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Research Guide: Research Tip Archives

This Guide provides post graduate students with the tips and tools necessary to successfully complete their research.

Research Tip Archive

Research writing tips 

It's time to let your research paper shine!

We have some incredible resources and applications to help you make your research paper stand out from the rest.

Click here and learn more!"

Research planning to reduce stress 

Life is stressful enough as is! 📈

We want to give you some tips on how to improve your planning and reduce your stress.

That begins with effective time management and goal setting. Click on this link!

Research Citing Tools

Are you struggling to cite your work? 📚 We're here to help! Click on this link to download EndNote 20 Referencing Software.

Verbal Data Collection Tools 

Interested in learning more about verbal data collection tools?🧐 Simply visit Merensky Library's Research Commons Section for the book "An Introduction to Qualitative Research" by Uwe Flick! It will offer you great insight into verbal data collection. ✅".

Qualitative Research Tools 

Which tools should you use for your qualitative research? 🤔 Check them out by clicking on this link!

Choosing and writing your Research Methodology

Research methodology refers to a set or collection of techniques used in the design of a study to reach credible conclusion. The selection of the research method is crucial in determining the quality and integrity of the results produced. If you are stuck with selecting or writing your research methodology, visit our Research Methods tab for a list of recommended resources.

Research Data Management Plan 

Research Data Management is the process of controlling the information generated during a research project. Any research will require some level of data management, and funding agencies are increasingly requiring scholars to plan and execute good data management practices.

For more information, you can click the following links : What it is! & How to create it!

Navigating your ethics submission 

Do you want to know how to get ethics clearance? 

From understanding POPIA for researchers, to navigating your ethics submission - we're here to help you.

Click here to learn more!

ATLAS.ti statistical software user guide 

"Having challenges with using ATLAS. ti statistical software? 🤔

Check out these free user guide tutorial videos!

They cover everything from what's new in ATLAS.ti 22 through to sentiment analysis.

Click here: "



How to request for statistical softwares

Need help finding software for your statistical analysis? 🧐

We've got you!🤩 Easily find out how to request SPSS, ATLAS.ti, STATA, and Qualtrics by clicking here!

Tips on data analysis 

We want to share a few of our top tips on data analysis! ✅

 Begin with the end in mind - know what message you want to get across ✅ 

Ask questions to reflect on both the research problem to be solved and valid results ✅ 

Set reasonable expectations & MORE!

Click on the following link: "

Tackling research goals 

Do you need help in reaching your research goals? 📈

Check out the external workshops and webinars that will assist in your various research milestones!

click here for more information!

PhD Meme

                                                           ThePhDHub (2021)

Referencing can be described as giving credit, with citation, to the source of information used in one’s work. Research is a buildup on what other people have previously done thus referencing helps to relate your own work to previous work. Unacknowledged use and presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own can be used to describe plagiarism. The University of Pretoria takes plagiarism very seriously and could lead to the loss of marks or exclusion from the university. Referencing is important for a number of reasons, some of which include:

  • It allows for acknowledgement of the use of other people’s opinions, ideas, theories and inventions.
  • Helps readers understand what influenced the writer’s thinking and how their ideas were formulated.
  • Helps the readers evaluate the extent of the writer’s reading.
  • Enables readers to visit source materials for themselves and verify the information.

The library offers support and training for EndNote referencing support software.

Survey sampling made easy

Check out these resources for sampling types and tips using the links below. These will help make survey sampling easy. 😉

1️⃣ Population & Sample:

2️⃣ Applied Survey Sampling by Edward and Johnny Blair: "

Visualising data using Excel 

Do you need some guidance on visualising your data using Excel? 📈

Find a training video here:

The training video covers everything from plotting graphs/charts in Excel to formatting and customising graphs. ✅ "

Data analysis tips and resources 

Are you currently working on data analysis? 🧐

Then the Research Commons has some valuable tips and resources to share with you! 😁

Click here to learn more: "

Building up your article 

Wondering how to build up your article? 🤔

Check out this helpful guide for assistance on the structure, authorship, title, keywords, abstract, introduction, methods, ethics, results, figures and tables, discussion, conclusion, references and supplementary material.

Click here for the guide:"

Survey Sampling: Describing the Population Meme 

                                                           [Accessed : 20 July 2022]

Population Description

  • A population may be defined as an entire group that is of your research interest.
  • You cannot study this entire population but need to draw your sample or a smaller group drawn from the population.
  • Before drawing your sample, it’s important to clearly define the population of interest.

Population Units

  • First define the population units.
  • What is your population made up of?
  • Are your population unit’s individuals, households, institutions, businesses, or behavioural events?

Setting Population Boundaries

  • Set a population boundary, defined as the conditions separating those who are of study interest to those who are not of interest.
  • Population boundaries may include demographic characteristics, geography, behaviours and intentions as examples.

