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Human Resource Management: Books

Welcome to the Human Resources Management LibGuide. This one-stop-shop subject guide gives students, researchers, and staff access to useful subject links, helpful resources, and tips. Contact your Information Specialist if you need any assistance.

Find Books at UP Library

You can use the WorldCat Discovery (Catalogue) to search for books, e-books and articles in one search, or you can change the setting to catalogue by clicking on the ‘BOOKS’ tab to search for books only.

Searching Tips

1. Identify your keywords, search terms, and/or related terms

2. Narrow down your search, using broad keywords such as “entrepreneurship”, “supply chain management”, “corporate strategy”, or “public relations” will yield thousands of sources.

Eg. to find sources on “green supply chain management” practices, you may use the following search string*:

  • “green supply chain management”
  • “supply chain management” AND “environmental impact”
  • “supply chain management” AND “sustainability”

*Please consult your Information Specialist for more on how to construct an effective search strategy and make use of Boolean Operators.


  • Boolean operators are connector words, such as AND, OR, and NOT, that are used to combine or exclude words in a search string for more focused results.
  • Truncation or wildcard symbols allow you to look for variations of words. They often broaden your search results.

e-Book Collection

How to Search for Books

  1. Go to the  UP Library’s page:
  2. On the search bar, click on the “Books” tab, the active tab will be highlighted red
  3.  Enter search terms or keyword(s) in the search box then click the submit button.

Lightbulb and pencilAlways use quotation marks when using subject terms/phrases, e.g. “Audit committee”

  1. Then from the results, you can choose the book you want to use. Click on the title to view the book’s full record - i.e., its description, editions and formats, and availability.

How to search for e-Books

Follow step 1 to 3 in the above example.

4. You can further refine your results using the filter options on the left side column on the screen, the results can be filtered by:

  • Libraries – Choose the University of Pretoria so that the system retrieves what is accessible in the collection.
  • Format – Choose ‘eBook’ (see screen print below).
  • Publication year – Choose last 5 or 10 years OR type the years under Custom Year Range (e.g., 2018 - 2020).








5. Then on the right side, click on the title of the book you wish to use or click on the “Access Online” button.

6. The system will prompt you to enter your UP Portal username and password.

7. It will take you to the publisher’s screen to view different options of the book e.g. ProQuest eBook Central or EbscoHost etc.

Lightbulb and pencil Please note that not all the eBooks are downloadable: Some e-books can only be read online and others allows you to download up to 10% of the eBook.

Open Access Resources

Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers.

Bookboon is an online book publishing company that offers PDF eBooks that can be downloaded for free from their website. All books are exclusively written for Bookboon by professors and experts within their fields of expertise.


Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.


MERLOT is a global database providing access to free online community of resources designed for faculty, staff and students of higher education institutions to share their learning materials

Electronic Reference Books & Dictionaries