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SA Media This link opens in a new window
Contains records from South African newspapers and periodicals from 1978 onwards.
African Newspapers: The British Library Collection, 1821 - 1900 This link opens in a new window
Rare newspapers from throughout Africa published during the 19th century.
Apartheid: Global Perspectives 1946-1996 This link opens in a new window
Translated news broadcasts and publications, written by the people who experienced apartheid and also those around the world who watched, reacted and analysed it.
Financial Mail Archive, 1959 – 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa This link opens in a new window
The most widely-read business weekly in South Africa, the Financial Mail has provided authoritative news from across the continent and the world since 1959. While its archive offers a comprehensive history of South African markets, researchers can also use the paper’s financial coverage as a mirror for understanding topics of broad social importance, including the rise and fall of apartheid and major shifts in South African culture, labour and politics. Now, each issue is available in a fully searchable digital archive, giving students and researchers unprecedented access to decades of South African history.
Rand Daily Mail, 1902-1985 This link opens in a new window
The Rand Daily Mail is renowned today for being the first newspaper to openly oppose apartheid and contribute to its downfall. Explore deep coverage from the Boer Wars to the Apartheid Era.
Sunday Times Archive, 1906 – 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa This link opens in a new window
Known as “the paper for the people,” South Africa’s largest Sunday newspaper has been covering the people, issues and events that shaped South Africa and beyond for over a century. Through firsthand reporting, photographs, editorials, cartoons and more, the Sunday Times has recorded every major historical event of the 20th century, making it a vital resource for scholars in a variety of disciplines. Now, each issue is available in a fully searchable digital archive, offering students and researchers fresh insight into decades of South African, African and world history.
African Newspapers Series 1, 1800 - 1922 This link opens in a new window
Explore African History and Culture during the 19th and 20th Centuries. This ground-breaking online collection offers unmatched coverage of the people, issues and events that shaped the continent during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
African Newspapers Series 2, 1835-1925 This link opens in a new window
Nineteenth- and early 20th-century African newspapers cover the issues and events that shaped the continent.
National Library of SA
All newspapers published in South Africa are collected by the NLSA. The NLSA has a vast collection of South African newspapers in hardcopy and microfilm format.
Fortnightly independent socialist newspaper. Suspended by government order after Mar. 1963. Previously published as: The Guardian(Cape Town) (Feb.- June 1937); Clarion (May-Aug 1952); People's World (Aug.- Oct. 1952); Advance (Nov. 1952-Oct. 1954); New Age (Oct. 1954-Nov. 1962).
Umteteli wa Bantu
TWeekly newspaper established as official organ of the Transvaal Chamber of Mines for its black employees after the 1920 mineworkers strike. Published monthly from 1956 as periodical: Umteteli wa Bantu e Goli; From Sept 1975 published fortnightly as: Mining Sun.
Business Day
Business Day, Jul 2018 - present
Daily Dispatch
Daily Dispatch, Jul 2018 - present
Financial Mail
Financial Mail, Jul 2018 - present
Sunday Times
Sunday Times, Jul 2018 - present
The Herald
The Herald, Jul 2018 - present
The Sowetan
The Sowetan, Jul 2018 - present