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Groenkloof Research Commons: Proposal

Research Commons Groenloof


The proposal is the first step toward starting your study. With the proposal, you can complete your ethics application to conduct your study.

Remember, the most important thing about a proposal is that you:

  • Clearly show a focus worth researching and how it will be ethically undertaken. 
  • Indicate why it is valuable/necessary.
  • Show you are well acquainted with the literature in the field you are focusing on. 

The proposal does not need to be perfect. It is meant as an indication to the Ethics Committee that you have a manageable topic for your level, that you have sufficient knowledge on the topic, that you have a clear plan that can be accomplished in a proposed amount of time, and that you uphold scientific standards and ethical considerations in your research. 


We understand how daunting the proposal writing process can be, so we have created a step-by-step course to help you with proposal writing and beyond!

Self-enrol for the Advanced Library Training course on ClickUP HERE.


You can also view our Academic Writing skills tab on the Postgraduate Online Training Guide.

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