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Anthropology: Undergraduate students



Allocate enough time > Analyze the topic > Do background reading > Define concepts and keywords (search terms) > Search for information > Read, evaluate, search more information > Apply critical thinking (Structure your argument and provide evidence) > Write, edit, re-write > Beware of plagiarism > Submit.



  • Use a THESAURUS (lists of synonyms and antonyms) to find synonyms for words. Online: Oxford Thesaurus
  • Use a DICTIONARY to check the meaning of words. Online: Oxford English Dictionary
  • Use a BILINGUAL DICTIONARY to translate words into another language. Online: Pharos Dictionaries.
  • Use a SUBJECT DICTIONARY to find definitions for the terminology relating to the subject or discipline. Find Anthropology dictionaries in the Reference Collection on level 6 at VCN.

Assignments should be on A4 paper, using 1.5 space, 12 font.

Assignment must be provided with:

  • index (with numbers, page numbers),
  • an introduction (explanation of the topic, significance of the topic, methodology, evaluation of most important sources),
  • text references,
  • evaluation,
  • bibliography (alphabetical order according to the prescription in Anthropology Southern Africa 
References: quick guide (ANTHROPOLOGY SOUTHERN AFRICA)


Nairn, T. 1997. Faces of Nationalism: Janus Revisited. London: Verso.

Chapter in book

Roell, C.H. 1994. “The Piano in the American Home.” In The Arts and the American Home, 1890 - 1930, ed. J. H. Foy and K. A. Marling, 193-204. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press.


Smith, John, ed. 2012. Collected Style Manuals. Abingdon: Routledge.

Reprinted work

Fielding, H. (1749) 2005. The History of Tom Jones: A Foundling. London: Penguin Classics.

Journal article

Liker, A. and T. Szekely. 1997. “Aggression Among Female Lapwings, Vanellus vanellus.” Animal Behaviour. 54 (3): 797-802.


Yetman, Norman R. 2001. "An Introduction to the WPA Slave Narratives." Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938.