Most books found on Level 6, at 808 and following.
Academic literacy / Litha Beekman, Cecilia Dube, Jenni Underhill. Juta, 2011. 808.042 BEEKMAN
Academic literacy for Economic and Management sciences. Workbook 2014 / Finuala Dowling. Pearson, 2014. GV 808.066 DOWLING
Academic literacy: readings and strategies / Jill Lewis. 4th ed. Houghton Mifflin Co., c2007. 808.0427 LEWIS.
Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills / John M. Swales & Christine B. Feak. 3rd ed. The University of Michigan Press, ©2012. 808.0420711 SWALES
Commentary for Academic writing for graduate students: essential tasks and skills / John M. Swales & Christine B. Feak. 3rd ed. University of Michigan Press, c2012. 808.0420711 SWALES
English for academic research: grammar exercises / Adrian Wallwork. Springer, [2013]. 808.042 WALLWORK
English for academic research: writing exercises / Adrian Wallwork. Springer, [2013]. 808.042 WALLWORK
Reason to write: strategies for success in academic writing. Oxford University Press, 2001 - 2006. 808.0428 REASON Vols 1-4.
Academic writing in a second or foreign language [electronic resource]: issues and challenges facing ESL/EFL academic writers in higher education contexts / edited by Ramona Tang. Continuum International Pub., c2012.
Developing academic literacy / George Blue [ed.]. British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes. Conference (2003: University of Southampton). Peter Lang, c2010. 428.0071 BRITISH
Engaging ideas : the professor's guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and active learning in the classroom / John C. Bean. 2nd ed. Jossey-Bass, 2011. 808.042 BEAN.
Learn 2 teach: English language teaching in a multilingual context. 3rd ed. Van Schaik, 1997. / W. R. Kilfoil, C. van der Walt. 428.007 KILFOIL
The significance of academic literacy in higher education: students' prior learning and their acquisition of academic literacy at a multilingual South African university / Brenda Leibowitz. 2010. 401.93 LEIBOWITZ
Successful strategies for teaching undergraduate research / edited by Marta Deyrup and Beth Bloom. Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2013. 808.066378 SUCCESSFUL
Teaching academic writing: a toolkit for higher education / Caroline Coffin ... [et al.]. Routledge, 2003. 808.042071 TEACHING
Undergraduates in a second language: challenges and complexities of academic literacy development / Ilona Leki. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2007. 808.0428 LEKI
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