Shelf Number for French Dictionaries: N 443.21
Collins French dictionary. 5th U.S. ed. 2010. 443.21 COLLINS
Collins French dictionary and grammar. 7th ed. 2014. 443.21 COLLINS
Le dictionnaire Hachette-Oxford compact : francais-anglais, anglais-francais Nouvelle éd. 2004. N 443.21 DICTIONNAIRE
Le Robert & Collins dictionnaire français-anglais, anglais-français 9th ed., new ed. 2010. N 443.21 COLLINS ROBERT
Other reference works:
Bibliographie der französischen Literaturwissenschaft = Bibliographie d'histoire littéraire française. 1981- N 840.16 BIBLIOGRAPHIE
Dictionnaire de citations françaises. Dictionnaires Le Robert, c2003, c1993. N 848.02 DICTIONNAIRE
Dictionnaire des litteratures de langue francaise. nouvelle ed. 1994. 4 vols. N 840.3 BEAUMARCHAI
Le dictionnaire du littéraire. 2e éd. revue et augmentée. Presses universitaires de France, 2004. N 840.9 DICTIONNAIRE
Lexique des termes littéraires. Librairie générale française, 2001. N 840.9 LEXIQUE
More print reference works available in the Reference Collection. Please ask at the info desk on Level 6.
Copies of dictionaries have been included in the Open Collection on Level 6 for your convenience - e.g. Collins French Dictionary and Grammar 443.21 COLLINS
Shelf Number for German dictionaries: N 433.21
Duden - das grosse Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache [electronic resource]: die umfassende Dokumentation der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Bibliographisches Institut, 2012. [CD-ROM]. NAVCD 433 DUDEN
Gebrauchswörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch. De Gruyter Mouton. 2013. N 433.21 USAGE
Langenscheidts Taschenworterbuch Englisch : Englisch-Deutsch. Deutsch-Englisch. Langenscheidt, c2002. N 433.21 LANGENSCHEIDTS
Other Reference Works:
Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon : biographisch-bibliographisches Handbuch. 3., vollig neu bearb. Aufl. 1968 – 1992. N 830.3 DEUTSCHES
Einführung in die neuere deutsche Literaturwissenschaft : ein Arbeitsbuch. 7., vollst. überarb. Aufl. Erich Schmidt. 2005. GV 830.1 PETERSON
Kindlers neues Literaturlexikon. herausgegeben von Walter Jens ; Chefredaktion Rudolf Radler. Kindler. 1992. N 803.31 KINDLERS
KLG: Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. herausgegeben von Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Band 1-11. L6 Ref Collection
Lexikon Literatur: Begriffe und Definitionen. 3. Aufl. Metzler. 2007. N 803 METZLER
Literaturlexikon : Autoren und Werke deutscher Sprache. Vols 1-12. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag. 1992. N 830.9 LITERATURLEXIKON
Metzler Deutsche Literaturgeschichte: von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Klett. 2010. GV 830.9 WUCHERPFENNIG
More print reference works available in the Reference Collection. Please ask at the info desk on Level 6.
Shelf number for Portuguese Dictionaries: N 469.21
Collins Portuguese dictionary, 2nd ed. HarperCollins, 2001. EDUN 469.321 COLLINS (Groenkloof Ref Coll.)
Larousse concise dictionary : Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese Houghton Mifflin, 2010. N 469.321 LAROUSSE
The Oxford new Portuguese dictionary : Portuguese-English, English-Portuguese. Berkley Books, 2008. EDUN 469.321 OXFORD (Groenkloof Ref Coll.)
The Oxford paperback Portuguese dictionary: Portuguese - English: English – Portuguese. Oxford University Press, 1996. N 469.321 WHITLAM
Portugees-Afrikaanse woordeboek= Dicionário Português-Africanse. UNISA, 1986, c1975. N 469.33936 PORTUGEES-AFR
Visual bilingual dictionary : Portuguese-English Dorling Kindersley; First Edition Translations, Ltd. 2010. N 469.321 VISUAL
More print reference works available in the Reference Collection. Please ask at the info desk on Level 6.
Some copies of dictionaries have been included in the Open Collection on Level 6 for your convenience.
Shelf Number for Spanish Dictionaries: N 463.21
A bibliographical guide to Spanish American literature: twentieth-century sources. 1988.N 860.16 RELA.
Cassell's colloquial Spanish: a handbook of idiomatic usage including Latin-American Spanish, 3rd, rev. ed. 1980. N 463.21 GERRARD
Collins Spanish dictionary, 9th ed. Collins, 2011. N 463.21 COLLINS
Diccionario Espasa literatura española. Espasa, c2003. N 860.903 BREGANTE
Diccionario Oxford compact Español - Inglés, Inglés - Español = Pocket Oxford Spanish dictionary : Spanish-English, English-Spanish, 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, c2005. N 463.21 DICCIONARIO.
More print reference works available in the Reference Collection. Please ask at the info desk on Level 6.
Some copies of dictionaries have been included in the Open Collection on Level 6 for your convenience.
The Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism / Childers and Hentzi, (eds.) 1995. N 803 COLUMBIA
A Glossary of Literary Terms / Abrams and Harpham. 10th ed. 2012. N 803 ABRAMS
More titles on literary theory available in the Reference Collection. Please ask at the info desk on Level 6.
New Oxford American Dictionary (3 ed.) 2015
Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed.) 2015
Oxford Paperback Thesaurus (4 ed.) 2012
The Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion. (3 ed.) 2015 (online).
The Oxford Essential Dictionary of Foreign Terms in English. 2002 (online).
Pocket Fowler’s Modern English Usage. 2nd ed. 2008 (online).
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. 2nd ed. 2014 (online).
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. 3rd ed. 2011 (online).
A Guide to Countries of the World (3 ed.) 2014.
Visual English Dictionary. 2005.
World Encyclopedia. 2014.
World Flags. 2004.
World Maps. 2004.
Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language. 2013 (online).
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics. 3rd ed. 2014 (online).
A Dictionary of Critical Theory. 2010 (online).
A Dictionary of Writers and Their Works. 3rd ed. 2015 (online).
Oxford Companion to Classical Literature. 3rd ed. 2011 (online).
Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. 3rd ed. 2012 (online).
Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms. 4th ed. 2015 (online).
Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 2nd ed. 2014 (current online version).
Oxford Dictionary of Plays. 2nd ed. 2015 (online).
Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction. 2007 (online).
Focus on: Oxford Reference Online
Oxford Business French Dictionary: English-French / French-English
Oxford Business Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish/Spanish-English
Pocket Oxford German Dictionary: English German/German-English (4 ed.)
Pocket Oxford Latin Dictionary: English-Latin/Latin-English (3 ed.)
Pocket Oxford Spanish Dictionary: English-Spanish/Spanish-English (4 ed.)
Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary: English-French/French-English (4 ed.)