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Veterinary Science: Plagiarism


Plagiarism is “…to steal ideas from another author or from the author’s work; taking someone else’s ideas or work and using them as if they are your own…”  (Bothma et al. 2011: 206). The University of Pretoria pursues a research ethos that promotes exceptional expertise as well as ethical responsibility in the quest for knowledge and the development, conservation and transfer of such knowledge. The ethical use of information is therefore non-negotiable.

You can avoid plagiarism by keeping the following rules in mind:

  • Use your own work
  • Use quotation marks for word-for-word citations
  • Do not just make cosmetic changes to source material
  • Keep track of the information you use (Endnote, Mendeley)
  • Avoid using social network resources (wikipedia, Blogs)
  • Use paraphrasing correctly

More information on plagiarism

Turnitin is a web-based writing assessment toolkit and plagiarism detection service that is integrated with the ClickUP system, but resides on the Web outside the UP domain. Students and researchers can submit their own work, allowing them to view the similarity reports, let them correct it and resubmit it.