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Ancient Languages and Cultures (ALC): Worldcat Discovery Service

Subject guide for students, researchers and academics in Ancient Languages and Cultures. Provides overview of resources available via UP's


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This is the Advanced Search Page. Format the page:

At the bottom, Choose University of Pretoria.

Format: Choose Books.

In the search boxes, enter your search terms.

Result list:

Filter on the left side of the screen.

Click on the book's title to see the library record of the book.

Click on Description to see the Subject Headings.

Scroll down to see the library holdings.

Click on View all editions to see the other editions of the book and if they are in our library collection.

Each record has the option to Share, Cite and Save.

Sign In to save lists.


The material you need may not be available in the Merensky library.

Filters: Choose Libraries Worldwide.

Locate the relevant record. [read the screen].

Click on the title of the book / journal to see the complete record.

Scroll down.

Click on Interlending Request (Pre-Request) button

Complete the information boxes.


Note down the Request ID for follow-up purposes.