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Web Resources
Bioethics Information Resources
From the U. S. National Library of Medicine
Christian Ethics Reading Room - Tyndale Seminary
This page is designed to make writings on Christian Ethics available to those without easy access to a theological library. Some links below are to publicly available dissertations/ theses. Most however connect to scanned, published books & articles via Google Books (only those volumes with significant content preview, e.g., a whole chapter or more, are included). Google Books allows you to search within a volume & also across volumes (rather than across the entire WWW). Hard to find & expensive monographs are also partially accessible to researchers. This Reading Room collects those relevant materials on one page.
Christians and Climate
Climate Change an Evangelical Call To Action
Extensive resources on a number of ethical issues, including the evolution/creation controversy, biomedical ethics and much more. Counterbalance is a non-profit educational organization working to promote counterbalanced perspectives on complex issues.
Creation, Environment, and the Bible Resources
The Earth Bible has a 7 page listing of websites, including denominational environmental programs, denominational statements, and faith-based environmental organizations.
Decade to Overcome Violence
2001-2010 (World Council of Churches)
Global digital library on ethics providing users free access to full text versions of about 200 journals and more than a million documents in the field of applied ethics.
Just Peacemaking
New: David Cortright's Analysis of the War in Afghanistan, showing how Just Peacemaking leads in a much better direction
Online Christian Library - Virtual Theological Resources - Free Books to Download
A Leading Worldwide Christian Internet Community Learning Resource: The NTSLibrary
A Christian Online Referral Services Library Project
Sponsored by Northwestern Theological Seminary
and Northwestern Christian University
Peace Theology
This website is operated by Ted Grimsrud for the purpose of gathering materials I have written on theology, the Bible, pacifism, issues of war and peace, and other ethical themes
Pew Research Centre
Religion & Public Life
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions
An endowed ethics research center at Indiana University Bloomington.
Tony Blair and Miroslav Volf: Faith and Globalization
(Sept 19, 2008) co-teaching class on "Faith and Globalization".
Virtual Religion Index
General ] [ Moral Theory ] [ Political Theory ] [ Criminal & Social Justice ] [ Life & Death Issues]
[ Sex & Gender Issues ] [ Welfare & Environment ] [ War & Peace ]
Web of Creation
Ecology Resources to Transform Faith and Society
Writings on Christian Nonresistance and Pacifism from Anabaptist-Mennonite Sources
Nonresistance is a central practice for the Anabaptist heritage of Christian witness and discipleship. At this location, there are links to writings by Anabaptist-Mennonite writers on the subject of nonresistance which are currently available on the World Wide Web. These writings exhibit a range of perspectives among Mennonites: from conservative dualism between church and state to activist antagonism toward state-sponsored violence. Numerous denominations of Mennonites are represented here.