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Afrikaans: Referencing

Afrikaans literatuurverwysingsgids

Referencing Styles

Written work such as assignments, scholarly dissertations and theses require the acknowledgement of other authors' work used. Acknowledgement is given by including references and a bibliography in your written work to the information sources you have used. Specific referencing styles must be adhered to.

Consult the library page on Referencing styles, or contact your department to obtain its prescribed reference techniques.


Students and researchers affiliated to the department of English can request a copy of The Handbook from the department, which includes examples of how the department wishes the Harvard referencing style to be used.

Recommended sources

Useful sources

Orientation - Understanding Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism

Paraphrasing: The basic steps by G. Stieglitz

Referencing and Bibliography in MS Word 2010 by D. Macnamara



The complete guide to referencing and avoiding plagiarism / Colin Neville. 2nd ed. Open University Press/McGraw Hill, 2010. 808.027 NEVILLE. Refer to chapter 6: Name–date (Harvard) style of referencing.


Print books:

Bibliographic Style and Reference Techniques / Marlene Burger. University of South Africa, c2010. N 808.02 BURGER 

Cite them Right: the Essential Referencing Guide / Richard Pears, Graham Shields 9th ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 808.027 PEARS

Beware of Plagiarism...

Prevention of Plagiarism - Library page

Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct. It involves both appropriating someone else’s work and passing it off as one’s own work afterwards.

Contact the Learning Centre for assistance.

Referencing Software

Various Referencing Software products are available, such as Mendeley, Zotero, Refworks and Endnote, among others.

The University of Pretoria libraries subscribe to Endnote, and offer Endnote software support.

Visit the library's Referencing webpage for links to these products.