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Education: Dept of Early Childhood Education

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Early Childhood Education (CC BY-NC 4.0)

Collections in support of Early Childhood Education

  • Journal Collection 
    • Academic journals (also known as scholarly journals, scientific journals, or peer reviewed journals) contains articles written by experts and researchers of the study field. 
    • Articles published in journals can be accessed using the Databases, Google Scholar or the Everything search.
  • Databases 
    • EbscoHost
    • SAePublications
    • Taylor & Francis
    • Proquest
    • Sage Research Methods
  • Apparatus Collection
    • The collection include a variety of apparatus
      • Pictures - shelving location= Pictures with call number = EDUPR
      • Handpuppets - shelving location = Apparatus with call number = EDUAPP
      • Big Books - shelving location Children Collection with call number EDUJB.

BOOK collections in support of Early Childhood Education

  • Prescribed and Recommended books
    • Call numbers of these books: EDUGV (Education Library Study Collection)
    • The books are available for two-hour use and can be obtained from Access and Lending (Level 2 of the Education Library)
  • Book collection supporting the Teacher in ECE
    • Call numbers of the collection:  EDU 372 - EDU 372.9
    • Summary
      • 372.01-08 Standard subdivisions, elementary education for specific objectives
      • 372.1 Organization and activities in elementary education
      • 372.2 Specific levels of elementary education
      • 372.3 Computers, science, technology, health
      • 372.4 Reading
      • 372.5 Creative and manual arts
      • 372.6 Language
      • 372.7 Mathematics
      • 372.8 Other studies e.g. movement studies
      • 372.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment of elementary education


  • Book collection supporting the Children in ECE
    • The collection is called the Children's Collection
    • Call numbers of the collection: EDU 000 - 999
    • Summary
      • EDUJ 000 - EDUJ 100 General
      • EDUJ 200 Biblical studies
      • EDUJ 300 Social Sciences
      • EDUJ 370-EDUJ 379 Education e.g. practice manuals
      • EDUJ 400 Languages
      • EDUJ 500 Mathematics & Natural sciences
      • EDUJ 600 Engineering and Technology
      • EDUJ 700 Arts and music
      • EDUJ 800 Fiction
      • EDUJ 900 Historical studies

Research Support

UPSpace Community: Early Childhood Education

Research assistance: Endnote

Research Assistance: Research Guide

Accredited Journals and Transformative Agreements


DLS Staff

Profile Photo
Sonja Delport
Information Specialist
Education Library
+27 (0)12 420 5545

Department of Basic Education- South Africa

Reference Books

International Handbook of Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education

Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children

Encyclopedia of Education Research

International Encyclopedia of Education