Framing Population Members

  • Obtain a list of the population members in which a sample can be drawn.
  • If a list of the population members cannot be obtained, then one can conduct sampling without a list by estimating the population size.


Blair, E. and Blair, J., 2014. Applied survey sampling. Sage Publications.

Applied sampling ebook

Language editing, formatting and transcribing services 

Whether you need assistance with having your data transcribed, formatting your research article or need your thesis or dissertation language edited

Find language practitioners who can help you. ✅

Click here: "

How to conduct a statistical data analysis using SPSS

Want to know how to conduct a statistical data analysis using SPSS? 🤔

Check out "Introductory Statistics using SPSS" by Herschel Knapp for a step-by-step guide in SPSS!

Click here to view the procedure for requesting IBM SPSS Software:"

How to cite sources correctly 

For this week's tip, our Research Commons team wants to share how you can learn to cite data sources correctly. 😁

Learn more!


How to use heading styles and automatic numbering in Microsoft Word 

Let's chat about Microsoft Word! 💻👏

For this week's Research Tip, we touch on how you can make use of heading styles and automatic numbering.

Click here to learn more!

Shortcuts in MS Word (Windows and Mac)

"#ResearchTipOfTheWeek 💻

There are no shortcuts in post-graduate studies, but there are in MS Word. 😉

Click here for some shortcuts you could use in MS Word!

How to structure, write and publish an article 


How to structure, write and publish an article 💻✅

To ease this process, have a look at these materials that will guide you on these steps!

Open Educational Resources (OERs) 


Check out some Open Educational Resources (OERs) - Yes, they are for FREE! 😜

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational material that is freely available for teachers and students to use, adapt, share, and reuse. Click here!

Conference Presentation 

"#ResearchTipOfTheWeek 📈

Are you presenting at a conference soon?

Then make sure you check out our tips on using MS PowerPoint to showcase your research by simply clicking here!

Research Data Cleaning 


Clean, transform and match your data! 📑

Check out this free open source and powerful tool to arrange your data: OpenRefine!

DISCLAIMER: Please note that the research data must be uploaded onto Figshare! 

Research Presentations and Conferences 

"#ResearchTipOfTheWeek 💬

Do you intend to present your research at a conference?

Find the Conal and Global directories below for alerts on the possible conferences to attend!

Conal  and Global

Check out our Research Guide on Conferences and Presentations by clicking here! 

Drafting a Quantitative Research Article 

"#ResearchTipOfTheWeek 💻

Are you drafting a quantitative research article? Check out these guidelines!

Virtual Appointment 


Need to talk to any of our friendly Research Commons staff?

Feel free to make a virtual appointment with them!🤩


Feeling Overwhelmed ? 


Are you feeling overwhelmed and need to talk to someone? 🫶 Contact the UP care line number on 0800 747 747 

Or use these self-help materials from the Student Counselling Unit

Academic Writing Skills 

"#ResearchTipOfTheWeek 🎓

Improve your academic writing skills! Have a look at these quick tips, principles and resources. 

Are you learning how to use R programming language? 


Are you learning how to use R programing language? 🤔

Find these useful resources to simplify your learning path


Softwares for writing support 


For this week's Research Tip, the Research Commons would like to share these softwares that offer writing support!🤩

✅ ProWritingAid:

✅ Hemmingway:

✅ Grammarly: "


Request for a study programme extension

#ResearchTipOfTheWeek: Are you wondering how to request an extension for your thesis/dissertation submission deadline? All you have to do is locate the extension form, and present it to your supervisor along with the Gantt chart and your justification for the extension. 

Read more:

Research milestones 

 #ResearchTipOfTheWeek: Wondering how you will tackle your research milestones? We've got you! Visit our Research Guide for tips and tools necessary to successfully complete your research in accordance with the SMART principles. Click on the link to access the guide:

How to download IBM SPSS 

#ResearchTipOfTheWeek: Do you want to download and install IBM SPSS software? 🤔 Be on the lookout for SPSS training from the Research Commons or watch this video to see how:

Research milestones

#ResearchTipOfTheWeek: Check out your research milestones for more guidance on what is expected of you using these easy-to-follow steps:

  1. Login into your UP portal

  2. Click on the Student Centre portlet

  3. Click on the Academic Information portlet 

  4. Select View my Milestones 

Are you planning to publish your research and want to avoid rejections?

#ResearchTipOfTheWeek: Are you planning to publish your research and want to avoid rejections? Register for our webinar: Avoiding rejection: how to successfully navigate the publishing process.

To register, click on the link:

Currently enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program and unsure how to begin the data collection process?

#ResearchTipOfTheWeek: Currently enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program and unsure how to begin the data collection process? Let’s get you started! Visit the Data Collection Techniques in your Research Guide to understand the data collection process.

To access the guide, click on the link: 

Research Tip Archive_Instagram

Research Tip Archive_Instagram

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