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Interlending: Interlending FAQ's

Interlending FAQ's


Q1    Who may use Interlibrary loan services?          
Q2    How do I submit requests?          
Q3    How long do I keep the books and fines on overdue books?          
Q4    How do I renew books?    
Q5    What material can be requested at Interlending?          
Q6    How long does it take to obtain material?          
Q7    Will I have to pay for documents requested via Interlending?          
Q8    What happens if I lose an interlibrary loan book?
Q9    How do I know if the book or article has arrived?


A1: Who may use the Interlibrary loan services?


A2: How do I submit requests?


A3: How long do I keep the books and what are the fines on overdue books?


A4: How do I renew books?
  • The renewal of ILL material depends on the restrictions set by the lending library. If you want to renew, you must contact the Access and lending desk or email at least three working days before the material is due. You can also come in person to the library and ask at the Access and Lending desk. Always bring the book along if the renewal cannot be granted.
A5: What material can be requested at Inter lending?  
  • Photocopies of journal articles, conference papers and chapters of books
  • Books may be requested by South African libraries(we do not lend books to international libraries)
  • UP Masters and Doctoral theses in book format and URL address. The URL of theses will be supplied free of charge to requesting libraries, both national & International
A6: How long does it take to obtain material?
  1. For Books (National and International)
    • Books sent by South African National Library Courier Services (Gauteng province) take a maximum of 5 days.
    • Books from CSIR and UP branch libraries take a maximum of 2 days.
    • Books & articles sent by courier from other libraries outside Gauteng province take 2-3 weeks.
    • Books from overseas libraries take 4-5 weeks. It does however depend on the availability of the book.
  2. Document Requests (Inter branch requests of books)
    • 1 or 2 days as it is delivered and pick-up via the library’s Post room service.
  3. For Articles
    • Articles sent electronically are mostly received and directly sent to the patron’s indicated email address within 1-2 days.
    • Once the URL was clicked and the article opened up for the first time, it will remain available on this site for 30 days. After 30 days, the article will be removed and the URL will become inactive. The article may be opened up to a maximum of five (5) times.
    • Articles that are not opened will be removed after 30 days and the URL cancelled.
A7: Will I have to pay for documents requested via Interlending?
  • National interlibrary loan services are free to all users who qualify for the services. For International requests, charges may apply and departments are responsible for payment of documents received.
  • Unless libraries have a reciprocal free of charge agreement, fees as determined by the National Library of South Africa, will be charged for ILL documents.


A8: What happens if I lose an interlibrary loan book?


A9: How do I know if the book or article has arrived?
  • Articles received electronically will be dispatched electronically via article exchange to user’s e-mail address.
  • Clients will also be notified by e-mail if books have arrived.

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