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Veterinary Science Open Access Resources: Referencing Tools

This LibGuide provides information relevant to Veterinary Science open educational resources and open access

Referencing Tools


Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research


ZoteroBib helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software. It’s brought to you by the team behind Zotero, recommended by thousands of universities worldwide, 


Zotero is a free, open-source citation tool that works with Chrome and Firefox. It allows you to collect organize, cite, and share research. 


Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, i.e. it helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature. Docear is a free tool and is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. 


Citationsy lives in the cloud and is accessible from anywhere. Use our iPhone and Android apps to cite books. Your citation data is saved in the cloud and backed up every 10 minutes.


JabRef is a free open-source software and save your data in a simple text-based file format with no vendor lock-in. JabRef was founded 2003 and has since been used by many students and researchers.