Your relevant student / staff / external user card identifies you for borrowing.
See the different categories for borrowing, access and privileges.
The Library reserves the right to shorten the normal loan period or to recall library material before the due date when the material is urgently required by other users. This will only be done if you have renewed more than once.
The borrowing privileges and e-access of any borrower (including interlending records and libraries) who fails to return items to the library or who fails to pay fines or costs owing, will be withdrawn or suspended.
See borrowing privileges under each category if in doubt.
Prescribed Textbooks
Only registered students may borrow these books.
The borrowing period is only two hours.
When returned late (even part of an hour) fines will be allocated to the student’s library record. A different fine structure is applicable for these books.
Borrowing History:
Please activate the borrowing history on your My Library Account for later reference. It will only be available from date of activation.
Different borrowing privileges apply to the different categories of users:
User Groups | Books | Days | e-Access off Campus | ILL | IS* Assistance |
Under-graduates | 6 items | 14 days | Y | Only books from UP libraries | Learning Centre only |
4th - 6th year | 10 items | 21 days | Y | Only books from UP libraries | Learning Centre only |
Honors students | 10 items | 21 days | Y | Y | Y |
UP Masters & Doctorate | 15 items | 30 days | Y | Y | Y |
Permanent academic staff | 30 items | 60 days | Y | Y | Y |
Part time academic staff/Researchers | 20 items | 30 days | Y | Y | Y |
Permanent & part time support staff | 10 items | 30 days | Y | Y | Y |
Retired UP staff | 20 items | 30 days | Y | N | Limited |
Post doctoral fellows | 20 items | 30 days | Y | Y | Y |
Friends of the Library | 6 items | 30 days | Y | N | Y |
Tuks Alumni Premium** | 2 items | 14 days | N | N | Limited |
Tuks Alumni Gold** | None | N | N | N | N |
Chelsa** | 6 items | 14 days | N | N | N |
ARC** | 10 items | 21 days | N | N | N |
Embassy staff** | 4 items | 14 days | N | N | N |
External Users** | 6 items | 14 days | N | N | N |
E@UP | 4 items | 14 days | N | N | N |
*IS = Information Specialist
**External users who want to join the library should contact the library before visiting arrangements are made. Please call +27 12 420 5240.
Day visitors should send an email to / prior to the visit to receive information regarding the visit. An access PIN will be created for the specific date. See rules for day visitors.
User groups who do not have access to the e-resources off campus can enquire at the Information Desk for assistance to access them in the library. Extra services are available at additional cost.
All material can be borrowed for the above periods except material from the different special collections, where different policies apply.
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