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Chemistry: Theses

UP Space Chemistry Collection 

Current and Completed Research [Local Research]

National ETD Portal  South African theses and dissertations - BROWSE by title, per Institution or by year

NDLTD: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations [worldwide]

Proquest Dissertations + Theses Global[worldwide]

THESES Self Submission

Before self-submissions, all Masters and Doctoral students completing a thesis must: 

  1. Read the University of Pretoria's Intellectual Property Policy. Part 2 in the Intellectual Policy elaborates on the ownership of the intellectual property originating from the University of Pretoria. 
  2. Read the University of Pretoria's Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Policy 
  3. Read the University of Pretoria's Research Data Management Policy 
  4. Read about the University of Pretoria Electronic Thesis/Dissertation Distribution License
  5. Read and understand the terms and conditions of the above policies 
  6. Browse through existing theses/dissertations in this Guide or UPSpace

Then proceed to Step 2: "what to submit


All Masters and Doctoral students completing a thesis MUST:

  • Submit final approved thesis in PDF format
    • (with the filename Surname_First word in Title_Year: example: Smit_Effect_2021 to the supervisor via email).
  • Complete and sign thesis approval/submission form in PDF
    • (with filename Surname_Form_Year: example: Smit_Form_2021 to the supervisor via email).
  • Upload supplementary material (datasets, research instruments, figures and tables) of the final approved thesis into UP's Research Data Repository (Figshare)
    • This guide provides the step-by-step procedure on how to upload supplementary material or research data.
    • After loading supplementary material into Figshare, send the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of supplementary material  to  and   
  • Note: no security rights on the files.
  • Follow the above steps in the Thesis/Dissertation submission workflow

Thesis/Dissertation Visibility and Impact

  • All Masters and Doctoral Students completing a thesis are encouraged to create a researcher profile account on ORCIDGoogle Scholar, and the academic social networking platforms listed in step 4. 
    • After completing STEP 3 on how to submit your thesis/dissertation on UPSpace, proceed to STEP 4.
    • Step 4 requires students to create research(er) profile accounts using ORCID and Google Scholar and through social networking tools  
  • This is in line with section 3.3 of the ETD policy to make theses/dissertations open (visible, accessible) worldwide. 


students are discouraged from unethical behaviour. In this regard, this policy provides a framework that will (a) ensure student awareness of the need to avoid plagiarism, and (b) provide for fair and consistent administrative processes across faculties in cases where plagiarism is detected.


Thesis /dissertation submission approval

  • This will be emailed to students once all the required information from steps 1-5 has been received 


Proceed to Step 3: "how to submit your thesis/dissertation".


Login or Register

Please note that you will have to be registered on UPSpace for you to be able to submit. If you are not registered you will have to follow the steps below and complete the registration process or login if you have a UPSpace account.


       Non-Registered users

1. Go to the UPSpace homepage at

2. Scroll down, on your right look for my account and click on register as shown below:                                                  


3. Once registered, Login 

4. To login, follow the steps in the next column 

            under Registered users and start self- 




         Registered users

1. Sign in by typing in your Username (email address) and your Password. Click on Login  

2. At the top, there is the  tab, click on it then look for the login on the right-hand side

3. The ETD self-submission window, as shown below, will appear at the bottom. Click on Submit a new item to this collection

4. Proceed to number 5.  below  and follow the steps on "start submission"      


Start Submission

5. *Please note: 

  • Starting self-submission means that "you acknowledge that you have read and understood all the University of  Pretoria policies and procedures in STEP 1 in its entirety and agree to abide by them" including the copyright and standard distribution license  
  • Do not add any security features to the Word or PDF files
  • Proceed to number 6: "submit a new item to this collection"

6. After clicking submit a new item to this collection, the item submission window, as shown below, will appear, allowing you to complete all the required information which you will find in step 1-25 listed below                                                                                                                                                                                              


7.      Follow the STEPS (1-25) listed below:

  • Follow the screens, check the boxes that apply and describe your thesis/dissertation
  • Please complete the compulsory fields (with*) and the rest to the best of your ability                      

