.

One can also browse journals in a specific subject.

e-Journals quick guide

Finding a Reference

1.  Having a citation in hand/ Title search/ Author Search

A full journal citation consists of Author, Year of publication, Title of the article, Name of the journal, Volume number, Issue number and range page numbers

   e.g. Balazs, N.L. and Jennings, B.K., 1984. Wigner's function and other distribution functions in mock phase spacesPhysics  Reports104(6), pp.347-391..

Search for Article title on Google Scholar or MathScinet. also see the Searching and downloading article

Look for the EBSCO@UP link for PDF download on the right side. The Library has enabled its full text holdings on WorldCat and EBSCO Discovery Services (the Library's OpenURL linking service) in Google Scholar. 

2. Creating keywords/phrase from your Research/assignment Topic:

for an example, your topic could be:  Reconstruction of probability distributions in population genetics.

The highlighted phrase are your keywords. Place them on Library Website search box,  Google Scholar or MathScinet. Please see the below pdf on how to combine keywords/phrases  using Boolean Operators and Formulating a Search Strategy 


Finding Mathematical Sciences Literature

Finding Print Journals

Access Library Catalogue

Select a search field Journal Source by clicking on the drop-down arrow. In the search box, type the journal name and press Enter/click on Search

Click onto the name of a record, more information about it becomes available, such as:
(on which level in the library or branch library an item can be found);

Call number
 (indicates the shelf number/the number on the spine of the bound journal)

Interlending Request/ Interlibrary Loans (ILL)

Students and staff can request print or a chapter that is not available at UP Library from other libraries.

Use Interlending Request/ Inter-Library Loans (ILL) service as follow in the shrt video link below:

Queries about Interlending (ILL) Requests can be directed to ILL Desk at 012 2403229