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Chemistry: Patents

What is a Patent?

A patent for a NEW INVENTION with industrial application possibility, is granted by government to the inventor, giving the inventor the right to stop others, for a limited period, from making, using or selling the invention without the inventor/s' permission. When patent protection is granted the invention becomes the property of the inventor, which like any other form of property or business asset can be bought, sold, rented or hired. Courtesy of

Find Patents on Scopus + SciFinder


Enter search terms in the Query Block and search. Now select Patent under Document Type at the Filters on the left hand side.  Search Results will display Patents only. Navigate to Full Text.


Conduct a Scopus search. Navigate to Patents at the top of the search results. Follow the link for full texts.

Search for Patents [Courtesy of MariƩ Theron Science Librarian at University of Stellenbosch]

Search South African Patents
USPTO Full-Text Database
The complete collection of patents filed and approved in the US since 1790. Full-text of the patent is available 1990-present, while historical patents are available as image files
7 Step Search Strategy - (USPTO - PTRC) This is a brief one-page guide to patentability searching on USPTO
Espacenet International Patent Search (European Patent Office)
International patent information from 1836. Includes patents and patent applications, patent family information, and bibliographic records of historical patents.
Canadian Patent Database (CIPO)
Canadian patents, 1869-present. Full-text available 1979-present; historical patents are presented as images.
PatentScope (WIPO)
International patents and patent applications from the World Intellectual Property Organization, updated daily. Includes translation tools.
AusPat - the search system for Australian patents.
Google Patents
Google's patent search, collecting patents and patent applications from the patent offices of the US, Europe, Canada, Germany, China, and WIPO
The DNA Patent Database searches areas such as genomics, genetics, biotechnology, and other fields. Covers patents from 1971

Patents on Google Scholar

 On Google Scholar open Menu at the top - Select SETTINGS - Type Pretoria in the Library Links search block--SEARCHTick all 4 boxes that appear--SAVE--Select Advanced Search at the left hand side. Include Patents as a keyword in your search.