  1. UPSpace home: Click self-submissions                                                       
  2. Authors (UP Postgraduate): Type in your last name and first names e.g. Botha   Donald T.
  3. Title: Enter the title of your thesis/ dissertation without a full stop at the end, e.g. Palace of justice
  4. Supervisor/s: Enter the last name and then the first name of your supervisor. If you have more than one supervisor, you can click on Add to type in the second supervisor. e.g. Botha   Donald T.
  5. Co-supervisors/s: Enter the last name and first name of your co-supervisor. If you have more than one co-supervisor, you can click on Add to type in the second co-supervisor. e.g. Botha   Donald T.
  6. Degree: Enter the name of the degree. Follow the example shown PhD (Development Studies) or MSc (Animal Science)
  1. Envelope ID: Term of Graduation e.g. April 2024/September 2024
  2. Datasets: Add the DOI e.g. Learn how to generate DOI -
  3. Student number: Enter your student number e.g. u28410348
  4. Subject: Enter the subjects/keywords, click Add if you have more than one subject. e.g: Human rights South Africa or Management principles without a full stop at the end
  5. Date of issue: Enter the date of the completion of your thesis just the year e.g. 2024
  6. Graduation date: Enter your graduation date (Ignore day).
  7. Type: Dissertation/Thesis/Mini dissertation                                                                                                                                    
  8. Department: Click on the drop-down menu and select your department
  9. Faculty: Click on the drop-down menu and select your faculty
  10. Availability: Select, from the drop-down menu, whether your item is restricted/unrestricted.
  11. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Select SDGs that your study is addressing
  12. Abstract: Copy and paste the Abstract from thesis/dissertation
  13. Citation: Leave the "*"
  14. Language: Select, from the drop-down menu, the main language of the item and click on Next
  15. Sponsor: NRF, if sponsored
  16.  File Upload
  17. Upload file(s): Click on the Choose file icon to browse and upload your file e.g. Surname_First word in title_Date: Donald_Palace_2014
  18. File description: For example, Dissertation, Mini-dissertation or Thesis. Then click on Next
  19. Review submission: Correct any mistakes from the description item or uploaded files. Click on Next
  20. Distribution license: Grant the license by clicking in box.
  21. Click on Complete Submission
  22. Send proof of self-submission to the Faculty Postgraduate Officer, and Supervisor together with the signed Thesis submission form
  23. Proceed to the top menu with step 4 on " how to promote your thesis/dissertation" and create an ORCID account, Google Scholar profile, and academic social networks.


UPSpace registration and login       

ETD Self-Submission Guidelines (PDF)



Create a research(er) profile account to promote and enhance the visibility of your thesis/dissertation                                                                                                                                                                                              

After receiving self-submission approval for your thesis/dissertation, create a researcher profile account on  ORCIDGoogle ScholarSocial Networking sites like Research,  Follow the steps below 


Why create a research(er) profile?

  • Here are some of the benefits of creating a researcher profile, see more details here 


How to create an  account?

  • Watch this video on how to register for an ORCID account 
  • Alternatively use the manual with steps in creating an ORCID account  
  • This guide provides illustrative examples on how to add publications into an ORCID account
  • Register and create an ORCID account 
  • Consider adding websites and social links to your ORCID. Add all your personal websites like repository profile (Thesis/dissertation, articles, books....), Google Scholar, ResearchGate, research data from Figshare, Linkedin, supervised work, ,, Semantic scholar, blog, website, laboratory, and more. See how others have added websites and social links in their ORCID profiles 12, 3, 4....


How to add your thesis/dissertation handle/link in your ORCID?

  • Follow the few steps on this page
  • Alternatively, use these notes


How to create a account?


  • Watch this video or go through these notes  
  • Then log on to , click on my profile in the top menu, set up the account, and make your Google Scholar public.
  • Set up and create a Google Scholar Profile account and link or add your thesis/dissertation.
  • Alternatively use the research visibility guide and follow the steps on how to create a researcher profile account from different systems and tools like ORCID, Google Scholar, and more 


Google Scholar Public Profile

  • This profile can only be public if there is a publication added to it. If your thesis/dissertation is not yet available on Google Scholar feel to use my publication Collaboration on LibGuides in public universities in South Africa but just remember to delete it after. 
  • To add the publication(s) in your profile click the + sign next to title and select "add articles
  • The search box will appear, search for your thesis/dissertation. If it does not appear then copy and paste this publication Collaboration on LibGuides in public universities in South Africa and click on search. Search results will include this title and other titles, select the publication using the check box and then add it to your profile using the blue and white  arrow appearing at the top of the page
  • Once this publication is added to your profile go to search profiles then search by typing your name and surname or surname only. Search results will appear, right-click, copy your profile URL and save it. This Google Scholar public profile link is required in step 5   
  •   After completing the Google Scholar public link process, go back to your profile and remove or delete the publication in your profile.


Open an account and engage in academic social networking using:


  • If you need help, please contact us                                                                                                  


After creating a researcher profile account make sure you have submitted the listed items to your Supervisor, Faculty Postgraduate Officerand the Institutional Repository Administrator at 

Below is a summary of how to promote your theses/dissertation

  • Register for an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) account
  • The benefit of an ORCID account is to connect your ORCID iD to your thesis/dissertation so that other researchers can easily discover and distinguish your work from others
  • Add your thesis/ dissertation on ORCID. What is ORCID? Below is a list of video recordings and guides on how to register and create an account on ORCID: 


  • Proceed to Step 5: "Checklist"





Please make sure you have done the following: 

  • Submitted final approved thesis/dissertation on UPSpace
  • You have the proof of submission
  • Submitted final approved thesis/dissertation research data in the UP Research Data Repository (Figshare)
  • Created an ORCID account
  • Added the UPSpace thesis/dissertation handle/link in your ORCID profile.
  • Created a Google Scholar account 
  • Added the Google Scholar Profile link (public view profile) in your ORCID profile.
  • Guidance on ETDs, Research Data, and Self-submissions

Email the following: 


An example of a thesis/dissertation added to the ORCID profile 



An example of a Google Scholar public profile

Thesis/dissertation will be automatically added into a Google Scholar profile as soon as it becomes available on UPSpace