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Fabi: Mike Wingfield Library

Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute

The Mike Wingfield Library at Fabi

The Mike Wingfield Library at Fabi offers a wide variety of books donated by profs Mike + Brenda Wingfield, for use by all Fabians. 

 Open on Mondays 9:45 to 12:30  Tue-Fri Contact Madelein or Helen

Bring your student or personnel card to take out books

Discover BOOKS in the Mike Wingfield Library Search Everything Advanced Search

Search Everything takes you to a Worldshare Search, reflecting ALL books in the UP Dept of Library Services collection.
Search for Books

Type KEYWORDS [NOT phrases] in the keyword block.
Set a date range if preferred--SEARCH

Middle block is TITLE [BUT can be changed to keyword if necessary]
Type title into Title Block--SEARCH

Type Surname in Author block, followed by initials or name
Crous PW---Crous Pedro SEARCH

Mondays 9:45-12:30 Your librarian will assist you to find books and take them out.

Tuesdays-Fridays Madelein van Heerden or Helen Doman will assist you to take out books.