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Groenkloof Research Commons: Ethical clearance

Research Commons Groenloof

Ethics Guides

Faculty of Education Ethics Committee

Faculty of Education

Responsible and ethical research

The University pursues a research ethos that promotes exceptional expertise as well as ethical responsibility in the quest for knowledge and the development, conservation and transfer of such knowledge. The University strives towards quality research that contributes to the South African society and to the international community.  The University aims to achieve this by creating an enabling environment for researchers. Its role is also to protect the rights of the institution, the researcher and participants as laid out by the Constitution and applicable legislation.


Contact Information:

For more information please contact:

Mpho Mthembu (Ethics Administrator)

Room 3-63, Level 3, Aldoel Building

Email: or


Ethics Application Process and Procedure

All researchers at the University of Pretoria must have their research protocol approved before doing fieldwork and be familiar with the relevant policies and procedure for responsible ethical research.

Click to view Application Process Flow

Apply for Ethics Approval

Students can only apply after successful defence of their proposal. University staff members also need to apply for ethics approval and can apply for the entire project, or multiple times to cover specific research activities as they unfold in the life of the project.


Application Form

  • Applications may only be completed online only.
  • Please follow the step-by-step instructions regarding the application procedure that is provided on the Research Grants & Ethics portal.

There are two types of applications:

  • New applications:
  1. Individual research
  2. New studies
  3. Joining current studies
  4. Secondary analysis of existing data
  5. Commissioned research
  • Post approval applications: Application must be on the system.
  1. Procedural change (Amendments to original protocol)
  2. Undergraduate students
  3. Honours students and Research
  4. Health Sciences Ethics Committee requirement

Log in to staff portal and click here for application form

Application Review

The application is confidentially assessed by two independent reviewers on the Committee to evaluate if the information provided meets the ethical requirements and guidelines as set out in the University and Faculty policies. If the application meets all the criteria the protocol is approved.  However, should the reviewer identify any ethical concerns on the application form a decision will be made on the seriousness of the issue.  Applications with serious concerns have to be revised and resubmitted and minor concerns will be conditionally approved.  All decisions made by the Committee will be communicated in writing to the researcher. Researchers who receive a revise and resubmit or conditional approval letter should respond within a month to the Committee clearly indicating the changes made as recommended in the letter.


Ethics Clearance Certificate

At the end of the research a Clearance Certificate must be requested from the Ethical Committee together with a completed Integrated Declaration Form (D08) and proof of the registered title.  The Clearance Certificate forms part of the final thesis or dissertation for marking.

To obtain your ethics clearance certificate, send the following the documents to the ethics administrator:

  1. Ethics approval letter
  2. Registered/Approved title letter
  3. Integrated declaration form – D08 (Completed)

Ethics Application Process and Procedure approved by the Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee

In cases where the participants are seen as vulnerable and/or the research topic intrusive, approval form Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee is also required. Vulnerable participants are incarcerated, institutionalised, marginalised, disadvantaged people and groups amongst other that have:

  • Malaria
  • Disabilities
  • Mental health conditions

These applications must be approved by both the Education and Health Sciences Ethics Committee. All applications must first be reviewed by the Faculty of Education Ethics Committee before the application can be submitted to the Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee. The application procedure and documentation  Once approved by the Health Ethics Committee the researcher must notify the Education Committee thereof for an approval letter to be issued.

Click to view Application Process Flow


  • Class approval - This group involves applications from lecturers at the undergraduate level who require their students to do research as part of fulfilling the requirements of a module. Teaching practice only requires ethical clearance if there is a clear research component involved. Research activities should be structured and prescribed and no undergraduate students should be permitted to design their own data collection instruments. Class approval applications are valid as long as the module content and the research project remains the same and applications need not be renewed annually.
  • Honours students - applications for ethical clearance have to be submitted by the lecturer and students/group of students involved. This application can be submitted as a class approval if all students in a module are required to do the same research. However, if variations exist in the research projects among students, this application is best submitted per research project. Applications for ethical clearance are valid for 1 year from the date of consideration. Students who have not completed their degree in this time, or when the research design has changed significantly and substantially, should submit a new application.

Research Ethics Committee

  • Prof Funke Omidire (Chairperson)
  • Prof Liesel Ebersöhn (Deputy Chairperson)
  • Dr Roy Venketsamy (Department of Early Childhood Education)
  • Ms Moyosoreoluwa Soyombo (Department of Education Management and Policy Studies)
  • Dr Talita Calitz (Department of Education Management and Policy Studies)
  • Dr Nosipho Jaca (Department of Education Management and Policy Studies)
  • Dr Nevensha Sing (Department of Education Management and Policy Studies)
  • Dr Angelina Wilson Fadiji (Department of Educational Psychology)
  • Dr Sameera Ayob-Essop (Department of Educational Psychology)
  • Dr Tanya Smit (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Dr Delene Human (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Dr Sarina de Jager (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Dr Connie Makgabo (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Dr Raita Steyn (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Mrs Linette van der Merwe (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Dr Mia Abrie (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Dr Fru Vitalis Akuma (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Mr Vernon Candiotes (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Prof Marien Graham (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Ms Gontse Mthelebofu (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Prof Willem Rauscher (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Dr David Sekao (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Prof Sonja van Putten (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Dr Climant Khoza ((Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Dr Deborah Ali (Department of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education)
  • Ms Bontle Kgopa (Department of Educational Psychology)
  • Dr Nthembe Mbewe (Department of Humanities Education)
  • Dr Makwalete Malatji (Department of Early Childhood Education)
  • Dr Nkhensani Maluleke (Department of Humanities Education)

Monthly Ethics Meeting dates 2022

  • 16 February 2022
  • 16 March 2022
  • 20  April 2022
  • 18 May 2022
  • 15 June 2022
  • 20 July 2022
  • 17 August 2022
  • 21 September 2022
  • 19 October 2022
  • 16 November 2022

Ethics Department Representative

Applications must submitted a week before the meeting dates to their Department Representative.

Ethics application and approval system

Important documents:

Policy documents

Documents: Education Faculty

Documentation: Health Sciences Faculty

Department of Education Information