Please refer also to the Find an article page (under the Articles tab) in this libguide, for categories of e-journal platforms and databases.
Use Google Scholar to find scholarly and peer-reviewed materials.
(Using the Google Scholar search box on the library homepage enables you to find scholarly materials to which we have access in full-text. Please take some time beforehand to check recommendations for your Google Scholar settings on the Access & Discovery subject guide).
The UP Library provides our clients with online access to:
- 414 bibliographic databases, - 469 327 e-books (26 723 licensed, the rest free), and - 73 481 electronic journals
covering ALL subject areas.
Of the 321 databases, 231 are available on the Internet, which gives you access from your office, home, as well as from anywhere in the world, provided that you are a registered student or lecturer of the library and University of Pretoria. The balance of 89 databases are available on-campus on the CD Databases & Application menu which should be available on the desktop of any university computer.
These databases are very important for academic and research work as they index the most important journals, conference proceedings (and in some cases books), on a specific subject field, and when properly used, enable you to find and focus on all the most relevant references. It is very important to note that no search engine will cover all the most important academic and scientific references you need for your research work.
To access these databases, you will be prompted for a Username(Student/Personnel number) and a PIN.