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Ancient Languages and Cultures (ALC): Ancient Languages Resources

Subject guide for students, researchers and academics in Ancient Languages and Cultures. Provides overview of resources available via UP's

Ancient Languages Resources

Below are links to the Theology: Old Testament and Theology: New Testament subject guides, developed by the Theology information specialist.

Included in these extensive subject guides are extremely useful links to lists of books in our libraries and online resources for use with the study of Greek and Hebrew. Do visit them! See below.

(Point to the each of following headings, and click on the links that appear to visit the relevant tabs in the relevant subject guides).


Old Testament:

Reference Tools

Hebrew Grammar

Hebrew and Hebrew Bible Resources

Bible Study: Online Language and Font Tools

Bible Background

Comparative Tools

Ancient Near Eastern

and others at Theology and Religion: Old Testament


New Testament: 

New Testament Texts

Greek Grammar

Greek and Greek Bible Resources

Reference Tools

Bible Background

Bible Study: Online Language and Font Tools

Comparative Tools

and others at Theology and Religion: New Testament